New Year's resolutions / Novogodisnje odluke


Hey guys, so long time no talk. And first of all I want to say Happy New Year even though it is 6th January. I have been taking a little break and I thought today is perfect day to write first post in 2015 (it will take a lot of time to get used to writing 2015). I am all snuggled in my favourite blanket with a cup of tea next to me while it is snowing outside. I don't know am I the only person that prefer winter over summer and all other seasons but whenever I see snow when I wake up I fell like a six-year-old. And the best part of winter is just sitting next to fireplace with a good book and Christmas playlist.
Could you ask for anything else? Yes we always ask for a lot of stuff so here comes the important part of this post, my NewYears resolutions:

1. Be grateful - There is a reason why this is number 1. I just have spent last year thinking about stuff I want and I don't have, that I just forgot have many things I do have and I should be grateful for. Sometimes we just see that stuff as normal and take them for granted and then something shake us up  and we realize that every little thing is important and that we should appreciate it cause someone somewhere is wishing that so bad. And this doesn't refer just on clothes and gadgets but on health, family and friends too. I am getting too deep with this so moving on to connected number 2

2. Enjoy little things - as you saw snow makes me so happy. It is little thing but when your day start in that mood you will probably notice a lot of other small things that could cheer you up. Maybe you are reading a good book, or watching episode of your favourite tv show, meeting with friends, going ice-skating, new comment on your blog and so and so. There are so many little things you can enjoy every day you just have to focus on them.

3. Being positive - For me this one is so important and I find it a bit hard to just be constantly postive in this world. After a hard day all I want to do is just lay in my bed and watch some You tube videos or listen to music. This always cheer me up because people can be so negative sometimes and this is how I find motivation and fill my self with positivity. It is always good to suround yourself with positive people but it is easy to say and a bit harder to do. You can always find something positive and good in stuff (even in the smallest things as I've said) and YOU choose to see good in things and people.

4. Eat healthy - I know that you have already seen this (probably is one of your resoulutions too) but I have struggled with my weight for a really long time and I think this could be the year when I just end that crazy cycle of gaining and losing weight. I always tried to eat healthy so I can lose weiht but I am not a little girl anymore and it is time to think about my health too so goodbye chips and pizza.

Not a lot of resoultions but still they won't be that easy to follow. Anyways I wish you all the best in new year and tell me some of your resoultions for this year.

Stvarno ne znam za vas ali ja u ovom periodu izgubim osecaj o vremenu. Prvo zelim da svima pozelim srecne bozicne i novogodisnje praznike. Uzela sam malu pauzu i danas sam kao prvi post u 2015 (bas mi je cudno i procice dosta vremena dok se naviknem da pisem 2015) zelala da podelim svoje novogodisnje odluke. Napolju je napadao sneg a ja sam se ususkala u cebe sa cajem. Ne znam da li sam jedina koja vise voli zimu od ostalih godisnjih doba ali svaki put kada se probudim i vidim da je napadao sneg osecam se presrecno,kao malo dete. Kamin, dobra knjiga i muzika dok napolju pada sneg sta vise moze da se pozeli? Jos mnogo stvari nazalost i zato sada razmisljam o novogodisnjim odlukama. Ovo je ustvari prvi put da sam stvarno sela da napisem svoje odluke. Ranijih godina nisam preterano razmisljala o ovome ali nova godina je najbolje vreme da pocnemo sa promenama.

1. Biti zahvalan - Postoji razlog zasto ovo stavljam na prvo mesto. Proslu godinu sam provela zeleci neke nerealne stvari i razmisljajuci o onome sto nemam i sto mi fali dok sam stvari za koje treba da budem zahvalna zanemarila. Nekada takve stvari dozivljavamo normalnim i uzimamo ih zdravo za gotovo dok nas nesto ne prodrma i ne shvatimo da su i sitnice bitne i da treba da cenimo sve sto imamo zato sto neko negde bas to zeli. I ovo se ne odnosi samo na materijalne stvari vec i na zdravlje, porodicu, prijatelje i jos mnogo toga. Uh ovim ulazim u malo dublju temu tako da prelazimo na drugu odluku

2. Uzivaj u sitnicama - Kao sto se da primetiti ja uzivam u snegu. To je mala stvar ali kada  dan pocne u takvom raspolozenju trudimo se da ga zadrzimo i primecujemo sitnice. Mozda citate dobru knjigu, gledate novu epizodu omiljene serije, vidjate se sa prijateljima, idete na klizanje, citate komentare na blogu i tako dalje ali sve su to male stvari koje cine dan i u kojima mozete da uzivate samo ukoliko obratite paznju.

3. Biti pozivan - Ovo je veoma bitna odluka za mene zato sto smatram da nije lako stalno biti pozitivan u ovom svetu. Posle napornog dana jedino sto zelim da uradim je da legnem u krevet i odgledam nekoliko You tube videa zato sto mi to pomaze da napunim baterije i nadjem inspiraciju.
Ovo me uvek oraspolozi zato sto ljudi nekada mogu da budu negativi i tako i uticu na vas. "Okruzi se pozitivnim ljudima" lako reci a ne bas lako uraditi ali cu se ove godine potruditi da i to ispunim. Uvek mozemo naci pozitivno u stvarima i nas je izbor da li cemo videti dobre ili  lose stvari u necemu.

4. Zdrava isharana - Znam da je vec vidjeno (verovatno se nalazi i na vasim listama) ali ja se vec duze vreme borima sa kilazom i nadam se da ce ovo biti godina kada cu prekinuti ceo ciklus gojenja i mrsavljenja. Uvek sam se trudila da jedem zdravo kako bih smrsala ali vise nisam devojcica i mislim da je vreme da povedem i malo racuna o svom zdravlju tako da zaboravljam pomfrit i picu.

Nema mnogo odluka ali ih svejedno nece biti lako sprovesti. U svakom slucaju zelim vam sve najlepse za ove praznike i u ovoj godini.

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14 коментара

  1. Cool! Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on both GFC and Bloglovin!

  2. great resolutions! enjoying the little things is definitely something i want to try this year too! :)

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog! I think these are great resolutions! I especially love #1 & #2. I haven't even sat down and thought about my resolutions yet but when I do I'm sure I'll add those to my list :)

    Ivy xx

  4. Good luck with your resolutions :) xo

  5. Good Resolutions! and I love Winter too but Autumn has to be my favourite! :)

  6. Good luck with your resolutions! :)

    Laura | Blonde and Cupcakes

  7. Hope you prosper with your resolutions!

    xo Rida

  8. Great Post!
    by the way, do you want to Follow each other on GFC, Google+, Twitter, facebook, Instagram and Bloglovin? If yes, you can follow me and I'll follow back right away! :) Let me know with a comment on my Blog

    Best Regards, Sylvie ♥

  9. Odlican post! Kao prvo, zelim ti srecnu Novu godinu, a i puno srece u ispunjenju ovih odluka ;))

  10. Happy New Year!!

  11. i'd like to do these things as well, thanks for sharing :)

    xx danielle // shades of danielle // bloglovin

  12. Hey! love your blog, was wondering if you could check mine out and maybe f4f, just let me know over on my blog thanks xxx

  13. Your list is so lovely, enjoying the little things and remaining positive are both so important! :)


  14. I'm so late on reading your comment..but better late than never :)

    I love your resolutions! Definitely enjoying the little things is a must!
