Avgust favs!
Hey guys its sparkly goddess again. Today i wanted to present my avg faves! This is month that i have been doing a lot of shopping (back to school season duh!) and i have been trying a lot of new stuff that deserved mention.
First of all make up! Lately i have been loving (beeing slightly obsessed with) make up. Since my skin decided to challenge coverage of all my foundations and concelars just the best completed it. So here they are:
Maybelline Fit me concealar- covered my blemeshes with natural look on my skin
Rimmel Stay matte liquid mousse foundation – i already bloged about this one so check that post
Other lovely products:
Rimmel Lasting finish soft colour blush shade 50 live pink (what a mouthful!) – lovely shimery blush for naturaly rosy checks
Maybelline Rocket volume express mascara – gives such a dramatic look to lashes and awsome lenght
Another love of mine (you’ve guessed it) FASHION:
Since it is back to school season everyone wants to be comfy and trendy. Perfect way to look like that are boyfriend jeans. This is my favourite pair and I have been living in them recently!
Legend boyfreind jeans Guess shoes
For the first time in my life I fell like I fell in love. With a pair of shoes. Go ahead say it, I know it is a bit crazy but how can you resist buying something like this?!
And what a favourites blog would be without randoms?
Book- Sophie Kinsella - The secret dreamworld of a shopaholic
This is an old favourite of mine that I have been rereading while I was on my vacation. Why every time I read it I love it even more? Probably because I relate my self to Becky Bloomwod. Fun and interesting book for all shopaholics out there!
OK this is really random. It is a painting. Yes you read that one right. I still don’t know where I am going to place it but it was so adorable and girly that I had to have it.
This is it for the month of August. I hope that you like this blog and I would like to know yours so leave that in a comment.
Cao svima opet ja. Danas sam zelela da predstavim moje favorite za mesec avgust. Ovog meseca sam kupila i isprobala mnogo novih stvari koje su zasluzile pomenu.
Pre svega sminka! U poslednje vreme sam obozalavala (citaj bila malo opsednuta) sminku. Moja koza je odlucila da stavi na test prekrivnu moc svih mojih pudera i korektora i samo najbolji su prosli,a to su:
Maybelline Fit me korektor – prekrio je crvenila ostavljajuci prirodan izgled
Rimmel Stay matte tečni puder – o ovome sam vec pisala
Ostali proizvodi koje sam volela:
Rimmel Lasting finish soft colour blush shade 50 live pink – prelepo rumenilo sa sljokicama za prirodno rozikaste obraze
Maybelline Rocket volume express maskara – daje trepavicama dramatičan izgled i super duzinu

Jos jedna moja ljubav (pogodili ste): ODECA
Posto je sezona polazaka u skolu mislim da svi zele manje vise isto da im bude prijatno u odeci a da istovremeno izgledaju trendi. Savrsen nacin da postignete taj izgled je sa boyfriend farmerkama. Ovo je moj omiljeni par i do skoro sam zivela u njima!
Prvi put u svom zivotu osecam da sam se zaljubila i to u patike. Znam da to nije normalano ali kako sam mogla da odolim necemu ovakvom?!

Legend boyfreind farmerke Gues
I sta bi favourites blog bio bez random stvari?
Knjiga – Sofi Kinsela – Tajni svet snova jedne kupoholicarke. Ovo je moj stari favorit koji sam ponovo citala kada sam bila na odmoru. Zasto se svaki put kada procitam ovu knjigu ponovo zaljubim u nju? Mozda zato sto se poistovecujem sam Becky Bloomwood. Smesna I interesantna knjiga za sve kupoholicarke (a verujte mi pronacicete se).
Ovo je jedna stvarno random stvar. U pitanju je slika. Da dobro ste procitali, slika. I dalje ne znam gde cu da je okacim ali je izgledala tako neodoljivo I devojacki da sam morala da je kupim.
To bi bilo to za mesec avgust. Nadam se da Vam se dopao ovaj post I volela bih da znam koji su Vasi favoriti koje mozete ostaviti u komentarima.
First of all make up! Lately i have been loving (beeing slightly obsessed with) make up. Since my skin decided to challenge coverage of all my foundations and concelars just the best completed it. So here they are:
Maybelline Fit me concealar- covered my blemeshes with natural look on my skin
Rimmel Stay matte liquid mousse foundation – i already bloged about this one so check that post
Other lovely products:
Rimmel Lasting finish soft colour blush shade 50 live pink (what a mouthful!) – lovely shimery blush for naturaly rosy checks
Maybelline Rocket volume express mascara – gives such a dramatic look to lashes and awsome lenght
Another love of mine (you’ve guessed it) FASHION:
Since it is back to school season everyone wants to be comfy and trendy. Perfect way to look like that are boyfriend jeans. This is my favourite pair and I have been living in them recently!
Legend boyfreind jeans Guess shoes
For the first time in my life I fell like I fell in love. With a pair of shoes. Go ahead say it, I know it is a bit crazy but how can you resist buying something like this?!
And what a favourites blog would be without randoms?
Book- Sophie Kinsella - The secret dreamworld of a shopaholic
This is an old favourite of mine that I have been rereading while I was on my vacation. Why every time I read it I love it even more? Probably because I relate my self to Becky Bloomwod. Fun and interesting book for all shopaholics out there!
OK this is really random. It is a painting. Yes you read that one right. I still don’t know where I am going to place it but it was so adorable and girly that I had to have it.
This is it for the month of August. I hope that you like this blog and I would like to know yours so leave that in a comment.
Cao svima opet ja. Danas sam zelela da predstavim moje favorite za mesec avgust. Ovog meseca sam kupila i isprobala mnogo novih stvari koje su zasluzile pomenu.
Pre svega sminka! U poslednje vreme sam obozalavala (citaj bila malo opsednuta) sminku. Moja koza je odlucila da stavi na test prekrivnu moc svih mojih pudera i korektora i samo najbolji su prosli,a to su:
Maybelline Fit me korektor – prekrio je crvenila ostavljajuci prirodan izgled
Rimmel Stay matte tečni puder – o ovome sam vec pisala
Ostali proizvodi koje sam volela:
Rimmel Lasting finish soft colour blush shade 50 live pink – prelepo rumenilo sa sljokicama za prirodno rozikaste obraze
Maybelline Rocket volume express maskara – daje trepavicama dramatičan izgled i super duzinu

Jos jedna moja ljubav (pogodili ste): ODECA
Posto je sezona polazaka u skolu mislim da svi zele manje vise isto da im bude prijatno u odeci a da istovremeno izgledaju trendi. Savrsen nacin da postignete taj izgled je sa boyfriend farmerkama. Ovo je moj omiljeni par i do skoro sam zivela u njima!
Prvi put u svom zivotu osecam da sam se zaljubila i to u patike. Znam da to nije normalano ali kako sam mogla da odolim necemu ovakvom?!

Legend boyfreind farmerke Gues
I sta bi favourites blog bio bez random stvari?
Knjiga – Sofi Kinsela – Tajni svet snova jedne kupoholicarke. Ovo je moj stari favorit koji sam ponovo citala kada sam bila na odmoru. Zasto se svaki put kada procitam ovu knjigu ponovo zaljubim u nju? Mozda zato sto se poistovecujem sam Becky Bloomwood. Smesna I interesantna knjiga za sve kupoholicarke (a verujte mi pronacicete se).
Ovo je jedna stvarno random stvar. U pitanju je slika. Da dobro ste procitali, slika. I dalje ne znam gde cu da je okacim ali je izgledala tako neodoljivo I devojacki da sam morala da je kupim.
To bi bilo to za mesec avgust. Nadam se da Vam se dopao ovaj post I volela bih da znam koji su Vasi favoriti koje mozete ostaviti u komentarima.
4 коментара
Thank you so much I am really glad that you like it :)
Love the Rocket mascara too, it's amazing!
ReplyDeleteIt really is and it is so inexpensive :)
Deleteodlicni favoriti!