Bloggers favorites; Are they that good?/ Favoriti blogera; da li su toliko dobri?


Hi guys so I am back with something different. We all know that some products are adored in communties of beauty bloggers and youtubers and they are being called holy grail products but are they really worth all the fuss? I am part of this community and if everyone from sudden start swearing by some products you can be sure that I will put my hands on them, but are they that much different? We will see.

They’re real mascara by Benefit – When it comes to mascara we all have different expectations natural lashes, dramatic volume, skyscraper lenght but everyone seems to agree that this mascara is fabulous. To be complitely honest, at first it seemed like every other mascara but now... I love it! I think that the brush is what makes this mascara a star. It has small plastic bristles that separate lashes so good and give a tone of volume. I will risk to say that I love it that much that one time I ran out of mascara I kept the brush so I can use it to separate lashes while using other stuff.
Color tattoo eyeshadows by Maybelline – These bad boys have been a huge deal on internet for so long and Maybelline keeps realising new limited edition shades. And it is no surprise that Bad to the bronze is shade that everyone talks about cause it is the only neautral color in original collection. I can understand why people love them so much. They are super long lasting, pigmented, easy to apply, inexpensive and can be used on their own or as a base. What more we can ask for?
Fit me concelear by Maybelline -  Famose dupe for Nars Cream concelear. I will admit I was head over heels for this concelear before I discovered Pro longwear one. I mostly used this one for covering blemishes and it did pretty decent job but, I can never wear it without foundation cause after an hour or two I end up with huge circles on areas I use it. Otherwise with foundation and powder works really well
Baby lips by Maybelline – I think that there is no girl that haven’t tried one of these and I went for Pink punch (this is as basic as it gets). First just to state that I am not lip balm person and they always feel weird and sticky on my lips and this one was no exception. And I will admit that color was not a happiest choice since it is real Barbie pink.
Stay matte by Rimmel – Just remember that next impression comes from someone that has extremly oily skin. This is probably my most repurchesed product cause it keeps skin matte so long and makes foundation last longer. 
Essie nail polishes – I always get frustrated when I paint my nails and the second I get in shower they are all chipped. The most nail polish lasted me is 1 and a half day so Essie nail polishes  were a great discovery for me. So pigmented you need one coat or maximum two, dry in couple minutes and lasted around 3 days without chipping which is great for me.How do you guys feel about these products and what do you think are they really worth the hype?

Dragi moji evo vracam se sa necim zanimljivim i malo drugacijim od uobicajenih postova. Svi mi znamo da blogeri i youtube-ri imaju svoje favorite i proizvode u koje se kunu, ali da li su ti proizvodi bas vredni cele te prasine koja se dize oko njih? Mene je prilicno lako ubediti u nesto i ako cujem da ceo internet pocne da bruji oko nekog novog proizvoda budite sigurni da cu ga probati ali ono sto me kopka je to po cemu se ti proizvodi razlikuju od drugih?

Benefit They’re real maskara – Kada su u pitanju maskare svi imamo razlicita ocekivanja (prirodan izgled, dramaticni volumen, izrazena duzina) ali oko jedne stvari su se svi slozili; a to je da je ova maskara odlicna. Da budem potpuno iskrena u pocetku nisam bila odusevljena i ovo je za mene bila maskara kao i svaka druga ali sada... Obozavam je. Mislim da je cetkica ono sto cini ovu maskaru posebnom. Plasticna je i ima sitne cesljice tako da odlicno odvaja trepavice i daje super volumen. Rizikovacu da kazem da sam jednom posto sam potrosila maskaru zadrzala cetkicu i koristila je kao mali  cesalj za trepavice sa drugim maskarama. To sasvim dovoljno govori
Maybelline Color tattoo senke – Ove senke su velika stvar u beauty svetu vec duze vremena. I nije iznenadjenje da je On and on bronze omiljena nijansa blogerki buduci da je to jedina neutralna nijansa u kolekciji koja je kod nas dostupna. Skroz razumem zasto ih svi obozavaju. Dugo traju, dobro su pigmentovane, lako se nanose, nisu skupe, mogu da se koriste kao baza ili kremaste senke. Sta vise da trazimo?
Maybelline Fit me korektor – Priznacu da sam bila luda za ovim korektorom dok nisam otkrila Pro longwear i koristila sam ga za prekrivanje bubuljica i podocnjaka. Tu se dobro pokazao ali ne mogu da ga koristim bez tecnog pudera ispod zato sto posle nekoliko sati zavrsim sa krugovima od korektora ali kada ga kombinujem sa tecnim puderom i kompaktnim onda dobro funkcionise.
Baby lips – Bez imalo blama cu da priznam da kada sam saznala da su stigli kod nas obisla sam preko 5 Lilly drogerija da ih pronadjem. I odusevljenju nije bilo kraja dok ih nisam probala. Mozda sam imala prevelika ocekivanja zbog svih koji su brujali o njima ali sve u svemu nisam bila odusvljena (mozda zato sto generalno nisam ljubitelj labela) a i nijansa nije bila najsrecniji izbor- Pink punch – posto je prava Barbie roze.
Rimmel Stay matte kameni puder – Samo da se podsetimo da su ovo utisci devojke koja ima dosta masnu kozu. Ovo je jedini kameni puder koji koristim od kako sam ga probala. Lice mi bude matirano dosta dugo i mislim da produzava trajanje tecnog pudera, a te dve stvari su meni najbitnije.
Essie lakovi – Nikada nisam pridavala posebnu paznju lakovima za nokte zato kada god su mi nokti nalakirani to traje do sledeceg tusiranja dan i po maksimum tako da nisam ocekivala da kod Essie lakova bude drasticna razlika. Priznacu da mi ne traju po nedelju dana ali 3 dana budu savrseni bez krzanja. Pigmentovani su tako da je i jedan sloj dovoljan, dva maksimum, dosta se brzo suse i imaju odlican izbor boja.

Da li ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda i sta mislite koji proizvodi nisu vredni tolike pompe koja nastaje?

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7 коментара

  1. I am glad you like them too and I can't wait to try out more colors :)

  2. I really love the baby lips lip balms, I have so many! haha.

    1. I have friends that adore them but I guess I am not balm type of person

  3. I love the products that you have mentioned.

  4. I've always wanted to try Essie nail polishes but 3 days - that's not the longest time for nail polish to last, so I recon I stick with my more affordable polishes ;)
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  6. I've been dying to try benefit they're real mascara! great reviews
