Beauty news!

It is end of the month and while on the other blogs you can see monthly favorites, I decided to do a little round up of what was going on in beauty world in last month. Enjoy!
Strobing is new contouring?! - You all thought that summer will be all about that bronze goddess, sun kissed look? Well dont hold your breath on that one cause Instagram and Pinterest were these day flooded with this picture; 

Apparently new trend is forming and there is new technique to keep eye on. It is called strobing (basically fancy word for highlighting). This time it is not about having that perfectly symmetrical and structured face but about healthy and glowy looking skin. And the way to achieve this, is by applying layers of highlighters, on and underneath, foundation with dewy finish. Luckily drugstores and high-end brands have been stepping up their game and have been coming out with different formulas of highlighters from illuminating primers and liquid/cream highlighters to baked and pressed ones. They are everywhere!  My thoughts on this:  First to state that as much as I love that contoured look, I don’t do it on daily bases. Why? It takes a lot of practice and I am afraid I would end up looking like an orange or like I have stripe on my face (trust me I have been there, but we all learn from mistakes). And on the other side I feel way more comfortable with highlighter (basically it is idiot proof product, you can’t mess it up) and that glow looks so natural and like you have super healthy skin. So from this you can assume which look I will be trying to achieve next month. I'll let you know how I am handling it. And some new products have been released lately so I want to just give a little attention to those that catched my eye: 

Blotterazzi by Beauty Blender - will this replace all those touch up blotting sheets? This sponge is supposed to absorb all those excess oil from your face, leaving it fresh looking and without ruining your make up. Little thing I noticed: it is named Blotterazzi and famous You tube make up guru Ingrid Nilsen (Missglamorazzi) is known for her really oily skin. Coincidence?

Mac Pro long wear Nourishing waterproof foundation -  Well we haven’t seen new foundation from Mac in a long time and now they are coming out with a medium to full coverage waterproof formula? And knowing my relationship with their Pro long wear concealer you can be sure that I will check this out.

Anastasia Beverly Hills Liquid lipstick - I have to admit liquid lipsticks are my weakness since they are first lip products I started using that I actually liked. What drawn me to these ones from Anastasia is color selection they are offering especially bright coral called Electric coral. I need this shade in my life!

They're real colored mascara and eyeliners by Benefit - When Benefit comes out with something new you definitely can’t miss it. They have always such a good campaigns and this little bad boys where meant to add a bit fun to your summer look. Colored mascaras are something that we are all familiar with but would they be able to become more popular with this formula?

So guys what are your thoughts about this news? Is strobing hot or not and which of these products would you like to try out?

Battle of the primers: First impression / Prajmeri; prvi utisci

It is time for this girl to grow up and start using some real products. Let's face it; when building makeup collection primers are usually not the first thing that will pop up in your mind (well they will, if you are serious about makeup or really responsable person; like this girl is not), becuase there are a loads fun products out there to play around with. And the reason why it took me, so long to actually pick some of them up, is because I thouhgt they won't make such a difference or transform your look. At the time instead of primer any moisturizer would work.

But it is time to get serious, so I went and bought some well-known primers. Porefessional by Benefit and Primed and poreless by Too faced.
To try them out I picked them in minis, so I could compare them and decide which one is more suitable for my skin.
These two are really simmilar in consistency (athough Primed and Poreless is a bit thicker) and what both manufactures were going for is that poreless look, that will be like a canvas for foundation and other face products. They are both silicon based so they won't moisturize as much but will even your skin. That sounds really promising, if you ask me.

So first impressions: They feel really nice and not heavy on skin (especially Porefessional one) and leave skin feeling super soft and smooth. Yes, my pores are not as visible as they used to be, but my face is still not perfectly even because they are still some acne scars on my cheeks that are not complitely filled in. I don't think that they made my foundation last longer than usual.
They come in handy for those of us that don't have perfect looking skin but they are still not my every day must have products.
I will keep using both of them and you will probably see my final thoughts is this months favorites. Until then, I want to know: Are primers like these ones every day must haves for you or more for special occasions?

Mislim da je bilo kranje vreme da se malo uozbiljim i da u svoju dnevnu rutinu ukljucim prajmere. Da budemo iskreni dosta devojaka preskace ovak korak, prvo zato sto su tek nedavno nase drogerije pocele da ih uvoze (sledeci koji zelim da probam je Baby skin), a i ne primecuju se toliko na licu za razliku od drugih proizvoda. Ono sto me je sada privuklo ovim proizvodima je blistava koza sa smanjenom vidljivosti pora i nesavršenosti.

Odlucila sam se za mini verzije poznatog Benefitovog Porefessional-a (cini mi se oko 1500 dinara) i Too faced verziju Primed and Poreless (mini verzije nema u prodaji vec samo u setovima). Prvo da istaknem da im je struktura dosta slicna, sa tim da je Primed and poreless malo gusci. Oba prajmera su na bazi silikona sto omogucava da smanje vidljivost pora, ali za razliku od nekih drugih prajmera ovi nece hidrirati kozu. Ono sto proizvodjaci obecavaju je: smanjen izgled pora, izjednacena koza i duze trajanje pudera.

Moji prvi utisci: Oba prajmera se slicno ponasaju tako da je jos uvek neizvesno koji ce biti favorit. Meni je potrebna mala kolicina to i nanosim na obraze i vrlo malo na celo gde uglavnom imam oziljke od bubuljica. Na licu se osecaju dosta lagano i koza posle nanosenja bude veoma mekana i svilenkasta. Sto se tice smanjenja vidljivosti pora, tu rade posao, ali ,,rupe" od bubuljica mi se jos uvek vide, tako da mi koza nije u potpunosti izjednacena. Nisam primetila da mi puder zbog njih nesto duze traje, ali ga zato lakse nanosim. 
Ja cu nastaviti da koristim oba zato mislim da su meni sa problematicnom kozom korisni, ali mislim da nisu nesto sto je svakome neophodno.
Sada zelim da znam sta vi mislite; da li su ovakvi prajmeri nesto obavezno sto biste koristile svakog dana ili su za neke posebne prilike?

New holy grail; L'oreal Infallible foundation / L'oreal Infallible tecni puder

And drugstore foundation queen is back! Time has come to try out famous L'oreal foundations that everyone seems to love.

First just to say why I needed this much time to put my hands on this product. I tried to buy it couple times but when lady in drugstore told me that L'oreal foundations have loads of oils, I stepped back. I have super oily and acne prone skin, so this was a great turn down for me, and it was pain to hear all those people recommend and swear by these foundations and not try them. But when they were on sale and I just couldn't resist.
And now after using it for almost a month I can say that it didn't brake me out or anything similar what is one of the most important thing for me when using makeup.
Now that we cleared that up, to start with real review. This foundation comes in pretty basic glass container with pump which is useful and I didn't have any problem with.When it comes to choosing right shade I have a bit pale skin (Mac NC 15) and that is usually problem when buying foundation in drugstore. I bought Infallible foundation in shade 130 true beige (lightest shade) and it looks pretty good on my skin.

Next I want to talk about coverage which is what this foundation is famous for. It has medium to high coverage, which mostly is what I am looking for in foundation. It is buildable and it covers blemishes really good, so I don't need any concelear or corrector on spots. And what I also like is that you don't feel like it is heavy on your skin or like you have mask (usually problem with foundations with better coverage).
It has natural finish not complitely matte which I think is great especially for summer but it isn't devy eather, so girls with oily skin can use it too.

And what is also good about this foundation is that it stays on pretty long. This is first time since I started using makeup that I didn't felt need to use setting powder to make my foundation last longer. Yes, it always helps if you lock your foundation with powder and mattify it, but during summer months when most of us want to use as little face products as possible, you can use this foundation on its own and it will still be there after couple hours.

So all in all, I am in love with this foundation and I can't wait to try out more foundations from L'oreal (especially pro-matte version of this one).
Hope you like this post and what are your thoughts about this foundation? Hot or not product, tell me in comments

I drage moje, kraljica pudera iz drogerija je ponovo u akciji! Posto sebe smatram beauty blogerkom u pokusaju smatram da je stvarno bilo krajnje vreme da isprobam i cuvene L'oreal tecne pudere.

Prvo da razjasnim zasto mi je bilo potrebno ovoliko vremena da ih testiram. Pokusala sam da ih kupim nekoliko puta, ali mi je u glavi ostao savet devojke koja radi u parfimeriji, da ne kupujem ove pudere zato sto sadrze dosta ulja i to moze na mojoj inace masnoj kozi da izazove jos vise bubuljica, tako da pravim vecu stetu nego sto imam korist. Tako da bilo je mucenje da slusam toliko devojaka koje se kunu u ove pudere, a da ih sama ne probam, i naravno kada su bili na snizenju nisam mogla da odolim. 
Sada posle mesec dana koriscenja zelim da kazem da mi L'oreal Infallible tecni puder nije izazvao nikakve bubuljice ili promene na kozi.
I kada smo to stavili na stranu da pocnemo sa samim utiscima o ovom puderu. Puder dolazi u obicnoj staklenoj bocici sa pumpicom, sto je uvek pohvalno.

Sto se tice nijansi u kojima dolazi moram da pohvalim L'oreal. Ja imam svetliji ten (Mac NC 15) i ponekada mi je izazov da pronadjem odgovarajuce nijanse u drogerijama ali najsvetlija nijansa 130 True beige mi sasvim odgovara.
Ono po cemu je ovaj tecni puder poznat jeste pokrivna moc. Ima srednju do potpunu pokrivnu moc sto ja uglavnom ocekujem od tecnog pudera. Dosta dobro mi je prekrio bubuljice i nesavrsenosti na licu, tako da je ovo  zaista jedan od retkih pudera preko kog ne moram da nanosim korektor da bih prekrila sve sto zelim. Iako ima ovakvu prekrivnu moc, ovaj puder nema taj efekat maske i ne oseca se preterano tesko na licu. 
Finis nije ni mat a ni sjajan, tako da najpribliznije sto bih mogla da ga opisem je prirodno.
Sto se tice trajanja na licu, tu je takodje ispunio ocekivanja. Svi znamo je uvek bolje da setujemo tecni puder kamenim (ili u prahu) ali u ovim letnjim mesecima mislim da tezimo da imamo sto manje slojeva na licu, tako da ja dajem mali odmor mom Rimmel Stay matte puderu u kamenu i koristim samo ovaj tecni puder (hrabro za nekoga ko ima masnu kozu). 
Sve u svemu, ja sam kao sto se da primetiti odusevljena i sigurna sam da cu u skorije vreme probati jos tecnih pudera od L'oreal-a. 
Nadam se da vam se svideo ovaj post i recite mi da li ste vi probale ovaj puder i kakvi su utisci.

Long waited May favorites / Dugo ocekivani favoriti za maj

Hello everyone so I finally put myself together and collected products I have been using for last month and here they are their majesty may favorites.

Summer is here and that means I completely changed my makeup routine so what you see here are products that I was using on daily bases. Let's jump in then!

Starting of with my newest discovery from drugstore. It is L'oreal Infallible 24h foundation and I can say that it quickly became my go to foundation and it is one of best foundations that I have tried. More about it you will read in my next post.

To continue with face products. Next one I've been loving is Mac Prolongwear concelear. Even though I don't contour my face every day I love to highlight my under eye area and I feel like it does make a difference. It makes me look a lot more awake and alive. It has amazing coverage so I sometimes use it before foundation to cover blemishes and what surprised me most is that it last really long and that it won't crease or move. If this wasn't enough check out my review here.

mascara and eyeliner in action

When it comes to mascara I will say that Too faced Better than sex and They're real set up some real high standards. I was a bit scared when I went and bought mascara based on its packaging and brush and without knowing anything about it. Well I made good choice. L'oreal False Lash wings is my mascara of the month. It gives great length if you use a little "comb" but also separates lashes and gives volume when you use it as a regular rounded brush without lashes being spiky. This may sounded a bit weird but you can see brush on picture to see what was I talking about.

Since lately I was all about that bad-ass look, winged eyeliner is must have. It is actually a rediscovery cause when I first started using make up my hardest goal to achive was thin winged eyeliner and what I have been using to achieve this is Essence Liquid ink eyeliner. It is so inexpensive but it does great job and it won't smudge during entire day.

Moving on to hair products. I usually stick to shampoo, conditoner and dry shampoo when it comes to hair but recently my hair was dry and it didn't have that healthy shine so I needed to do something and turned to oils - Amika hair oil to be exact. This oil made my hair silky and to look a bit less damaged but you really have to be careful with it and use tiny amount otherwise it could look a bit greasy.

This month was Eurovision song contest 2015. I am such a fan girl when it comes to Eurovision and this year was no exception, and even today on my playlist you will find at least half of this year enteries.

I was doing a lot reading this month so there are two book favorites. First one is Looking for Alaska by John Green. This book is so different from anything else I read and there is a reason why this book, and John Green, are so popular. I can relate to Miles so much, with that fitting in  part and finding Great perhaps and wanting more from life. 

Next one is a bit different, and I still have 20 pages left, but I have to share it. I hate my selfie by Shane Dawson is the one of the rare books that Youtuber wrote and that I had to read. He also talks about teen years and some important stuff in his life but in totally different way, with loads of humor.

I think this was enough for month of may. Hope you guys like this post and what have you been loving lately? 

Cao devojke,  ja sam se konacno malo sredila i sakupila proizvode koje sam koristila proslog meseca pa sada zelim da ih podelim. Predstavljam vam dugo ocekivane favorite za maj;

Mislim da se leto vec oseca, sto znaci da sam izmenila moju rutinu i ovi proizvodi koje sada vidite su ono sto sam koristila svakodnevno.

Pocinjemo sa mojim najnovijim otkricem iz drogerija. To je  L'oreal Infallible tecni puder. Ovaj puder mi je veoma brzo nasao put do korpice sa mojim omiljenim proizvodima i vise o njemu procitacete u sledecem postu.
Sledece sto sam koristila od proizvoda za lice je Mac prolongwear korektor. Ja ovaj korektor ne mogu dovoljno da nahvalim. Uglavnom ga koristim za posvetljivanje predela ispod ociju, sto na mom licu pravi veliku razliku zato sto izgledam dosta svezije i odmornije. Takodje ovaj korektor ima odlicnu prekrivnu moc tako da kada zelim da bas pokrijem sve nesavrsenosti koristim ga pre pudera. Detaljnije o ovom proizvodu; ovde.
Kada su u pitanju maskare mogu da kazem da su Too faced Better than sex i Benefit They're real postavile prilicno visoke standarde. I iskrena da budem nisu me vise privlacile drogerijske maskare, ali u jednom trenutku su mi sve maskare bile skoro suve tako da sam bez razmisljanja otisla u drogeriju u kupila Loreal False lash wings maskaru. Nisam cula da ljudi pricaju o njoj, tako da nisam znala sta da ocekujem i jedini razlog zbog koga sam se odlucila za nju su pakovanje i cetkica, ali evo je danas u favoritima. Ova maskara daje dobru duzinu ali ne slepi trepavice, vec ih lepo razdvoji za sta sluzi mali cesalj. I mozda je ovo zvucalo malo cudno ali na slici se nadam se vidi o cemu pricam.

maskara i ajlajner u akciji

U poslednje vreme mi se veoma dopao bad-ass look tako da je winged ajlajner must have. Kada sam tek pocinjala da se sminkam, ono sto je meni predstavljalo savrenstvo je tanak winged ajlajner i smatrala sam da kada to postignem (citaj izvezbam) da cu znati sve o sminkanju (sto je sada daleko od istine ali pokusajte to objasnite devojcici od 14 godina). U svakom slucaju sada sam ponovo zavolela takav izgled tako da sam koristila Essence Liquid ink ajlajner. Ajlajner je stvar na kojoj mogu da kazem da ustedim zato sto mi je ovaj savrsen; dosta je lak za koriscenje, ne razmazuje se u toku dana i dosta dugo traje. 
Da predjemo na proizvode za kosu. Ne znam kog razloga ali uglavnom se drzim samo sampona, balzama i sampona za suvo pranje. Probala sam neke maske za kosu ali nisam videla neku drasticnu razliku tako da sada kada sam primetila da mi je kosa dosta suva i da je izgubila svoj prirodni sjaj posegnula sam za Amika uljem. Prvo samo da kazem da obozavam miris ovog ulja i kosa mi kada ga koristim mirise negovano (nadam se da ovo ima smisla). Potrebna je samo mala kolicina, inace krajevi mogu da izgledaju malo masno, ali ako se pravilno koristi cini da kosa izgleda zdravije i daje malo sjaja.

U maju je odrzana Evrovizija i dan-danas na mojoj playlisti se nalazi polovina od pesama koje su tada predstavljene. Veliki sam fan ovog takmicenja, sta vise da kazem.

U poslednje vreme sam se malo posvetila citanju i imam dve knjige kao favorite. Prva je U potrazi za Aljaskom, Dzon Grin. Ova knjiga me je odusevila i veoma je drugacija od svega sto sam ranije procitala i postoji razlog zasto su knjige Dzona Grina toliko popularne medju tinejdzerima. Obuhvata sve periode odrastanja i mogu da se poistovetim sa Majlsom na toliko nacina, pocevsi od uklapanja u drustvo do trazenja Velikog mozda.

I druga knjiga je I hate myselfie a autor je Youtuber Shane Dawson. Ova knjiga nazalost nije prevedena na nas jezik ali se na internetu moze naci na engleskom za one koji su zainteresovani. Meni je do kraja ove knjige preostalo jos 20 strana ali ovo sto sam do sada procitala je dovoljno da je stavim u favorite. Ovde je takodje opisan zivot tinejdzera i problemi sa kojim se on suocava ali na skroz drugi nacin; kroz humor i sale na svoj racun.

Mislim da je bilo dovoljno favorita za maj i nadam se da vam se svideo ovaj post. Recite mi u komentarima sta ste vi voleli u poslednje vreme.