Writer's block, Where I am now? / Kreativna blokada, gde sam sada?


So guys long time no talk? Yes I know, which is one of the reasons why I decided to share this post with you even though it is a step out of my comfort zone. It would be great if just one persone could relate to this post cause I know that I am not the only one that is going through this.

Writers block, well we have all heard for it, if not experienced it. I think that it doesn't necessarily need to be bad thing. Creating something good is a process and not everything can go smoothly.
And someone is probably asking what that has to do with beauty blog?
 I created this blog as a place for me to share my thoughts about stuff that I am interested in (and yes, that is mostly make up) but sometimes I feel need to write about some meaningful things. I have never been good in separating private and public things so in my case is what you see or read  is what you get, no pass overs.
Getting back on topic. My emotions basically control everything I do. I sometimes find myself having couple lazy days in a row and sometimes beeing so busy and productive that I feel like I can rule the world. And that reflects on my blog too. On those busy days I can find inspiration in smallest things, one picture can inspire me to change a lot of stuff but on lazy days I just take a break and with that every inspiration is just gone.

The only advice I can give someone is to just take a little time and don't push anything.  Yes I know it could be a little bit nerve wracking but it will all be back to normal. I was a bit worried and it made me question where was I going with this. Made me question how hard I am willing to work to make this blog successful. I have heard somewhere that a lot of blogs after six months just disappear. People are not getting results they expected so they just give up. That is not my case and you guys won't get rid of me any time soon.

Sorry that this post was kind of random and all over place but again I would be thrilled if just one person could relate to this post.

Znam, dugo nije bilo posta i to je jedan od razloga zasto sam se odlucila da bas ovo podelim sa vama, iako me pricanje o ovome malo izbacuje iz komfort zone. Bila bih odusevljena ako bi bar jedna osoba mogla da se poistoveti sa ovim sto cu podeliti zato sto znam da nisam jedina koja prolazi kroz nesto ovako.
Prvo znam da smo svi culi za kreativnu blokadu, ako ne i iskusili. Ja smatram da kreativna blokada nije nuzno nesto lose. Stvaranje neceg dobrog je proces i nikada ne ide sve po planu.

I sigurna sam da se neko pita kakve ovo veze ima sa blogom o kozmetici? Osnovala sam ovaj blog kao mesto gde mogu da podelim svoja razmisljanja o stvarima koje me interesuju ( i da, to je uglavnom sminka) ali nekada imam potrebu i da pisem o znacajnijim stvarima. Nikada nisam bila dobra u razdvajanju privatnih i javnih stvari tako da u mom slucaju ono sto vidite ili procitate to i dobijete bez precutkivanja. Ima to i dobrih strana.
Da se vratim na temu. Moje emocije kontrolisu sve sto radim. Primetila sam da mi se desi da se nekoliko dana za redom izlezavam dok se nekada skroz preokupiram i ne znam gde udaram. Takve stvari se odrazavaju i na blog. Kada sam dobro raspolozena u stanju sam da nadjem inspiraciju i u jednoj recenici ili slici ali  ponekada samo uzmem pauzu i tada svaka inspiracija nestaje.

Jedini saveti koje mogu da podelim su da u ovakvim situcijama uzmete malo vremena i da ne navaljujete. Znam da moze da bude nezgodno ali to je sve deo procesa i sve ce se vratiti u normalu. Ja sam bila malo zabrinuta i to me je nateralo da se zapitam gde sam isla sa ovim blogom. Koliko sam spremna da tesko radim da bi od ovoga napravila nesto uspesno. Cula sam da dosta blogova posle sest meseci nestaje. Ljudi ne dobiju ocekivane rezultate i odustaju. To nije moj slucaj, i mozda sada nisam ispunila sva ocekivanja ali ja sam ovde na duge staze.

Znam da je ovaj post malo neocekivan i nesredjen ali opet nadam se da ce se bar neko pronaci i da ce se bar nekome dopasti.

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9 коментара

  1. I completely understand this phase. And I know it takes courage to even talk about it on a blog. Good on you girl. :)

  2. I like your enthusiasm and i completely understand you and i am infact in similar situation. I think it takes time for blogs to progress but it doesn't matter as long as your having fun writing your blogs then that's all that matters, it more about expressing yourself and carrying on, goodluck to you on your blog xx :)


    1. Thanks for support :) I try to not compare myself to others cause we are all different and trying to do different things. Reading comments like this really motivates me and reminds me why I started writing blog. Thanks

  3. Hi dear, you have such a lovely blog and great post, did we follow each other already? If not, would you like to follow each other on BLOGLOVIN and INSTAGRAM? if you decided to follow me, PLEASE let me know so I can follow you back.

    My Blog: ‪ http://lovjoice.blogspot.com/ ‬
    Bloglovin: https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/love-joice-3831938
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/l0vej0ice

  4. YES! I literally scream when you post a new post! I miss your writings please post more you are the best. and love this post:)


    1. Thank you so much! I love writing posts like this and it means the world when I read comments like this ;)

  5. Mislim da je jako dobro što si ovo podijelila s nama. Vjerujem da ćeš uspjeti. Kreativna blokada se događa svima i to je normalno. Tvoj blog je fantastičan. Bolje da ne postuješ nego da svaki dan imaš novi post, a da nije na razini kao oni predhodni xoxo

  6. Mislim da je jako dobro što si ovo podijelila s nama. Vjerujem da ćeš uspjeti. Kreativna blokada se događa svima i to je normalno. Tvoj blog je fantastičan. Bolje da ne postuješ nego da svaki dan imaš novi post, a da nije na razini kao oni predhodni xoxo
