So I guess headline of this post tells you everything about my absence. Birthdays are special days for every person (and also reminders that we are getting older). That is great time just to take a second and think about everything we have done and been through cause one day we will just turn around and ask ourselves how did we got here? How we became persons like this, since when we have just stopped beliving in everything that we hear and stopped listening to our parents and relying on them? When did this all happened? This all happened while we were living in our little worlds worried if our outfit looks good on us or is this right foundation shade or is his ex prettier than me or will I get A on that test? Yes everything important happened while we were occupied with little things that make our days actually our lives.
Anyways birthdays are days when we all celebrate our birth and this just reminds me how proud we should feel everything we have done and become cause we did it!
And for the important part of this post here are my birthday presents and some of them I bought cause it is important to reward and motivate yourself for next year.This may not look like a big present but whishes my friends whished me are the best present I could ask for and the fact that we celebrated my birthday on right way. I couldn't ask for anything else.
To start off with make up:
Anyways birthdays are days when we all celebrate our birth and this just reminds me how proud we should feel everything we have done and become cause we did it!
And for the important part of this post here are my birthday presents and some of them I bought cause it is important to reward and motivate yourself for next year.This may not look like a big present but whishes my friends whished me are the best present I could ask for and the fact that we celebrated my birthday on right way. I couldn't ask for anything else.
To start off with make up:
Bourjois Healthy mix foundation - I have been on a hunt for good drugstore foundation and I have heard Bourjois is on point with their foundation so it's time to put it on a test
Bourjois Levres Contour lip pencil - Usually lined lips don't look good on me but decided to give it one more go with this pencil
Vichy Derma blend corrective foundation - this is usually used like a concelear and I have heard that coverage is amazing and I always look for that in my foundation and concelear
Loreal Glam shine stain splash or Caresse in 402 Milady -purpuly shade and 102 Romy - pinky shade - packaging looks super sleeek and expensive and that purpule shade I looked for in a long time
Maybelline Color drama lip pencil in 140 Minimalist - it says it is velvet lip pencil, have some shimmer in it and nice pink nude color; sounds like a perfect product for all over lips
Ebelin make up sponge - as someone who is new in this beauty world I can't skip trying out something similar to Beauty blender since I can't buy one where I live. Can't wait to try out what everyone seems to be all about
And actual gifts: Body wash with camel's milk - sounds pretty exciting I know and looks so pretty with shimmer in it
Spa scrub with camel's milk - and this also says that it has some oils, never seen product like this
Pink Glade candle - I guess this is an intro for Valentine's Day since it is all pink and with hearts but smells really clean although I expected to be a lot sweeter
Necklace with heart pendant - everyone who knows me knows that this is my signature jewellery piece and it became a little tradition to get one for every birthday
" To find human beings who perceive and feel with us is probably the most beautiful happiness on earth."
Carl Spitteler
"Shared sorrow is half a sorrow,
Shared joy is a double joy."
Quotes from a book;
And last but not least Best friend book with quotes about friendship that is amazing and I was so touched with it.
I hope you liked this post and tell me in comments if you want to read something more about this stuff after I try them out.
Drage moje nadam se da ovaj naslov objasnjava zasto sam bila ovako odsutna. Rodjendani su sviam specijalni dani (i podsetnici da starimo). Tada je odlicno vreme da malo usporimo i razmislimo o svemu sto smo uradili i kroz sta smo prosli zato sto cemo se jednog dana okrenuti i zapitati se kako smo se nasli ovde gde smo. Kako smo postali ovakve osobe, kada smo prestali da verujemo u sve sto nam kazu i kada smo prestali da slusamo i da se oslanjamo na roditelje? Kada se ovo sve desilo? Desilo se dok smo ziveli u nasim malim svetovima i brinuli da li nam kombinacija lepo stoji, da li smo izabrali pravu nijansu pudera, da li mu je bivsa devojka lepsa od nas, da li cemo dobiti peticu na testu i slicne sitnice svojstvene mladima i tinejdzerima. Da sve bitno se desilo dok smo mi bili zauzeti ovim sitnicama koje cine nase dane, nase zivote.
U svakom slucaju rodjendani su dani kada slavimo nase rodjenje i ovo me samo podseca da treba da budemo ponosni na sve sto smo do sada postigli i uradili zato sto smo to sami postigli!
I glavni deo ovog posta su pokloni koje sam dobila i samo da kazem da sam neke od njih sama kupila zato sto smatram da je bitno da ponekada sami sebe nagradimo i motivisemo za sledecu godinu. Ovo mozda ne izgledaju kao veliki pokloni ali zelje koje su mi prijatelji i clanovi porodice pozeleli su najbolji poklon i cinjenica da smo prosalavili rodjendan onako kako sam zelela. Sta vise mogu da trazim?
Da pocnemo sa sminkom;
Bourjois Healthy mix puder - bacila sam se u potragu za dobrim puderom iz drogerija i cula sam da je Bourjois brend koji je najbolji po tom pitanju tako da je vreme da isprobamo neki njihov puder
Bourjois Levres Contour olovka za usne - uglavnom mi se ne dopada kako mi stoje olovke za usne ali sam odlucila da im dam jos jednu sansu
Vichy Bioderma korektivni puder - cula sam da ovaj puder treba koristiti kao korektor i da ima dobru pokrivnu moc sto uvek trazim u puderu i korektoru
Loreal Caresse sjaj u nijansama 402 Milady - ljubicasta nijansa i 102 Romy - roze nude nijansa - pakovanje izgleda bas skupo i elegantno i vec dugo trazim ovakvu ljubicastu nijansu
Maybelline Color drama olovka za usne 104 Minimalist- ova olovka mi izgleda super za nanosljenje na cela usta rozikasta je i ima sljokice
Ebeline (DM) sundjercic za nanosenje pudera - kao neko ko je nov u ovom beauty svetu nisam mogla da docekam da probam nesto poput Beauty Blender - a koji ne moze da se nabavi kod nas. Radoznala sam da probam ovo i vidim oko cega se digla ovolika prasina
I pravi pokloni; Božen Spa kupka sa kamiljim mlekom - zvuci uzbudljivo i izgleda super sa sitnim sljokicama u njoj
Božen Spa scrub sa kimiljim mlekom - pise da sadrzi i neka ulja, definitivno nisam videla nista poput ovog proizvoda
Roze Glade sveca - ovo je neki uvod u prolece i Dan zaljubljenih sa ovim srcima i mirise na cisto dok sam ja ocekivala neki sladak miris
Ogrlica sa priveskom u obliku srca - svi koji me poznaju znaju da je ovo moj zastitni znak i postala je tradicija da za svaki rodjendan dobijam novu
i poslednje knjiga Najboljoj drugarici sa citatima o prijateljstvu koja me je veoma dirnula.
Citati: "Najveca je sreca pronaci osobu koja ce osecati i saosecati s nama." Carl Spitteler
"Podeljena muka je pola muke. Podeljena radost je dupla radost."
Nadam se da vam se dopao ovaj post i recite mi u komentarima ukoliko zelite da procitate nesto vise o ovim proizvodima kada ih isprobam.
- 08:40