Guest post; Summer wishlist by Lady life

Guys I can't tell you how much I am excited for my first collab (in bloggers world guest post). Today my guest will be Holly Reed from Lady life and I want to thank her for this great experience.

Hi there! The gorgeous Sparkly Goddess is going to put her feet up for a while, while I tell you all about my summer wish list. I'm Holly, a blogger from Ireland with my own awesome site Lady life. Not just your typical blog sharing reviews and beauty tips, you can find a whole lot more like recipes, life guides and tutorials. Be sure to come and check it out! I thought share with you my Summer Wish List! I find it seriously hard to write wish lists (because I just want everything!!!) But I am going to make a super huge effort because Sparkly Goddess wrote a post for my blog when my old PC died and I was stuck! I have 3 products on my wish list, all of which are high end brands but I think it's nice to dream big. Especially since so many drugstore brands have "dupes" of the high end products anyways so you can just pick them up instead!

MAC Lightful C Tinted Cream (with SPF 30 and Radiance Booster)
This is new from MAC for summer that is like one of those multitasking products; it has all the loveliness of a Colour Corrector but it also reduces imperfections, controls oil and increases the radiance of your skin too. What I love about this products is the Radiance Booster and vitamin C infused in the cream work together to correct your overall complexion over time. So little niggles like pores, dark spots and hyper­pigmentation. Actually thinking about it, I have recently been using a cleansing brush that has done all these wonderful things for my skin too! It also has SPF 30/PA+++ which forms a protective barrier against UVA/UVB rays. There are 9 shades available and a 40ml tube (pictured) costs £25.50 from MAC.

Bobbi Brown Long Wear Cream Shadow Stick in Golden Pink 

How amazing is this colour?! This shimmery golden, pinky peach just screams summertime! These shadow sticks are long­lasting with a budge­proof formula that stays put for 8 hours so it's not gonna melt in the heat or run down your cheeks if you get splashed in the pool. It's so easy to use too, just swipe and run! You look amazing in one stroke! These come 18 shades including 7 new summer shades. These cost £20 from Bobbi Brown.

Yves Saint Laurent Gloss Volupté Summer Look 2015 in Shade 50 Orange Sagette 

I think orange­toned pinks and reds will be seriously hot this summer! That's why it's perfect for the summer. It's a lightweight, non­sticky lip gloss with glitter flecks for a truly carefree summer vibe. I absolutely love this shade and the effect this gloss has on your lips will make any passerby's ice cream melt! There are 2 shades in the summer collection and you can get them for £22 from YSL

Those are my 3 top picks for this summer, all in some seriously smokin' shades that are bang on trend! If you've got any of these products please do share with me what you think! I'd hate to buy them if they're rubbish haha!
 Don't forget to come and visit me over on for more cool posts. You can also check out my Instagram and my Bloglovin' too, if you fancy it!

Building my makeup collection / Kako sam napravila kolekciju sminke?

So guys I decided to turn one of my favorite type of makeup videos into a post. This is first thing that I want to read/watch when I discover new blogger/vlogger and I while reading/watching I always dream of having something similar one day.
The only nice organized part of my makeup collection

 Early beginnings; We all start somewhere and my earliest memory of using makeup  was when I was about 12. I used to be obsessed (and this is right word) with black pencil eyeliners that I used in waterline. It made me feel so special and it is still one of my favorite makeup products but I use it only in special occasions.

Bourjois 123 Perfect foundation, Vichy Dermablend, Rimmel Stay matte,Maybelline 
Color tattoo eyeshadow, Better than sex mascara, Too faced Primed&poreless primer
I officially started using makeup when I was around 16 years old and what made me do that were You tube videos (Krazyrayray and Ingrid Nilsen to be percised). I remember binge watching their old videos and thinking about starting using makeup. But I wasn't too crazy about puberty (I guess I still don't want to grow up) and makeup was kind of part of this entire transition between being girl and women. Still I wanted to look like them and be pretty so I started secretly using makeup when no one else was around. And then I slowly started wearing it to school (first mascara, then I added eyeliner and in the end foundation). I am not sure that I want to remember those moments because panda eye is stil not in trend and two shades darker foundation will never be in.

Products that I use on daily bases
But that was the beginning and as we have all heard "Practice makes perfection". Even though I had makeup routine and used only these three products that haven't stopped me from watching beauty videos on You tube or wanting to try out every product that someone mentiones. And that's how I started piling on makeup products that I would try out and use them couple times and then pass them to my mum or just forget about them.
Around that time I really started being into reading blogs and I set up my own (as you can notice all of this wasnt too long ago). Now I have excuse to actually buy makeup that I really want even tough I won't use it every single day.

Chocolate Soleil bronzer, Better than sex
mascara, Primed&poreless,
Shadow insurance

First high-end product: As almost every sixteen-year-old girl I have always dreamed of buying makeup from Sephora and first thing I actully bought is this makeup set from Too faced called Beauty blogger darlings and if you don't know already I love every single product from this set.

First Mac product: I bought it very recenty and I was so excited that I did full post about it:

To wrap this post up; Building makeup collection is not something you can do for one month. It takes some time and this was my story; what's yours?

Drage moje danas sam odlucila da pretvorim jedan od mojih omiljenih tipova videa u post. Kolekcije sminke su prva stvar koju citam/gledam kod drugih blogerki i uvek sam sanjala da i sama imam nesto slicno.
Jedini dobro organizovan deo moje kolekcije

Rani poceci; Svi mi negde pocinjemo i moje najranije secanje vezano za sminku je period kada sam imala oko 12 godina. Tada sam se prvi put susrela sa "pravom" sminkom (ne racunam one decije senke i sjajice) i bila sam opsednuta (da, to je prava rec) crnom olovkom za oci. Osecala sam se mnogo lepse i posebno kada sam je stavljala i do dana danasnjeg ostala je jedan od mojih omiljenih proizvoda, iako je sada uglavnom koristim za specijalne prilike.
Bourjois 123 Perfect puder, Vichy Dermablend, Rimmel Stay matte,Maybelline
Color tattoo senka, Better than sex maskara, Too faced Primed&poreless prajmer
Zvanicno sam pocela da se sminkama kada sam imala oko 16 godina i to zbog You tube videa koje sam gledala (tacnije vlogerki Ingrid Nilsen i Krazyrayray). Secam se da sam ih gledala i zelela da i ja probam da se sminkam. Ali nisam osoba koja je bila najsrecnija zbog puberteta i sve promene sam burno prihvatala tako da sam i sminku gledala kao deo celog ovog procesa kada se menjamo. Medjutim zelja da budem lepa je preovladala i pocela sam da se krijem i sminkam (ne pitajte koja je to logika bila). Zatim sam pocela da se sminkam kada idem u skolu (2. godina srednje, malo sam zakasnila) i prvo sam koristila samo maskaru, zatim i ajlajner i na kraju puder. Ne zelim bas da se prisecam tog perioda posto ajlajner preko pola kapka i nijansu tamniji puder nikada nece biti u trendu.

Ali to je bio pocetak a kao sto smo svi vec culi vezba vodi do savrsenstva. Iako sam vec imala neku vrstu rutine kada je sminkanje u pitanju, i koristila sam ova tri proizvoda, to me nije sprecilo da i dalje gledam beauty blogere (vlogere) i da zelim da probam svaki proizvod koji spomenu. Tako sam pocela da nagomilavam proizvode koje bih uglavnom samo isprobala i prosledila mami ili jednostavno zaboravila.
Otprilike tada sam otkrila beauty blogove i sama osnovala jedan (kao sto mozete primetiti sve ovo se nije desavalo tako davno). I konacno sam imala dobar izgovor za kupovinu novih proizvoda koje necu koristiti bas svakoga dana.

Chocolate Soleil bronzer,
Better than sex 
Primed&poreless,Shadow insurance
Prvi high-end proizvod:  Dugo sam se divila proizvodima u Sephori, dok konacno nisam kupila Christmas Beauty must haves set od Too faced-a i danas obozavam svaki proizvod iz ovog seta.

Prvi Mac proizvod; Ja sam se odusevila kada se Mac otvorio kod nas i kada nam je konacno postala dostupna marka koja je toliko poznata i koju svi hvale. Bila sam presrecna kada sam kupila prvi proizvod i vise o njemu:

I da zakljucimo; praviti kolekciju sminke je proces koji traje (pogotovo sto se sminka trosi) i nije nesto sto je gotovo za mesec dana. Potrebno je vreme i ovo je bila moja prica, koja je vasa?

Summer beauty wishlist! / Lista zelja za leto

Although summer hasn't started yet, and I am still loving my pastels there are a lot of things I am so excited to try out this summer. And Sephora brands have been killing it lately with new releases, just saying (who can be not excited when there are brand new stuff around?) Bright lips and sun kissed look, I have missed you.
1. Maybelline Lash sensational mascara - I have heard only good things about this one and reason why I haven't picked it up yet is that I am more crazy volume type of girl, but I would like to try it out
2. Bourjois rouge edition Velvet in Ole flamingo
3. L'oreal La palette Nude eyeshadow palette rose - looks like a great Naked 3 dupe
4. Cover Fx Custom cover drops - idea of pure pigments sounds amazing and I don't think you get better coverage than this and everyone seem to love it
5. Becca highlighter in Opal - bloggers make me want this product so bad
6. L'oreal Infallible mattifying base - I am so lazy when it comes to primers but I feel like I would love to use this one
7. Max factor Creme puff blush in Lavish mauve 
8. Too faced Melted metal lipstick in Metallic macaron - such a gorgeus shade for summer and the only thing that I haven't tried out from Too faced are their lip products and foundations so I better put my hands on this soon
9. Make up forever Pro bronze fusion

I know that this wishlist will keep growing but that's all for now. I hope that you like it and tell me what have you been craving from makeup products recently?

Iako nam leto jos uvek nije stiglo, a ja i dalje volim prolecne pastelne boje, primetila sam (ili cula) da je izaslo dosta novih proizvoda koje veoma zelim da isprobam ovog leta. I brendovi koje drzi Sephora su upravo izbacili (ili ce uskoro) mnostvo novih proizvoda (vec sam pocela da sklanjam novac na stranu zato sto ce mi biti potreban cim budem videla nesto od ovoga). Jarke upecatljive usne i osuncano lice, nedostajali ste mi.
1. Maybelline Lash sensational maskara - o ovoj maskari sam iskreno cula samo najbolje i jedini razlog zbog koga je jos nisam kupila je sto ja uglavnom vise koristim maskare koje daju volumen a ne duzinu. U svakom slucaju volela bih da je probam
2. Bourjois rouge edition Velvet u nijansi Ole flamingo
3. L'oreal La palette nude eyeshadow paleta rose - ovo mi izgleda kao odlican dupe za Naked 3 paletu i nadam se da ce uskoro stici kod nas
4. Cover Fx Custom cover drops 
5. Becca hajlajter u nijansi Opal
6. L'oreal Infaliblle matirajuca baza - jedan od retkih drogerijskih prajmera koji umanju izgled pora, a pritom i matira
7. Max factor Creme puff rumenilo u nijansi Lavish mauve
8. Too faced Melted tecni ruz u nijansi Metallic macaron- ova nijansa mi izgleda savrseno za leto i jedini proizvodi koje nisam probala od Too faced-a su puderi i proizvodi za usta i potrudicu se da ovaj propust ispravim uskoro
9. Make up forever Pro bronze fusion

Znam da ce ova lista nastaviti da raste do leta ali to je to za sada. Nadam se da vam se svideo ovaj post i recite mi sta biste vi novo zeleli da probate.

Writer's block, Where I am now? / Kreativna blokada, gde sam sada?

So guys long time no talk? Yes I know, which is one of the reasons why I decided to share this post with you even though it is a step out of my comfort zone. It would be great if just one persone could relate to this post cause I know that I am not the only one that is going through this.

Writers block, well we have all heard for it, if not experienced it. I think that it doesn't necessarily need to be bad thing. Creating something good is a process and not everything can go smoothly.
And someone is probably asking what that has to do with beauty blog?
 I created this blog as a place for me to share my thoughts about stuff that I am interested in (and yes, that is mostly make up) but sometimes I feel need to write about some meaningful things. I have never been good in separating private and public things so in my case is what you see or read  is what you get, no pass overs.
Getting back on topic. My emotions basically control everything I do. I sometimes find myself having couple lazy days in a row and sometimes beeing so busy and productive that I feel like I can rule the world. And that reflects on my blog too. On those busy days I can find inspiration in smallest things, one picture can inspire me to change a lot of stuff but on lazy days I just take a break and with that every inspiration is just gone.

The only advice I can give someone is to just take a little time and don't push anything.  Yes I know it could be a little bit nerve wracking but it will all be back to normal. I was a bit worried and it made me question where was I going with this. Made me question how hard I am willing to work to make this blog successful. I have heard somewhere that a lot of blogs after six months just disappear. People are not getting results they expected so they just give up. That is not my case and you guys won't get rid of me any time soon.

Sorry that this post was kind of random and all over place but again I would be thrilled if just one person could relate to this post.

Znam, dugo nije bilo posta i to je jedan od razloga zasto sam se odlucila da bas ovo podelim sa vama, iako me pricanje o ovome malo izbacuje iz komfort zone. Bila bih odusevljena ako bi bar jedna osoba mogla da se poistoveti sa ovim sto cu podeliti zato sto znam da nisam jedina koja prolazi kroz nesto ovako.
Prvo znam da smo svi culi za kreativnu blokadu, ako ne i iskusili. Ja smatram da kreativna blokada nije nuzno nesto lose. Stvaranje neceg dobrog je proces i nikada ne ide sve po planu.

I sigurna sam da se neko pita kakve ovo veze ima sa blogom o kozmetici? Osnovala sam ovaj blog kao mesto gde mogu da podelim svoja razmisljanja o stvarima koje me interesuju ( i da, to je uglavnom sminka) ali nekada imam potrebu i da pisem o znacajnijim stvarima. Nikada nisam bila dobra u razdvajanju privatnih i javnih stvari tako da u mom slucaju ono sto vidite ili procitate to i dobijete bez precutkivanja. Ima to i dobrih strana.
Da se vratim na temu. Moje emocije kontrolisu sve sto radim. Primetila sam da mi se desi da se nekoliko dana za redom izlezavam dok se nekada skroz preokupiram i ne znam gde udaram. Takve stvari se odrazavaju i na blog. Kada sam dobro raspolozena u stanju sam da nadjem inspiraciju i u jednoj recenici ili slici ali  ponekada samo uzmem pauzu i tada svaka inspiracija nestaje.

Jedini saveti koje mogu da podelim su da u ovakvim situcijama uzmete malo vremena i da ne navaljujete. Znam da moze da bude nezgodno ali to je sve deo procesa i sve ce se vratiti u normalu. Ja sam bila malo zabrinuta i to me je nateralo da se zapitam gde sam isla sa ovim blogom. Koliko sam spremna da tesko radim da bi od ovoga napravila nesto uspesno. Cula sam da dosta blogova posle sest meseci nestaje. Ljudi ne dobiju ocekivane rezultate i odustaju. To nije moj slucaj, i mozda sada nisam ispunila sva ocekivanja ali ja sam ovde na duge staze.

Znam da je ovaj post malo neocekivan i nesredjen ali opet nadam se da ce se bar neko pronaci i da ce se bar nekome dopasti.