ULTIMATE MASCARA BREAKDOWN! / Moji utisci o maskarama!


So hello guys. Last night I was trying to organize my makeup collection and I've noticed how many products I've been keeping in my used up drawer to review before I finally get rid of them. And guess what, most of them were mascaras. I use mascara on daily bases and always try to try out some new ones, because life is too short to use same mascaras all the time.

To start of with my all time favorite that I've talked about probably too many times. It is Too faced Better than sex. It gives such a dramatic volume and makes lashes black like no other mascara. You don't even have to work in layers which is always a plus for me cause I am usually in a hurry. Even girls that have invisible lashes will love this mascara.
Next I want to talk about another well known favorite They're real. A year ago everyone were going crazy about this mascara but I guess a lot of new mascras came out so people kind of forgot about this one. Well I haven't because this brush gives an amazing separation, length and volume but not that dramatic as Better than sex.

New discovery for me was Lash sensational from Maybelline. Even though I heard everyone talking only best about it, I was kind of sceptical because I never needed an extra curl or anything like that. But I've got to say that I ended up loving it especially when it dried out a bit. The length that it gives to lashes is amazing.
Oldie but a goodie Rocket express mascara from Maybelline. I won't bore you with this one anymore since we all already now how much I love it (if you haven't heard me braging it you can see that here)
L'oreal Miss manga was also one of my favorites at the time, but I can say that after trying all of these mascaras it is more awerage than favorite now. You can get lashes to look long and volumized but it takes a bit of an effort and time to get there.
Essence I heart extreme is a great buget mascara. You can use it for a really long time before it dries out and with a with a second layer you can get it work.
L'oreal False lash wings was my love it/hate it mascara. On some days I could get it to work amazing  and end up with feathery lahses but on others it just didn't give volume I expected.
All of the mascaras I mentioned above are the ones that I liked and that I would buy again. Now we are moving on to some that didn't work out for me or just were okay-ish.

Max factor 2000 calorie mascara was the first one that I've tried and I don't know what happend since then. I am not sure if they reformulated it or I've just got the one that was sitting in drugstore for a long time. It felt a lot dry and although I used it up, there are just other mascaras I would rather use than this one.
Max factor 2000 calorie curved brush and curl, same problem as with original 2000 calorie. It was kind of dry and I felt I couldn't get max of this one eather.

Go colossal go extreme! from Maybelline is the one that I picked up becuase I heard a lot of people talking about amazing mascara in yellow packaging from Maybelline. I am not sure if I got the wrong one but this one didn't seem to do magic like the others were saying. I did used it up but it kind of make my lashes spiky and stick together.
I really tried to like Big eyes from Maybelline but the brush for upper lashes just didn't seem to work out for me. It is kind of twisted and made my lashes stick together instead of separating them.
And I saved Great lash in extra black for end because I really couldn't find a way to make it work. There is so much spacing on a brush and I just always end up with three lashes. I did't like the formula eather becuase it was way to wet.
Well that was all that I found in my drawer for now and I guess I will keep you noticed when I use some new mascaras by adding them to this post and updating it. I hope you like this post and let me know, have you tried some of these mascaras and what are your thoughts? Also any advice on which mascara I should try next?

Zdravo devojke, posto sam ja sinoc malo rasciscavala i pokusavala da doteram moju kolekciju sminke naisla sam na korpicu sa proizvodima koje sam cuvala za recenzije pre nego sto konacno odu u smece. I da budem iskrena u korpici su preovladjivale maskare, posto maskaru koristim svakodnevno i redovno menjam cim pocinje da se isusuje, a i uzivam da stalno isprobavam nove.
Tako da u ovom postu cucete i lepo i ruzno o maskarama koje sam ja koristila.

Da pocnemo sa mojom dobro znanom omiljenom Too faced Better than sex maskarom. Mislim da su i ptice na grani cule koliko sam je hvalila ali ne mogu da odolim da jos jednom napisem koliko je izuzetna. Daje toliko dramatican volumen i duzinu i cini da trepavice izgledaju kao vestacke bez mnogo muke oko nanosenja. Sigurna da sam da je i cak devojke koje imaju nevidjive trepavice obozavaju.
Sledeca je They're real od Benefit-a. Znam da su jedno vreme svi bili zaludjeni ovom maskarom a onda su pocele da izlaze nove, tako da nisam cula da je neko skoro spominjao. Ja je nisam zaboravila i idalje je jedna od mojih omiljenih posto je cetkica fenomenalna. Razdvaja trepvice, i daje im gustinu i duzinu ali ne toliko dramaticno kao Better than sex.
Novo otkrice za mene je bila Lash sensational od Maybellina. Pored sve prasine koja se digla oko ove maskare i svih devojaka koje su je hvalile, moram da priznam da sam bila malo skepticna da je probam, s obzirom da mi prioritet nije da kazemo uvijenost trepavica vec gustina. Bila sam prijatno iznenadjena duzinom i gustinom koju je davala pogotovo kada se malo osusila, tako da mogu da povrdim da je sa razlogom toliko hvale.

Stara maskara kojoj sam se cesto vracala je Rocket od Maybellina. Mislim da je ova formula stvorena za moje trepvice i ukoliko me vec niste cule koliko je hvalim mozete to videti ovde.
L'oreal Miss manga je takodje u svoje vreme bila jedna od favorita ali sada kada sam isprobala gore navedene maskare jednostavno je pala u drugi plan. Moze da se koristi i dobije lep efekat ali je potrebno malo truda i vremena.
Essence I heart extreme je moj izbor ukoliko sam na budzetu. Ova maskara dosta dugo traje i dobije se cak 12 ml sto je vise nego u svim gorepomenutim. Mislim da ne moze da se pogresi sa plasticnom cetkicom tako da je i kod ove to slucaj.
L'oreal False lash wings je moja volim/mrzim maskara. Jednostavno nekih dana moze da napravi trepavice da izgledaju prirodno ali u isto vreme dugo i gusto dok ih drugih dana samo slepi.
Sve maskare koje sam gore pomenula mogu da preporucim i kazem da cu ih ponovo koristiti. One su ili bile moji favoriti ili su to jos uvek, ali postoji i druga strana ovog posta. To su maskare koje meni licno nisu odgovarale ili jednostavno nisu ispunile moja ocekivanja.
Max factor 2000 calorie je bila prva maskara koju sam ja koristila ali ne znam sta se desilo od tada; da li su promenili formulu ili sam ja naisla na maskaru koja je dugo stajala u drogeriji, posto je maskara koju sam kupila bila dosta suva i samim tim mi je veoma kratko trajala. U svakom slucaju sam je iskoristila ali sam se malo mucila da dobijem zeljeni efekat na trepavicama.

Max factor 2000 calorie curved brush and curl, i vi bi pomislile da cu se zausaviti ako vidim da mi originalna verzija vise ne odgovara ali ja sam zelela da probam i drugu nadajuci se da je bolja. Opet sam naisla na isti problem tako da necu vise isprobavati ovu kolekciju.
Posto sam cula da je dosta ljudi hvalilo zutu Maybelline maskaru naravno da sam morala da vidim sta je u pitanju. Ja sam kupila Go colossal, go extreme! E sad ne znam sta je u pitanju da li sam ja uzela pogresnu zutu ili nesto drugo, ali ova maskara jednostavno me je izmucila. Iskoristila sam je ali sam dosta morala da pazim da nadjem pravu meru posto ako ne zelite da imate neprimetne trepavice sa ovom maskarom vrlo lako mogu da postanu slepljene i izgeldaju kao da imate 3 trepavice.
I namerno sam sacuvala Great lash od Maybellina za kraj posto stvarno nemam nista lepo da kazem za nju. Kupila sam je u zurbi ali cim sam je otvorila i videla cetkicu znala sam da mi nece odgovarati posto je prevelik razmak na cetkici tako da sam ponovo dobila taj efekat od 3 slepnjene trepavice. A i formula mi se nije dopala posto je dosta vlazna poput gela.
I bi bilo sve sto sam pronasla u korpici za sada i trudicu da se vas obavestavam kada isprobam nove maskare tako sto cu ih dodavati u ovom postu. Nadam se da vam se ovaj tip posta dopao i recite mi da li ste vi probale neke od ovih maskara i koji su vasi utisci? Takodje mi preporucite koju bih sledecu mogla da probam

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8 коментара

  1. Gorgeous mascaras.

  2. Lash sensational me je najbolja maskara ikad! Bukvalno je OBOZAVAM! :) <3

  3. Koliko maskara. Raj za ženske oči. Odličan post.

    Poseti me: www.ivinsvet.blogspot.com

  4. Wow! That is quite a mascara collection. I totally agree about Great Lash! People had hyped it up for so long that when I finally bought it it paled in comparison. :]

    // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  5. I really need to try out the better than sex mascara, I've heard so many great things about it! :)
    Urban Obsessions // Vegan Food, Beauty & Lifestyle

  6. You've got so many mascaras and I thought I had a lot haha!
    Charlotte // charlottespicks.blogspot.com

  7. Slazem se za Great lash, slepljuje bas, sva je kao vodena, jedva se i primeti na ocima. Isti problem sam imala sa 2000 kalorija, menjali su je.Lash sensational i Essence omiljene iz ove velike grupe :D

  8. I love maybelline mascara's and that lash sensational one is by my favorite

    Sam || Beautydetour
