Battle of the primers: First impression / Prajmeri; prvi utisci
It is time for this girl to grow up and start using some real products. Let's face it; when building makeup collection primers are usually not the first thing that will pop up in your mind (well they will, if you are serious about makeup or really responsable person; like this girl is not), becuase there are a loads fun products out there to play around with. And the reason why it took me, so long to actually pick some of them up, is because I thouhgt they won't make such a difference or transform your look. At the time instead of primer any moisturizer would work.

But it is time to get serious, so I went and bought some well-known primers. Porefessional by Benefit and Primed and poreless by Too faced.
To try them out I picked them in minis, so I could compare them and decide which one is more suitable for my skin.
These two are really simmilar in consistency (athough Primed and Poreless is a bit thicker) and what both manufactures were going for is that poreless look, that will be like a canvas for foundation and other face products. They are both silicon based so they won't moisturize as much but will even your skin. That sounds really promising, if you ask me.
So first impressions: They feel really nice and not heavy on skin (especially Porefessional one) and leave skin feeling super soft and smooth. Yes, my pores are not as visible as they used to be, but my face is still not perfectly even because they are still some acne scars on my cheeks that are not complitely filled in. I don't think that they made my foundation last longer than usual.
They come in handy for those of us that don't have perfect looking skin but they are still not my every day must have products.
I will keep using both of them and you will probably see my final thoughts is this months favorites. Until then, I want to know: Are primers like these ones every day must haves for you or more for special occasions?
Mislim da je bilo kranje vreme da se malo uozbiljim i da u svoju dnevnu rutinu ukljucim prajmere. Da budemo iskreni dosta devojaka preskace ovak korak, prvo zato sto su tek nedavno nase drogerije pocele da ih uvoze (sledeci koji zelim da probam je Baby skin), a i ne primecuju se toliko na licu za razliku od drugih proizvoda. Ono sto me je sada privuklo ovim proizvodima je blistava koza sa smanjenom vidljivosti pora i nesavršenosti.

Odlucila sam se za mini verzije poznatog Benefitovog Porefessional-a (cini mi se oko 1500 dinara) i Too faced verziju Primed and Poreless (mini verzije nema u prodaji vec samo u setovima). Prvo da istaknem da im je struktura dosta slicna, sa tim da je Primed and poreless malo gusci. Oba prajmera su na bazi silikona sto omogucava da smanje vidljivost pora, ali za razliku od nekih drugih prajmera ovi nece hidrirati kozu. Ono sto proizvodjaci obecavaju je: smanjen izgled pora, izjednacena koza i duze trajanje pudera.

But it is time to get serious, so I went and bought some well-known primers. Porefessional by Benefit and Primed and poreless by Too faced.
To try them out I picked them in minis, so I could compare them and decide which one is more suitable for my skin.
These two are really simmilar in consistency (athough Primed and Poreless is a bit thicker) and what both manufactures were going for is that poreless look, that will be like a canvas for foundation and other face products. They are both silicon based so they won't moisturize as much but will even your skin. That sounds really promising, if you ask me.
So first impressions: They feel really nice and not heavy on skin (especially Porefessional one) and leave skin feeling super soft and smooth. Yes, my pores are not as visible as they used to be, but my face is still not perfectly even because they are still some acne scars on my cheeks that are not complitely filled in. I don't think that they made my foundation last longer than usual.
They come in handy for those of us that don't have perfect looking skin but they are still not my every day must have products.
I will keep using both of them and you will probably see my final thoughts is this months favorites. Until then, I want to know: Are primers like these ones every day must haves for you or more for special occasions?
Mislim da je bilo kranje vreme da se malo uozbiljim i da u svoju dnevnu rutinu ukljucim prajmere. Da budemo iskreni dosta devojaka preskace ovak korak, prvo zato sto su tek nedavno nase drogerije pocele da ih uvoze (sledeci koji zelim da probam je Baby skin), a i ne primecuju se toliko na licu za razliku od drugih proizvoda. Ono sto me je sada privuklo ovim proizvodima je blistava koza sa smanjenom vidljivosti pora i nesavršenosti.

Odlucila sam se za mini verzije poznatog Benefitovog Porefessional-a (cini mi se oko 1500 dinara) i Too faced verziju Primed and Poreless (mini verzije nema u prodaji vec samo u setovima). Prvo da istaknem da im je struktura dosta slicna, sa tim da je Primed and poreless malo gusci. Oba prajmera su na bazi silikona sto omogucava da smanje vidljivost pora, ali za razliku od nekih drugih prajmera ovi nece hidrirati kozu. Ono sto proizvodjaci obecavaju je: smanjen izgled pora, izjednacena koza i duze trajanje pudera.
Moji prvi utisci: Oba prajmera se slicno ponasaju tako da je jos uvek neizvesno koji ce biti favorit. Meni je potrebna mala kolicina to i nanosim na obraze i vrlo malo na celo gde uglavnom imam oziljke od bubuljica. Na licu se osecaju dosta lagano i koza posle nanosenja bude veoma mekana i svilenkasta. Sto se tice smanjenja vidljivosti pora, tu rade posao, ali ,,rupe" od bubuljica mi se jos uvek vide, tako da mi koza nije u potpunosti izjednacena. Nisam primetila da mi puder zbog njih nesto duze traje, ali ga zato lakse nanosim.
Ja cu nastaviti da koristim oba zato mislim da su meni sa problematicnom kozom korisni, ali mislim da nisu nesto sto je svakome neophodno.
Sada zelim da znam sta vi mislite; da li su ovakvi prajmeri nesto obavezno sto biste koristile svakog dana ili su za neke posebne prilike?
8 коментара
Ovaj je odlican prijmer, meni se bas svidja!
ReplyDeleteOdlican post :)
Nikoleta, xoxo.
Hvala :)
Deletethis was a really interesting comparison, i have a few minis of the porefessional too but i only use it when i know i'm going to be keeping my makeup on for much longer than i would normally x
ReplyDeletenatasha // eyebrows, inc.
I really like Porefessional.
ReplyDeleteGreat review <3
Katie Loves ~ Fashion Blog | Bloglovin' | Instagram
I only use primers for special occasions but it would be nice and interesting to know how they work for you as an everyday product :) I also have porefessional in a sample size but I have never tried using it every single day xx
ReplyDeleteJacqueline | Sail Away to Neverland ♡
To be honest I sometimes feel a tiny bit spoilt when using it almost everyday but I will soon let you know how I ended up liking it in the end ;)
DeleteI've used the Porefessional before and didn't like it that much. It wasn't awful or anything, I just don't think it did enough to justify the price. I do really like their Stay Flawless primer though, it's quite heavy but keeps makeup on amazingly well, I only really use it for nights out though.
ReplyDeleteHannah x
Great post, I always wanted to try out the too faced primer! :)
ReplyDeleteUrban Obsessions // Vegan Food & Lifestyle Blog