My first Mac product: Pro longwear concelear / Prvi Mac proizvod: Pro longwear korektor
First I want to say Happy Easter to everyone who celebrate it.
And now real thing. I bought this concelear yesterday (and I am sooo excited right now but not a lot of people want to hear me talking an hour about one concelear so here I am) and this is going to be first impression kind of post.

Now I know that everyone thought that I would go for Mac's well-known lipsticks* (they are Meca for lipsticks) but I have to be different so I went for this concelear. I needed multi-purpose concelear and I don't hear a lot of people talking about high-end concelears (and I have to hear some good stuff before I splurge on something) so I decided to treat myself with this one from Mac.
This concelear comes is small bottle with pump (I am the only one that gets so annoyed when buy a high-end product and have to buy and extra pump?) and contains 9 ml or 0,3 fl.oz which is great for a concelear. Packaging is so simple and sleek (typical for Mac). I am in the lightest shade (as always) which is NC 15 (neutral cool undertone) but I was so surprised with selection of color they had and I think that there is right shade for everyone.
And now for product itself. This concelear has medium to high coverage and it is buildable so it wont look cakey on skin. It has liquid texture and I think that it could be used for covering blemishes (which I use it for) as well as covering under eye circles. It has natural matte finish and can be used on its own cause it blends nicely with skin (when I am in hurry this is my go-to look). And what makes it stand out from other concelears is that it lasts pretty long especially when you set it with powder.

The only downside is that pump is not my favorite and it takes out too much product so I am not sure how long it would last.

And I was so thrilled when I heard that Mac has Back 2 Mac policy which means that for 6 empty products (everything in recycling amabalage) you get free lipstick (that means I will soon go and pick up some other stuff).
And I know this is quite long for first impressions post but I am so obsessed with this now and if I love it as much as I do know expect it in my next favorites.
*I hope you liked this post and tell me what is you favorite Mac product and favorite lipstick.
Prvo da pozelim srecan Uskrs svima koji ga slave.
Juce sam kupila ovaj korektor i nisam mogla da docekam da podelim utiske sa vama (i dalje sam mnogo uzbudjena ali nije mnogo ljudi zainteresovano da me slusa kako pola sata pricam o jednom korektoru tako da evo me ovde). Vec sam stigla da ga isprobam tako da cu podeliti svoje prve utiske.
Sad predpostavljam da su svi mislili da cu kupiti poznati Mac ruz (u ovom svetu Mac je Meka za ruzeve) ali naravno ja sam morala da budem drugacija pa sam izabrala korektor. Salu na stranu potrosila sam korektor koji inace koristim, a nisam cula da mnogo ljudi hvalili luksuznije korektore (a ja pre nego sto se pocastim tako necim moram da cujem dosta pozitivnih komentara) tako da sam se odlucila za ovaj korektor.
Dolazi u staklenoj bocici sa pumpicom (da li sam jedina koju nervira da kada kupim skuplji proizvod moram povrh toga da kupujem i pumpicu?) I sadrzi 9 ml proizvoda sto je dosta solidno za korektor. Pakovanje je jednostavno i elegantno (karakteristicno za Mac). Moja nijansa je NC 15 (hladan podton ali su prodavacice bas ljubazne tako da ce pomoci) ali me je izenadilo sto ima bas dosta nijansi i mislim da svako moze da pronadje odgovarajucu.
I sada na sam proizvod. Ima srednje do potpunog prekrivanja i moze da se nadogradi a da ne izgleda kao mnogo sminke. Tecan je i mislim da moze da se koristi za pokrivanje bubuljica (za sta ga ja koristim) ali i za pokrivanje podocnjaka. Ima prirodan mat finis i super se blenda i moze da se koristi bez drugih proizvoda (sto ja radim kada bad zurim). I ono sto ga izdvaja od drugih je sto dosta dugo traje pogotovo kada se setuje puderom.
Jedina mala mana je pumpica koja izvuce previse proizvoda pa nisam sigurna koliko ce mi trajati.
Ono sto me je iznenadilo je politika Back 2 Mac kada za 6 potrosenih proizvoda (praznih pakovanja) dobijete besplatan ruz ali cu proveriti da li vazi kod nas pa vam javljam.
Znam da je ovo predugo za prve utiske ali toliko sam odusevljena a ako se ovako nastavi videcete ga u favoritima.
Nadam se da vam se ovaj post dopao i zanima me sta da kupim sledece i koji su vasi omiljeni ruzevi
And now real thing. I bought this concelear yesterday (and I am sooo excited right now but not a lot of people want to hear me talking an hour about one concelear so here I am) and this is going to be first impression kind of post.

Now I know that everyone thought that I would go for Mac's well-known lipsticks* (they are Meca for lipsticks) but I have to be different so I went for this concelear. I needed multi-purpose concelear and I don't hear a lot of people talking about high-end concelears (and I have to hear some good stuff before I splurge on something) so I decided to treat myself with this one from Mac.
This concelear comes is small bottle with pump (I am the only one that gets so annoyed when buy a high-end product and have to buy and extra pump?) and contains 9 ml or 0,3 fl.oz which is great for a concelear. Packaging is so simple and sleek (typical for Mac). I am in the lightest shade (as always) which is NC 15 (neutral cool undertone) but I was so surprised with selection of color they had and I think that there is right shade for everyone.
And now for product itself. This concelear has medium to high coverage and it is buildable so it wont look cakey on skin. It has liquid texture and I think that it could be used for covering blemishes (which I use it for) as well as covering under eye circles. It has natural matte finish and can be used on its own cause it blends nicely with skin (when I am in hurry this is my go-to look). And what makes it stand out from other concelears is that it lasts pretty long especially when you set it with powder.
The only downside is that pump is not my favorite and it takes out too much product so I am not sure how long it would last.
And I was so thrilled when I heard that Mac has Back 2 Mac policy which means that for 6 empty products (everything in recycling amabalage) you get free lipstick (that means I will soon go and pick up some other stuff).
And I know this is quite long for first impressions post but I am so obsessed with this now and if I love it as much as I do know expect it in my next favorites.
*I hope you liked this post and tell me what is you favorite Mac product and favorite lipstick.
Prvo da pozelim srecan Uskrs svima koji ga slave.
Juce sam kupila ovaj korektor i nisam mogla da docekam da podelim utiske sa vama (i dalje sam mnogo uzbudjena ali nije mnogo ljudi zainteresovano da me slusa kako pola sata pricam o jednom korektoru tako da evo me ovde). Vec sam stigla da ga isprobam tako da cu podeliti svoje prve utiske.
Sad predpostavljam da su svi mislili da cu kupiti poznati Mac ruz (u ovom svetu Mac je Meka za ruzeve) ali naravno ja sam morala da budem drugacija pa sam izabrala korektor. Salu na stranu potrosila sam korektor koji inace koristim, a nisam cula da mnogo ljudi hvalili luksuznije korektore (a ja pre nego sto se pocastim tako necim moram da cujem dosta pozitivnih komentara) tako da sam se odlucila za ovaj korektor.
Dolazi u staklenoj bocici sa pumpicom (da li sam jedina koju nervira da kada kupim skuplji proizvod moram povrh toga da kupujem i pumpicu?) I sadrzi 9 ml proizvoda sto je dosta solidno za korektor. Pakovanje je jednostavno i elegantno (karakteristicno za Mac). Moja nijansa je NC 15 (hladan podton ali su prodavacice bas ljubazne tako da ce pomoci) ali me je izenadilo sto ima bas dosta nijansi i mislim da svako moze da pronadje odgovarajucu.
I sada na sam proizvod. Ima srednje do potpunog prekrivanja i moze da se nadogradi a da ne izgleda kao mnogo sminke. Tecan je i mislim da moze da se koristi za pokrivanje bubuljica (za sta ga ja koristim) ali i za pokrivanje podocnjaka. Ima prirodan mat finis i super se blenda i moze da se koristi bez drugih proizvoda (sto ja radim kada bad zurim). I ono sto ga izdvaja od drugih je sto dosta dugo traje pogotovo kada se setuje puderom.
Jedina mala mana je pumpica koja izvuce previse proizvoda pa nisam sigurna koliko ce mi trajati.
Ono sto me je iznenadilo je politika Back 2 Mac kada za 6 potrosenih proizvoda (praznih pakovanja) dobijete besplatan ruz ali cu proveriti da li vazi kod nas pa vam javljam.
Znam da je ovo predugo za prve utiske ali toliko sam odusevljena a ako se ovako nastavi videcete ga u favoritima.
Nadam se da vam se ovaj post dopao i zanima me sta da kupim sledece i koji su vasi omiljeni ruzevi
6 коментара
I looove this concealer too, as soon as the lady at the MAC counter demonstrated it on me I was in love - couldn't believe how well it covered my blemishes! I too find the pump also gives me too much product, I always have to open the lid (which is difficult) and scrape any excess product back inside. Great post though, very detailed!
ReplyDeleteSinead xo ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥
Wow looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing! Good choice. The only bad thing about this product is the pump. I find that you lose too much product because of it. For this reason, I bought their creamy concealer instead. Let me know if you buy any of their lipsticks! I love all of their collections. I wish it wasn't so expensive. x
I've heard great things about this concealer! Lovely review.
ReplyDeleteErin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty
How did you decide what your first product from MAC was going to be? I'm still trying to decide what to buy! There's so much that I want! Haha!
ReplyDeleteNicole |
Yes the strugle is so real! Well for the first time in my life I chose what I needed the most. I wanted to try Mac stuff for so long and I needed concelear that will cover blemishes so lady in store helped me (and bloggers too). Next on my wishlist are lipsticks :)