Building my makeup collection / Kako sam napravila kolekciju sminke?


So guys I decided to turn one of my favorite type of makeup videos into a post. This is first thing that I want to read/watch when I discover new blogger/vlogger and I while reading/watching I always dream of having something similar one day.
The only nice organized part of my makeup collection

 Early beginnings; We all start somewhere and my earliest memory of using makeup  was when I was about 12. I used to be obsessed (and this is right word) with black pencil eyeliners that I used in waterline. It made me feel so special and it is still one of my favorite makeup products but I use it only in special occasions.

Bourjois 123 Perfect foundation, Vichy Dermablend, Rimmel Stay matte,Maybelline 
Color tattoo eyeshadow, Better than sex mascara, Too faced Primed&poreless primer
I officially started using makeup when I was around 16 years old and what made me do that were You tube videos (Krazyrayray and Ingrid Nilsen to be percised). I remember binge watching their old videos and thinking about starting using makeup. But I wasn't too crazy about puberty (I guess I still don't want to grow up) and makeup was kind of part of this entire transition between being girl and women. Still I wanted to look like them and be pretty so I started secretly using makeup when no one else was around. And then I slowly started wearing it to school (first mascara, then I added eyeliner and in the end foundation). I am not sure that I want to remember those moments because panda eye is stil not in trend and two shades darker foundation will never be in.

Products that I use on daily bases
But that was the beginning and as we have all heard "Practice makes perfection". Even though I had makeup routine and used only these three products that haven't stopped me from watching beauty videos on You tube or wanting to try out every product that someone mentiones. And that's how I started piling on makeup products that I would try out and use them couple times and then pass them to my mum or just forget about them.
Around that time I really started being into reading blogs and I set up my own (as you can notice all of this wasnt too long ago). Now I have excuse to actually buy makeup that I really want even tough I won't use it every single day.

Chocolate Soleil bronzer, Better than sex
mascara, Primed&poreless,
Shadow insurance

First high-end product: As almost every sixteen-year-old girl I have always dreamed of buying makeup from Sephora and first thing I actully bought is this makeup set from Too faced called Beauty blogger darlings and if you don't know already I love every single product from this set.

First Mac product: I bought it very recenty and I was so excited that I did full post about it:

To wrap this post up; Building makeup collection is not something you can do for one month. It takes some time and this was my story; what's yours?

Drage moje danas sam odlucila da pretvorim jedan od mojih omiljenih tipova videa u post. Kolekcije sminke su prva stvar koju citam/gledam kod drugih blogerki i uvek sam sanjala da i sama imam nesto slicno.
Jedini dobro organizovan deo moje kolekcije

Rani poceci; Svi mi negde pocinjemo i moje najranije secanje vezano za sminku je period kada sam imala oko 12 godina. Tada sam se prvi put susrela sa "pravom" sminkom (ne racunam one decije senke i sjajice) i bila sam opsednuta (da, to je prava rec) crnom olovkom za oci. Osecala sam se mnogo lepse i posebno kada sam je stavljala i do dana danasnjeg ostala je jedan od mojih omiljenih proizvoda, iako je sada uglavnom koristim za specijalne prilike.
Bourjois 123 Perfect puder, Vichy Dermablend, Rimmel Stay matte,Maybelline
Color tattoo senka, Better than sex maskara, Too faced Primed&poreless prajmer
Zvanicno sam pocela da se sminkama kada sam imala oko 16 godina i to zbog You tube videa koje sam gledala (tacnije vlogerki Ingrid Nilsen i Krazyrayray). Secam se da sam ih gledala i zelela da i ja probam da se sminkam. Ali nisam osoba koja je bila najsrecnija zbog puberteta i sve promene sam burno prihvatala tako da sam i sminku gledala kao deo celog ovog procesa kada se menjamo. Medjutim zelja da budem lepa je preovladala i pocela sam da se krijem i sminkam (ne pitajte koja je to logika bila). Zatim sam pocela da se sminkam kada idem u skolu (2. godina srednje, malo sam zakasnila) i prvo sam koristila samo maskaru, zatim i ajlajner i na kraju puder. Ne zelim bas da se prisecam tog perioda posto ajlajner preko pola kapka i nijansu tamniji puder nikada nece biti u trendu.

Ali to je bio pocetak a kao sto smo svi vec culi vezba vodi do savrsenstva. Iako sam vec imala neku vrstu rutine kada je sminkanje u pitanju, i koristila sam ova tri proizvoda, to me nije sprecilo da i dalje gledam beauty blogere (vlogere) i da zelim da probam svaki proizvod koji spomenu. Tako sam pocela da nagomilavam proizvode koje bih uglavnom samo isprobala i prosledila mami ili jednostavno zaboravila.
Otprilike tada sam otkrila beauty blogove i sama osnovala jedan (kao sto mozete primetiti sve ovo se nije desavalo tako davno). I konacno sam imala dobar izgovor za kupovinu novih proizvoda koje necu koristiti bas svakoga dana.

Chocolate Soleil bronzer,
Better than sex 
Primed&poreless,Shadow insurance
Prvi high-end proizvod:  Dugo sam se divila proizvodima u Sephori, dok konacno nisam kupila Christmas Beauty must haves set od Too faced-a i danas obozavam svaki proizvod iz ovog seta.

Prvi Mac proizvod; Ja sam se odusevila kada se Mac otvorio kod nas i kada nam je konacno postala dostupna marka koja je toliko poznata i koju svi hvale. Bila sam presrecna kada sam kupila prvi proizvod i vise o njemu:

I da zakljucimo; praviti kolekciju sminke je proces koji traje (pogotovo sto se sminka trosi) i nije nesto sto je gotovo za mesec dana. Potrebno je vreme i ovo je bila moja prica, koja je vasa?

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13 коментара

  1. Black eye pencil has always been my favorite too! it fades and smudges fast, no matter what I used. The best I've had has been Urban Decay 24/7 glide on pencil but that's still acting out...I guess my eyes have been oily. And my first high end brands were MAC and Benefit.

  2. It's such a nice selection of makeup! I own a lot of the same thing you have ;)
    If you'd like you could check out my new blog arabesque - I'd be honored ;)

  3. I agree that this is such a fun part to read when coming to another blog or youtube channel :)

    Great post with quite an impressive makeup collection :) I love that you was so detailed in your description :)


    1. Thanks for comment and glad you like it :) I am always a bit worried when writing long post but I still that's how I have written since I was child

  4. Thanks for following :) I always write post that I love to read and I think that is best way to find inspiration

  5. I was also using black eye pencil in the waterline when I was around 13 and it looked so terrible, haha :) It took some time for me to realise that I shouldn't be applying any dark make up to the bottom of my eye :D

    Have an awesome day!
    Anna x
    Pattern Of Taste | Our Youtube channel

  6. Great post! I loved seeing your makeup collection. I love the miss manga mascara! :D

  7. Lovely makeup products especially the foundations you have!


  8. Loved this post, such a cute idea to go through your makeup journey with you!!

  9. looks like you have some great stuff! i really need to organize mine better haha

    danielle | avec danielle

  10. My makeup collection started out very similar to yours! Just the basics. Then YouTube got me hooked and I've been collecting makeup uncontrollably haha!

  11. I used black eyeliner first too! Great post

    Yousra | Mystic Tales
