October haul!
Ciao guys as you probably will notice if you keep reading my blog I love shopping. I love buying new make up, clothes, shoes, bags, everything. And sometimes I am going through the phases when I want to buy something so bad so I do and a couple weeks after I regret it and end up with same question why did I even need that? I try to resist but then the next phase start so it is a never ending circle of shopping. I will try not to bore you with every single stuff I buy but I was really excited with all of this products and I wanted to share them with you. So lets get started.

On the left: 31 ; midlle 08 ; Right Essence lipgloss
There are two things that I am most excited about and those are Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipsticks by Kate Moss. I heard great stuff about them and I love other Rimmel lipsticks so I decided to give them a go. I and haven’t regretted it. I bought them in shades 08 and 31. 31 is such an amazing red burgundy color with beautiful almost matte finish. I was kind of scared when I first saw it but it made my lips look so much fuller and I couldnt resist. 08 is great natural color for fall with a hint of brown in it.

Moving on to mascaras. I didnt want to experiment too much with them so I bought new versions of mascaras I love. I bought L’oreal Miss manga waterproof version and Max factor 2000 calorie.

And to finish this make up part I bought some Essence products. They are so afordable and I like to try them out because sometimes I end up loving them. I bought Essence 3D eyeshadow in 04 irresistible caramel cream and I was amazed with pigmentation of this product. It is a bit shimmery but colors are gorgeus and really easy to apply. Next is XXXL shine lipgloss in 24. I was surprised with texture of this product because it isn’t sticky at all but the color is not perfect for me. And last Essence kajal pencil in White because I wanted to try out how white pencil look like before I buy some better.
For the clothes I decided to show you this faux fur vest from Orsay. I like it because it is really different from all vests I saw because on the back it has faux leather material and it is actually the only one that looks nice on me. The color is quite unusual for vest but pink and white are my favourite colors and I think that it matches the rest of my clothes nicely.
That would be it for now I hope you like this post and tell me in comments below what do you think about stuff I bought.
Cao svima kao sto cete primetiti ukoliko citate moj blog ja obozavam da kupujem. Nije bitno da li je sminka, garderoba, obuca, tasne jednostavno volim da kupujem sve. Nekada prolazim kroz faze kada bas zelim da kupim nesto sto i uradim i posle nekoliko nedelja zazalim i pitam se sta mi je to trebalo. I pokusavam da se uzdrzim i onda dodje sledeca faza i tako ja zavrsim u zacaranom krugu. Pokusacu da vam ne dosadjujem sa svakom stvari koju kupim ali sam bila uzbudjena oko ovih proizvoda i zelela sam da ih podelim sa vama. Pa da pocnemo.

Levo: 31 ; Sredina 08 ; Desno: Essence sjaj
Pre svega najvise sam odusevljena sa dve stvari a to su Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss ruzevi. Cula sam super stvari o njima a i generalno volim Rimmel ruzeve pa sam odlucila da probam i ovu kolekciju. Kupila sam ih u nijansama 08 i 31. 31 je savrsena nijansa izmedju crvene i bordo i ima prelep skoro mat finis. Kada sam videla ovu nijansu bila sam malo skepticna kako ce izgledati na meni ali ova boja je mi je iznenadjujuce ucinila usta punijim tako da nisam mogla da odolim. 08 je prirordna boja mesa sa malo braon podtonova.

Prelazim na maskare. Tu nisam zelela puno da eksperimentisem posto znam koje mi odgovaraju tako da sam se odlucila za nove formule vec isprobanih maskara. Kupila sam L’oreal Miss manga vodootpornu verziju i Max Factor 2000 Calorie.

I da zavrsimo sa smikom ostali su jos Essence proizvodi. Volim da isprobavama ove proizvode jer su dosta pristupacni i nekada mi se dopadnu. Kupila sam 3D senku za oci u nijansi 04 irresistible caramel cream i ona me je iznenadila posto je veoma pigmentovana i laka za nanosenje. Sledeci je XXXL shine sjaj za usne u boji 24. Ima prijatnu teksturu i ne lepi se za usne ali boja nije savrsena za mene. I poslednji je bela olovka za oci koji sam zelela da isprobam pre nego sto se odlucim za neki kvalitetniji.
Sto se tice odece odlucila sam da vam pokazem ovaj krzneni prsluk iz Orsay-a. Svideo mi se zato sto je dosta drugaciji od svih ostalih i nije ceo krznen vec su ledja od nekog materijala nalik kozi. Ovo je ustvari jedini krzenin prsluk koji mi je lepo stajao i boja je malo cudna za prsluk ali roze i bela su moje omiljene boje a i mislim da ce se slagati sa ostatkom moje odece.
To bi bilo sve za sada nadam se vam se dopao ovaj post i recite mi u komentarima sta misliste o stvarima koje sam kupila.

On the left: 31 ; midlle 08 ; Right Essence lipgloss
There are two things that I am most excited about and those are Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipsticks by Kate Moss. I heard great stuff about them and I love other Rimmel lipsticks so I decided to give them a go. I and haven’t regretted it. I bought them in shades 08 and 31. 31 is such an amazing red burgundy color with beautiful almost matte finish. I was kind of scared when I first saw it but it made my lips look so much fuller and I couldnt resist. 08 is great natural color for fall with a hint of brown in it.

Moving on to mascaras. I didnt want to experiment too much with them so I bought new versions of mascaras I love. I bought L’oreal Miss manga waterproof version and Max factor 2000 calorie.
And to finish this make up part I bought some Essence products. They are so afordable and I like to try them out because sometimes I end up loving them. I bought Essence 3D eyeshadow in 04 irresistible caramel cream and I was amazed with pigmentation of this product. It is a bit shimmery but colors are gorgeus and really easy to apply. Next is XXXL shine lipgloss in 24. I was surprised with texture of this product because it isn’t sticky at all but the color is not perfect for me. And last Essence kajal pencil in White because I wanted to try out how white pencil look like before I buy some better.
For the clothes I decided to show you this faux fur vest from Orsay. I like it because it is really different from all vests I saw because on the back it has faux leather material and it is actually the only one that looks nice on me. The color is quite unusual for vest but pink and white are my favourite colors and I think that it matches the rest of my clothes nicely.
That would be it for now I hope you like this post and tell me in comments below what do you think about stuff I bought.
Cao svima kao sto cete primetiti ukoliko citate moj blog ja obozavam da kupujem. Nije bitno da li je sminka, garderoba, obuca, tasne jednostavno volim da kupujem sve. Nekada prolazim kroz faze kada bas zelim da kupim nesto sto i uradim i posle nekoliko nedelja zazalim i pitam se sta mi je to trebalo. I pokusavam da se uzdrzim i onda dodje sledeca faza i tako ja zavrsim u zacaranom krugu. Pokusacu da vam ne dosadjujem sa svakom stvari koju kupim ali sam bila uzbudjena oko ovih proizvoda i zelela sam da ih podelim sa vama. Pa da pocnemo.

Levo: 31 ; Sredina 08 ; Desno: Essence sjaj
Pre svega najvise sam odusevljena sa dve stvari a to su Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss ruzevi. Cula sam super stvari o njima a i generalno volim Rimmel ruzeve pa sam odlucila da probam i ovu kolekciju. Kupila sam ih u nijansama 08 i 31. 31 je savrsena nijansa izmedju crvene i bordo i ima prelep skoro mat finis. Kada sam videla ovu nijansu bila sam malo skepticna kako ce izgledati na meni ali ova boja je mi je iznenadjujuce ucinila usta punijim tako da nisam mogla da odolim. 08 je prirordna boja mesa sa malo braon podtonova.

Prelazim na maskare. Tu nisam zelela puno da eksperimentisem posto znam koje mi odgovaraju tako da sam se odlucila za nove formule vec isprobanih maskara. Kupila sam L’oreal Miss manga vodootpornu verziju i Max Factor 2000 Calorie.
I da zavrsimo sa smikom ostali su jos Essence proizvodi. Volim da isprobavama ove proizvode jer su dosta pristupacni i nekada mi se dopadnu. Kupila sam 3D senku za oci u nijansi 04 irresistible caramel cream i ona me je iznenadila posto je veoma pigmentovana i laka za nanosenje. Sledeci je XXXL shine sjaj za usne u boji 24. Ima prijatnu teksturu i ne lepi se za usne ali boja nije savrsena za mene. I poslednji je bela olovka za oci koji sam zelela da isprobam pre nego sto se odlucim za neki kvalitetniji.
Sto se tice odece odlucila sam da vam pokazem ovaj krzneni prsluk iz Orsay-a. Svideo mi se zato sto je dosta drugaciji od svih ostalih i nije ceo krznen vec su ledja od nekog materijala nalik kozi. Ovo je ustvari jedini krzenin prsluk koji mi je lepo stajao i boja je malo cudna za prsluk ali roze i bela su moje omiljene boje a i mislim da ce se slagati sa ostatkom moje odece.
To bi bilo sve za sada nadam se vam se dopao ovaj post i recite mi u komentarima sta misliste o stvarima koje sam kupila.
3 коментара
Love the lip shades, they are gorgeous!
ReplyDeletexprincessjas | ♥
I'm a massive fan of the Kate Moss Rimmel lipsticks and love the colours that you got!
ReplyDeleteHannah x
Really want to try out the Kate Moss lipsticks due to the popularity!!
ReplyDeleteI love the L'oreal Miss Manga!
Emma X