Project: Touch the pan till New Year and when makeup expires?! / Zavrsi do Nove godine i kada istice sminka?!
Since I've started blogging, I've been buying a lot more make up. But I didn't quite found the time to use up everything so I founded some products sitting in the back of the drawer. Especially pricer ones because I always end up saving them for special occasions. Or with favorites, I would notice that I have a bit of product left and leave it aside. So now it's time to bring them back and finish what I've started.
And when rediscovering products, thing I kept in mind are expiration dates. First check small sign, it tells you how long you should use it after opening product. But some general rules are:
1. Foundation/concelear 6-12 months
2. Mascara 2-3 months
3. Lipstick 2 years
4. Lipgloss 1 year
5. Powder products 1-2 years
Maybelline Lash sensational is mascara I've used for last 2 months and I can feel that it's coming to end. Now it's important not to keep it around in next week so I could use it all up.
When it comes to Porefessional I don't think it will be hard for me to use it up. I have it in mini size, and after saving it for couple months, I need to give it a go.
And since winter (I don't care that it is not techically winter, when I see Christmas movies and decorations around winter starts) is the time to get use of my dark lipsticks, I am bringing back L'oreal Caresse in 402 Milady.
What you could notice if you been around for some time, is that I love my concelears. I definitely have much more than I should, and I guess that is the reason why I am not using all of them up.
I constantly switch them around, but now I will focus on Maybelline Insant age rewind.
Vichy Dermablend foundation I raved about but used it mostly as concelar for spots. It has been around for a long time so I would now use it more often and sometimes as a foundation. I don't want it to go bad especially because it is great product.
So what are you currently using/loving?
Od kako sam pocela sa blogovanjem sminka se samo nakuplja a nikako da stignem da sve potrosim. Pogotovo kada su i pitanju skuplji proizvodi. Njih posebno cuvam i "stedim" za specijalne prilike ali sve smo svesne da se sminka bolje ponasa ukoliko ne odstoji (maskare su izuzetak posto se meni vecinom svide kada pocnu malo da se isusuju). Sta sam jos zapazila sad gledajuci u kolekciju je da kada su proizvodi skoro istroseni, ja ih ne trosim do kraja. Jednostavno pocnem da se igram sa drugima i da isprobavam novo, bez obzira sto mi je ostalo jos nekoliko upotreba, i zaboravim.
Mislim da je sad pravo vreme za tamnije ruzeve, tako da cu probati da iskoristim jedan od mojih omiljenih, L'oreal Caresse u nijansi 402 Milady.
I dok sam se odlucivala za ove proizvode, morala sam da imam u vidu rok isteka. Mali podsenik; prvo se gleda slicica na proizvodu i broj na njoj je u stvari rok upotrebe od otvaranja. Ali pored toga neka od generalnih rokova vazenja su:
1. Tecni puder/korektori do godinu dana
2. Maskare- 2 do 3 meseca
3. Ruzevi do 2 godine
4. Sjajevi do godinu dana
5. Proizvodi u prahu/kamenu - godinu do dve
Sta vi trosite/volite ovih dana?
And when rediscovering products, thing I kept in mind are expiration dates. First check small sign, it tells you how long you should use it after opening product. But some general rules are:
1. Foundation/concelear 6-12 months

3. Lipstick 2 years
4. Lipgloss 1 year
5. Powder products 1-2 years
Maybelline Lash sensational is mascara I've used for last 2 months and I can feel that it's coming to end. Now it's important not to keep it around in next week so I could use it all up.
When it comes to Porefessional I don't think it will be hard for me to use it up. I have it in mini size, and after saving it for couple months, I need to give it a go.
And since winter (I don't care that it is not techically winter, when I see Christmas movies and decorations around winter starts) is the time to get use of my dark lipsticks, I am bringing back L'oreal Caresse in 402 Milady.
What you could notice if you been around for some time, is that I love my concelears. I definitely have much more than I should, and I guess that is the reason why I am not using all of them up.
I constantly switch them around, but now I will focus on Maybelline Insant age rewind.
Vichy Dermablend foundation I raved about but used it mostly as concelar for spots. It has been around for a long time so I would now use it more often and sometimes as a foundation. I don't want it to go bad especially because it is great product.
So what are you currently using/loving?
Od kako sam pocela sa blogovanjem sminka se samo nakuplja a nikako da stignem da sve potrosim. Pogotovo kada su i pitanju skuplji proizvodi. Njih posebno cuvam i "stedim" za specijalne prilike ali sve smo svesne da se sminka bolje ponasa ukoliko ne odstoji (maskare su izuzetak posto se meni vecinom svide kada pocnu malo da se isusuju). Sta sam jos zapazila sad gledajuci u kolekciju je da kada su proizvodi skoro istroseni, ja ih ne trosim do kraja. Jednostavno pocnem da se igram sa drugima i da isprobavam novo, bez obzira sto mi je ostalo jos nekoliko upotreba, i zaboravim.
Vichy Dermablend je jedan od mojih omiljenih tecnih pudera, ali sam ga vise koristila kao korektor zbog odlicne prekrivne moci. A i nije preporucen za svakodnevnu upotrebu. Tako da mi se vec neko vreme provlaci po fioci i mislim da je krajnje vreme da ga zavrsim pre nego sto pocne da mi izaziva cudne reakcije.
Maybelline Lash sensational maskaru imam vec 2 meseca i osecam da je pri izdisaju ali cu ostati dosledna i iskoristiti je do kraja pre nego sto pocnem da ispobavam novitet od Make up For ever-a.
Sto se -a tice,takodje mislim da necu imati veliki problem da ga zavrsim buduci da je mini verzija, koju sam cuvala dok ne kupim nesto slicno.
Korektori su kao sto ste mozda primetile moja slabost i imam ih na izvoz. Bas zato ih retko trosim, posto se svake nedelje igram sa drugim. Sada je na trosenje dosao Maybelline Instant age rewind.
Mislim da je sad pravo vreme za tamnije ruzeve, tako da cu probati da iskoristim jedan od mojih omiljenih, L'oreal Caresse u nijansi 402 Milady.
I dok sam se odlucivala za ove proizvode, morala sam da imam u vidu rok isteka. Mali podsenik; prvo se gleda slicica na proizvodu i broj na njoj je u stvari rok upotrebe od otvaranja. Ali pored toga neka od generalnih rokova vazenja su:

2. Maskare- 2 do 3 meseca
3. Ruzevi do 2 godine
4. Sjajevi do godinu dana
5. Proizvodi u prahu/kamenu - godinu do dve
Sta vi trosite/volite ovih dana?
2 коментара
Obozavam Maybelline maskaru :) <3
ReplyDeleteI do the same thing with better quality products as well. Try save them for time of crisis and before I know they're out of date. My beauty obsession at the moment is the Emite Diamond Heart Base Primer <3
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I really enjoy reading your blog and I've nominated you for the Liebster Award. You can check out a post on this on my blog here :) xx