L'oreal foundations / Vodic kroz L'oreal tecne pudere
When it comes to foundations, drugstore has my heart. My go to brand is L'oreal (and I like Bourjois, too but not what this post is about). So you know that I had to try all different types.
Keep in mind that I have acne prone and oily skin.
My ultimate favorite is Infallible one. I even did an entire post about it when it came up but not a lot since than changed.
And last one is cult favorite True match. I need to put this out there; the reason why I haven't tried old formula for so long is because when I went to buy it, girl that was working there really scared me becuase shetold me that it's not good for oily skin and can break me out. When this new formula came out I saw that it said non-comedogenic (it doesn't cause problems on skin), I decided to give it a go. After using it for 2 months I still don't know how exactly I feel about it. It has medium coverage (not enough to cover my acne and scars) and it feels a bit heavy. On the other hand it lasts long on skin. New formula has liquidy texture and says "super blendable". I won't deny that but honestly it is not first thing that I look for in foundation. In the end I guess I like it, but I don't see myself repurchasing it again.
What were your experiences with these foundations and what is your favorite drugstore foundation?
Kada si tecni puderi u pitanju uvek dajem prednost drogerijskim brendovima. Ne bas svim uglavnom su to L'oreal, Bourjois i Rimmel, ali danas cemo se posvetiti samo L'oreal-u.
Moj omiljeni tecni puder je definitivno L'oreal Infallible. Mozda se secate kada sam govorila o njemu prosle godine i mogu da kazem da se nije mnogo toga promenilo i da sam nastavila da ga koristim.
Sledeci koji sam probala bio je Lumi magique. I sama nisam sigurna zasto sam mislila da ce meni odgovarati, ali dala sam mu sansu. Moja koza je masna i sklona bubuljicama tako da od pudera ocekujem dobro prekrivanje i ne preterano glowy finis. Ili je tako bilo dok nisam probala ovaj puder. On ima lagano do medium prekrivanje i posto je dosta tecan veoma lako se blenda i stapa sa kozom. Koza izgleda prirodno zdravo i daje joj neki sjaj (nikakve sljokice nista preterano). Na masnoj kozi izgleda drugacije posle nekoliko sati kada masnoca izbije, tako da ga ne koristim svakodnevno. Ali je za svaku preporuku onima koji imaju suvu ili normalnu kozu.
I za kraj cult favorit True match. Razlog zbog kog nisam probala staru verziju je prodavacica koja me je uplasila kada mi je rekla da nije dobar za masnu kozu (pogotovo mladje devojke) zato sto moze da izazove iritaciju i bubuljice. Bila sam veoma izenadjena posto ni do danas nisam cula nesto slicno o ovom puderu. Ali na novoj formuli stoji znak non comedogenic (ne izaziva iritacije i bubuljice) tako da sam odlucila da ga konacno probam. Koristim ga vec oko 2 meseca i jos nisam sigurna koliko mi se dopada. Nije postigao prerivanje koje sam ocekivala (ima srednje prerovanje vise slojeva potpuno ali daleko od Dermablenda i pokrivanja mojih bubuljica). Proizvodjac tvrdi "super blendable" sto je istina i dobro se prilagodjava kozi. Na licu se definitvno oseca dosta teze nego prethodni. Ja cu nastaviti da ga koristim, ali nisam sigurna da cu ga ponovo kupiti.
Koji su vasi omiljeni drogerijski puderi i da li ste probale neki od ovih?
7 коментара
U septembru sam htela da kupim lumi magicque, ali u Austriji više ne postoji taj puder. Nema ga apsolutno nigde, verovatno će postepeno nestati i kod nas. Videla sam True match u novom pakovanju, pa sam ipak čekala recenziju kako bih bila potpuno sigurna šta kupujem. Sada sam trenutno u fazi gde čistim sve pudere koje sam kupovala, tako da cu ubuduće da kupim neki od L'Oréala pošto vidim da dosta devojaka hvale.
ReplyDeleteDa i ja sam primetila da je kod nas dosta puta bio na snizenju, bice bas steta ako ga povuku
DeletePlaniram da kupim neki Loreal puder i mislim da ce izbor pasti na True match, ali sada si me zainteresovala i za Lumi magique :).
ReplyDeleteMoracu da isprobam L'oreal Infallible jer vidim da ga svi hvale i da su svi prezadovoljni :)
ReplyDeleteone. Don't ask me why I thought would it would be a good idea for me to try it. What this foundation is meant for is to give that healthy glow to skin without looking like you are wearing makeup. I see why would someone with normal or even dry skin love it. It has light to medium coverage and liquid texture, now I can't believe I'm writing this, blends like a dream. It feels so light weight on skin and looks so natural like you are not wearing foundation. It was quite a change for me to see something like that on my skin, since I usually go for medium to full coverage foundations that sometimes look like mask on my skin. Again becuase of my oily skin, I don't use it very often on myself but if you have normal to dry skin you need this in your life. lawn cotton suits , pakistani lawn suits for sale , pakistani lawn suits online shopping , lawn suits online , pakistani lawn suits price , pakistani lawn dress , pakistani cotton suits , designer lawn suits online , pakistani lawn suits wholesale , lawn suits sale
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