
Hello darlings, so on August 31st last year this blog was born and as cliche as it sounds I can`t believe that entire year has passed! First I want to tell you how grateful I am for every single person that takes their time to read my posts and/or follows  me.

And sometimes it feels crazy to just sit there and write (and pretend there are hundreds of people that will read that!) about things I love or just some personal things that I don`t feel comfortable sharing with people that know me, but all in all this is my hobby and something that I enjoy doing. This year was one of the craziest in my life, with a lot of nice moments but also year that I have touched my rock bottom, and one of rare things that was stable during everything was this blog. Thank you all for sticking with me through everything and making my days so much better.
Hope you will be ready for a loads of new content and maybe a little giveaway soon :)



Cao drage moje, na danasnji dan pre godinu dana sam osnovala ovaj blog i bez obzira sto zvuci kao klise ne mogu da se ne zapitam kako je ova godina proletela! Prvo zelim da vam kazem koliko sam zahvalna za svaki minut vremena koji neka od vas izdvoji dok cita moje postove i/ili me prati.
I nekada i sama sebi budem smesna dok pisem ovde (i pravim se da stotine ljudi ovo cita) o stvarima u koje volim ili osecanjima koja ne mogu da podelim sa drugim ljudima u mom okruzenju, ali sve u svemu je najbolji hobi koji sam mogla da izaberem. Ova godina je bila jedna do najludjih u mom zivotu, sa mnogo lepih trenutaka ali i godina kada sam sto se kaze bila i na dnu, i jedna od retkih stvari kojoj sam uvek mogla da se vratim je ovaj blog. Hvala vam svima sto ste svesno ili nesvesno bile uz mene, citale postove i ulepsavale mi dane.
Nadam se da ste spremne za dosta novog sadrzaja i mozda mali giveaway uskoro :)



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9 коментара

  1. Congratulations on having your blog for a year! It's definitely a great achievement to stick at it and allow your blog to grow.:)

    - www.veebzboo.com

  2. Happy first birthday to your blog. The days go by so fast don't they? :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

    1. Thanks, and they always do when you are doing things you love :)

  3. Congrats on your first year of blogging, and to the many more to come :)

    1. Thanks, hope you will all be there to see them :)

  4. Congrats on your blog anniversary and glad I found your blog :) x
