Hot or Not drugstore edition!
15:58Hot or not?
Hi guys, so I know that I have been recomending a lot of drugstore products and because of that I decided to tell you something about products I didn’t like or didn’t worked out for me as I excpected. I know that everyone have different skin and that people like different stuff so don’t get offended if I mentioned here something that you like or use!
To make this post a bit more interesting I tried to find some replacements for products I didn’t like so I hope you like them!
First of all I want to tell you something about Nyx eyeshadow palettes. As some of you know in my recent haul I bought Love in Florence in Bellini kiss palette and couldn’t wait to try it on. I love nyx as a makeup brand so that is probably the reason why I expected a bit more of this palette. They have beautiful colour selection and my favourites are browns and nudes so I decided to buy this palette. This looked like a great fall palette beacause of the colours that I still like. The only problem with these eyeshadows is applying them. They aren’t pigmented enough and it takes a lot of time to apply them and they don’t blend very nice and for me that is the most important thing for eyeshadows. Although I expected more of this brand, beginners might like this palette because of something that i call disadvantage.
Something that i would replace these eyeshadows with are the Nyx pigments. They are really nice to work with and they also have beautiful colour selection. My favourites are in 03 and 01.
Next thing I wanted to talk about are concealers. I use them most to cover my blemishes so I bought Aura Perfect Cover concealer in stick that was recomended to me and I am a bit disappointed. This concealer has a bit weird texture for stick concealer and it didn’t cover any of my blemishes so now I am trying to use it as a highlighter.
And on the other side we have product that I am really satisfied with and that I love. It is the Rimmel Hide the blemish concealer. It really does what is meant for and you can use it on its own without adding foundation.
As you noticed Rimmel is one of my favourite drugstore brands but this is one thing that I am really disapointed with. A lot of people recommended Scandal eyes eyeliners and I love wearing eyeliner on daily bases so I bought Scandal eyes thick and thin eyeliner. First of all it has really weird applicator that suposse to be for thick and thin lines but no mather how many times I have tried I end up with same result. It is so hard to apply because it won’t create a line at first so you have to repeat exact same motion couple of times and if you don’t manage to do that you will end up with panda eye (at least that was in my case). It also says it is waterproof formulation but I find it extremly easy to smudge and take off. But if despite all of this you still manage to put it correctly it has nice and smooth finish that doesn’t look harsh.
I would replace this product with something cheaper and that would be Essence fine eyeliner pen. It has nice and sharp tip so you can easly apply it but it isn’t really waterproof but it is great value for price!
One more not on my list is Maybelline Colorama eyeliner in black. I love the pigmentation of it so it is not product that I really don’t like but I often use it in my waterline and it smudges within an hour or two so again end up with panda eye!
I still haven’t found nice eyeliner for my waterline because every one that I have tried endsup excakly the same so if you know something that I should try leave it in comments below.
That would be it for now and I hope you like this post. Tell me in a comments if you do like posts like this and if you want me to make them for specific brands and stuff.
Hot or Not?
Cao svima, znam da sam u poslednje vreme preporucivala dosta novih proizvoda iz drogerija i zato sam odlucila da vam kazem nesto o proizvodima koji mi jednostavno nisu ispunili ocekivanja ili mi nisu odgovarali. Znam da svi imamo razlicitu kozu i lice i da drugacije reagujemo i da je sminka stvar izbora tako da ne zelim da se neko ko voli proizvode koje sam pomenula u kategoriji Not uvredi i zato sam se potrudila da kazem nesto o svakom proizvodu.
Da bi ovaj post bio malo zanimljiviji odlucila sam i da pronadjem zamene za neke od proizvoda koji mi se nisu svideli.
Pre svega zelim da pocnem sa paletom Nyx senki. Kao sto mozda znate ukoliko pratite moj blog nedavno sam kupila Love in Florence – Bellini Kiss paletu i nisam mogla da docekam da je isprobam. Volim Nyx kao brend sminke i mozda je to razlog zasto sam ocekivala vise od ove palete. Nyx ima prelep izbor boja i paleta a moje omiljene nijanse su nude i braontako da sam se odlucila za ovu paletu. Boje mi se i dalje dopadaju ali ono zbog cega mi se ova paleta ne svidja je zbog kvaliteta senki. Tesko se nanose zato sto nisu dovoljno pigmentovane, imaju previse sljokica i ne stapaju se lako sa drugim bojama a za mene je to najvaznije kod senki. Ali mozda ono sto su meni mane nekom ko tek pocinje da koristi sminku moze da bude od koristi.
Jos uvek sam u fazi eksperimentisanja sa senkama iz drogerija tako da bih kao zamenu za ovu paletu preporucila nesto sto znam da volim vec duze vreme a to su Nyx pigmenti. Moje omiljene boje su u nijansama 03 i 01.
Sledece stvari o kojima sam zelela da pisem su korektori. Ja ih najvise koristim da prekrijem bubuljice i crvenila tako da sam na preporuku kupila Aurin korektor u stiku i malo sam se razocarala. Ovaj korektor ima dosta cudnu teksturu koja se lako razmazuje tako da se tesko nanosi i potrebno je nekoliko slojeva kako bi se prekrilo zeljeno podrucje. Posto sam ga relativno skoro kupila pokusavam da ga koristim kao highlighter tako da cu javiti utiske.
Sa druge strane imamo nesto sa cime sam zaista bila zadovoljna i sto mi se dopalo. To je Rimmel Hide the Blemish korektor. Zaista radi ono cemu je namenjen i ja sam ga nosila bez ikakvog pudera preko ili drugih proizvoda.
Kao sto ste mozda primetili Rimmel je jedan od mojih omiljenih brendova ali sto se ovog proizvoda tice nisam bila odusevljena. Citala sam dosta preporuka i recenzija za Rimmel Scandal eyes olovke za oci ali one jos uvek nisu dostupne kod nas tako da sam kupila Rimmel Scandal eyes thick and thin eyeliner. Pre svega ima veoma cudan aplikaor ili vrh kojim se nanosi i koji je namenjen za tanke i deblje linije ali bez obzira na to koliko puta pokusala zavrsim sa istim rezultatom. Veoma je tesko naneti ga zato sto u pocetku sam proizvod ne izlazi iz pakovanja tako da ostavlja neuredne sive linije sve dok nekoliko puta ne predjete preko da bi ste dobili crnu boju tako da ja tim ponavljam uvek zavrsim sa panda okom. Ukoliko se uprkos svemu namucite da ga nanesete ima veoma lep i lagan finis tako da ne ostavlja grube i ostre linije. Takodje iako na pakovanju pise da je vodootporan ali veoma se lako brise i uklanja.
Ovaj proizvod zamenila bih jefnitinijm i boljim eyelinerom iz Essence kozmetike. Essence eyeliner pen je veoma lak za korisecnje i pocetnicima zato sto ima ostar vrh, nije u potpunosti vodootporan ali u svakom slucaj odlican kvalitet za cenu.
Poslednji na mojoj listi je Maybelline Colorama crna olovka za oci. Ima dobru pigmentaciju ali ja olovku za oci cesto nanosim na waterline tako da posle sat ili dva ova olovka pretvara se u smokey eye senku koja se razmazuje svuda okolo.
Jos uvek nisam nasla dobru olovku za oci iz drogerija koja se ne razmazuje tako da ukoliko zelite da mi preporucite neku mozete ostaviti u komentarima.
To bi bilo to za sada nadam se da vam se svideo ovaj post. Recite mi u komentarima ukoliko biste zeleli da uradim jos ovakvih serija mozda i za pojedine brendove.
9 коментара
Thank you you can also follow me on bloglovin here: :)
ReplyDeleteYah i have problems with rimmels eyeliner as well. But what i noticed, is that you have to get the colour to come out. You have to dab it on your hand, and the black pigmentation comes out more.
ReplyDeleteStop by my blog when you have time! Also check out my amazing giveaway!
Love from Canada,
Marie from Elle Charie
♥♥ Perfect Skin Giveaway♥♥
Yes that is why I find it really difficult to work with but I will try your advice.
Amazing post! :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard a review on essence eyeliner! Thanks for the warning!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my blog :)
Super si! Essence eyeliner koristim i ja i zaista je odličan! ♥
ReplyDeletePosetite moj blog (check out my blog)
ah... to bad the nyx palette wasn't too good:'(
ReplyDeletei love nyx as well but have never tried their eye shadows...
lots of love xx
Again colours are pretty nice but it is hard to apply because they are really chalky :(
DeleteNext thing I wanted to talk about are concealers. I use them most to cover my blemishes so I bought Aura Perfect Cover concealer in stick that was recomended to me and I am a bit disappointed. This concealer has a bit weird texture for stick concealer and it didn’t cover any of my blemishes so now I am trying to use it as a highlighter. antique necklace silver , handmade leather slippers , beautiful anklets , embroidered handbag strap , womens embroidered belts , black jean belt , mens western belts near me , ankle bracelet