Empties time! / Potroseni proizvodi
Hi guys! So it's finally time to get back on track and start doing some real work here. I have missed talking about make up so much but the fact that I haven't been talking about it doesn't mean that I haven't been using it so here is my first empties post! It took me a while cause I always like to try new products but I for the sake of this post I tried to be a little bit more consistant with using my make up. And I hope you like the idea to insert some skin care stuff , hair and nail products in my future posts.

To start of with skin care:
Neutrogena Visibly clear pink grapefruit daily scrub - I love this thing. I have been using it everyday and it makes my skin feel so nice and clean after I wash it. Beads are nice and gentle so it isn't too harsh on skin. Even though it says that eliminate spots I haven't saw much of a difference but I love how it cleans my skin so I already bought back up. And to not forget to mention that it smells so good and it is in my favourite color.
Bioderma - I bought this in small size to see does it works as good as everyone been saying. I love that it takes all my make up off (especially foundation after long day) but there is no miracle in it. I am not sure would I repurchase this cause I would use it when I am wearing lot of make up (full make up look) but for every day make up I feel like there are some similar and cheaper stuff out there.
Here I have just 1 hair product and that is Syoss dry shampoo. This was my first dry shampoo and I don't how I lived before using this stuff. I love it cause it makes my hair feel fresh and absorbs all oils from my hair. The only thing I don't like is that it has really strong scent so after I spray it the whole room smells like it.

And my favourite part make up! Max factor Lasting performance foundation is one of my favourite foundations. This is not type of foundation that I wear every day cause it is quite heavy but it covers my acne and imperfections nicely.
Fit me concelear - I know I talked about this way too much but I love using it for covering blemishes and when my skin is darker for under eye area. And you know that I already repurchased it.
Too faced Shadow insurance - I am sorry that this wasn't full size cause I enjoyed using it. It made my eyeshadows last lot longer.
As you see I love mascaras and wear them on daily bases. Max factor 2000 calorie is and old favourite of mine and I still love this mascara. I love it when it drys out a bit cause it gives great volume but it is not that much dramatic.
Big eyes is an average mascara and I prefer part for lower lashes also works a lot better when drys out a bit.
Great lash is mascara I heard lot of people talk about and I just haven't heard lots of lashes part. I feel like I would love this mascara just if it has another brush cause I really don't like this one.
Max factor waterproof eyeliner is amazing eyeliner wears all day, great pigmentation and easy to apply, can't ask for anything else.
Colorama eyeliner I used a lot in water line. It is so black but during the day it smudges out a bit.
Aura smokey eye palette was well loved and used. In this palette I had amazing matte black eyeshadow and perfect champagne color. It is great value for price.
And last products for nails.
Essie hide& go chic- my first Essie nail polish and I can say good bye cheap nail polishes. Essie nail polishes are definitely worth the money, they dry fast, last for 3-4 days on my nails without chiping (and that's lot for me since the other chip after one day) and this one is so pigmented that 1 coat is complitely enough.
Essence gel-look top coat - it does make your nail polish look like gel but it won't last longer than usual.
Since this was empties post and I got rid of many stuff and this is always excuse to go shopping right? Little hint for my next post. Anyways hope you like this one and I would talk to you soon.
Potroseni proizvodi
Vreme je da se vratim ponovo u igru posle svih ovih praznika i pocnem da pisem ponovo o pravim stvarima. Nedostajalo mi je da pisem o sminci ali to ne znaci da je nisam koristila tako da smatram da sam potrosila sasvim solidan broj proizvoda sto mi nije bas bilo lako s obzirom da obozavam da probam nove stvari. I nadam se da vam se dopadaju i 3 nove rubrike koje cu se potruditi da pominjem u sledecim postovima: nega lica, kose i lakovi za nokte. Pa da se opet ne raspisem u uvodu da pocnemo;
Nega lica;
Neutrogena visibly clear daily scrub - Obozavam ovaj piling. Koristila sam ga svaki dan i koza mi posle umivanja bude tako mekana i cista. Granulice nisu velike i ne rastvaraju se tesko tako da ni sam piling nije prejak ali uprkos tome sto kaze da eliminise bubuljice nisam primetila neku razliku posle koriscenja. I da ne zaboravim da spomenem da mirise super i da je roze tako da sam vec kupila novi.
Bioderma - kupila sam je u malom pakovanju da vidim da li je stvarno toliko dobra koliko je svi hvale.Generalno dobro skida sminku i kosristila bih je kada imam dosta sminke a sto se tice skidanja sminke koju nosim na dnevnoj bazi mislim da ima drugih i jeftnijih proizvoda koji rade slican posao.
Sto se tice proizvoda za kosu imam samo jedan a to je Syoss sampon za suvo pranje. Za mene su samponi za suvo pranje nova stvar ali posto sam potrosila ovaj ne znam kako sam zivela bez njega. Obozavam ga zato sto kosa posle koriscenja bude bas lagana i bele cestice upiju svu masnocu. Jedino mi smeta miris koji je bas jak i cela soba mirise tako posle nanosenja.

I moj omiljeni deo,sminka.
Max factor Lasting finish je jedan od mojih omiljenih. Volim ga zato sto mi dobro pokriva bubuljice ali je malo tezak za svaki dan.
Mabelline Fit me korektor - mislim da sam ga vec previse puta hvalila ali mi bas odgovara i za pokrivanje bubuljica i kada sam malo tamnija za posvetljivanje.
Too faced Shadow insurence - Obozavam ovu bazu za senku i bas mi je zao sto nisam uzela vecu zato sto produzava trajanje senki.
Kao sto se da primetiti najvise sam koristila maskare.
Max Factor 2000 calorie je moj stari favorit. Daje solidan volumen i duzinu ali nema one drame koju ja volim kao kod drugih maskara.
Big eyes maskarom nisam nesto preterano odusevljena mada mi se dopada deo za donje trepavice.
Great Lash maskaru sam kupila nakon sto sam cula koliko je hvale ali nisam cula onaj deo Lots of lashes tako da sam zavrsila sa originalnom verzijom. Mislim da bi mi se maskara mnogo vise dopala da ima drugaciju cetkicu.
Max factor vodootporni ajlajner - super ajlajner koji traje ceo dan, ne razmazuje se, super je pigmentovan i lak za nanosenje sta vise da trazim?
Colorama kreon- ja sam ga koristila u vodenoj liniji i svidja mi se kako izgleda mada se posle dva sata razmaze
Aura smokey eye paleta - obozavam ovu paletu. Senke su dovoljno pigmentovane i dugo traju. Obozavam ovu mat crnu i svetlu boju sampanjca koju sam skroz potrosila.
I za kraj lakovi za nokte
Essie hide&go chic - moj prvi Essie lak i ponosno mogu da kazem dovidjenja Golden rose lakovima. Essie lakovi su definitivno vredni cene i ja ih obozavam. Dugo traju, bas se brzo suse i jedan sloj je sasvim dovoljan. Jedva cekam da isprobam druge boje.
Essence gel look top coat - radi ono za sta je namenjen. Nokti stvarno izgledaju kao da imate gel ali ne produzava trajnost laka.
Posto su ovo bili potroseni proizvodi i resila sam se dosta proizvoda to je izgovor da odem i pocastim se necim novim- mali hint za sledeci post. Nadam se da vam se ovaj svideo i uskoro ocekujte novi post.
15 коментара
nice products! Check out my fave of the week:
I have emptied some of those products too! I love the neutragena grapfruit line!
ReplyDeleteHappy Since 95
LOVE the maybelline fit me! Such a good concealer, I use it to highlight my under eyes and it is so good!
ReplyDeleteClothing Conscious // Fashion & Lifestyle Blog
MF 2000 calorie je i meni solidna maskara, fina za dan :) essie je predivan, svidja mi se nijansa :)
ReplyDeleteamazing! love
Natalie Off Duty
LOVE Bioderma!
ReplyDeleteGreat post and blog <3
Katie Loves ~ A Fashion & Beauty Blog.
Follow on Bloglovin' ~ 'Katie Loves'
I go through tons of the Maybelline Fit Me Concealers, great post x
ReplyDeleteStefanie | Casualllyawkward | Bloglovin
Great blog post !!! had a great read !!
ReplyDeletelove your blog !!
would love to see you over on my blog http://myroutinesjade.blogspot.co.uk/
have a nice day
Had the same problem with the essence gel look top coat! Great post though x
I have to get my hands on the bioderma water! But living in Brasil makes it pretty much impossiable :(
Wow that is a really really detailed post! I love it and can't wait to see more on your blog :)
Yes, empties do definitely mean some shopping time! I love it and it's a good chance to clear some space from the old to the new!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great weekend! <3
BerryBloomXO.com | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
Lovely post, the too faced primer has been on my wishlist for so long, I finally need to get it :)
ReplyDeleteThe Urban Obsessions // Vegan Food & Lifestyle Blog
all these products look amazing x
Moram isprobati Maybelline Fit me korektor. Čitam samo pohvale na njegov račun. :)