When writing a post, my blogging routine / Pisanje posta, moja rutina


So guys first I want to tell you that I am on vacation and even though I've been trying to enjoy in everything, I haven't forgot you. Although I usually not stick to certain rituals, when it comes to writing a blog I have my own little process and I haven't realized how much it was important until i had to give up on it. You know, those little things that seem ordinary, suddenly are taken away and things change. So did my blogging routine but this is just temporary. And with all of this on my mind lately, I want to show you mine "behind the scenes" and my tips.
Literally goals

1. Inspiration on the go- there are usually no deadlines when it comes to creative processes. People say that you cant rush creativity and I couldn't agree more. Things usually come up when you least expect it so why would it be different with inspiration? The only thing I always try to have in hand is my phone or computer and story can begin. 
2. Trouble sleeping? - you know all those scenarios that are happening in your head when you can't sleep? Well because of them I always keep my phone near bed and I can tell you that some of my favorite post ideas started in these condtions.
I have idea what I do next, how idea materialzies:
1. Airplane mode is not just for airplanes- yes, we live in world when you are just one click away from everthing and everyone but that doesn't mean that we have to use those options 24/7. I have to say that other than reading and writing, there are not a lot of things that I enjoy doing alone, so when doing them you can bet that I will try to disconnect as much as possible. No place for distractions.
2. Headphones in world out- Music always motivates me and help me to stay focus,so headphones are must
2. Clear space=clear mind- can't work when there is mess in a room where I write so I always have to put everything in place before I start. Simple as that.
3. Playing as photographer at right time- so since I am guilty for late night writing, I have most of my day free for taking pictures and playing with shadows. The only photography tip that I am sticking to is taking pictures on day time.
4. Fake it till you make it, with editing to perfection- back when I started I thought of editing as something unnecessary, but these days it so fun to play around with light, colors and effects. So wheather you have shadow that you don't like or little stain on that background or just not best picture to start with know that these days you can change it with one click.
5. Headline! - this is such a thing that you love or hate and that can make or break a post . Always trying to come up with something catchy and creative can be difficult.
You thought that it is over when is up? Interesting part is yet to come
1. Spam time- not literally spam but I would lie if I say that I love this self promotion part. But when I really worked hard I don't want it to go unnoticed. Social networks are your best friends. Places where I other than Bloglovin find new blogs are Google+ communities.
2. Share love, leave a comment -there is no such a great feeling for me as when I read your comments (although I am so ashamed on not answering on them, I will get better). They keep me going and make my day. It always good to hear your oppinions or maybe some constructive critic too and what would you like to read next!

Pa drage moje prvo zelim da kazem da sam na odmoru i iako se trudim da uzivam u svemu i da se opustim nisam zaboravila blog. Rituali nisu nesto cemu sam sklona ali kada je pisanje bloga u pitanju tek sada shavatam koliko mi znaci to sto imam neki svoj proces. Te male stvari i radnje koje deluju uobicajeno ali bez kojih se sve menja. Tako se promenila i moja rutina ali samo privremeno. I buduci da mi se sve ovo motalo po glavi ovih dana zelela sam da sa vama podelim moj behind the scenes proces i neke savete.
Tezim ovom savrsenstvu

1. Inspiracija se ne pozuruje! - kada su kreativni procesi u pitanju tu uglavnom nema rokova. Stvari se dogadjaju kada ih najmanhe ocekujemo tako da ne znam zasto bi sa inspiracijom bilo drugacije. Jedina stvar koju ja preduzimam je da uvek pored sebe imam papir,olovku ili kompjuter i prica moze da pocne
2. Ne mogu da zaspim-znate one scenarije koji se odigravaju u glavi kada ne mozete da zaspite? E pa bas tako sam ja dobila neke od svojih omiljenih ideja za postove tako da se prethodna stavka odnosi i da budem spremna ne samo na svakom mestu vec i u svako vreme.
Ideja je tu, sta dalje? Kako je ja materijalizujem
1. Rezim za avione moze da se koristi i u druge svrhe- znam da zivimo u svetu gde nas samo jedan klik deli od toliko stvari i ljudi ali to ne znaci da te opcije moramo da koristimo 24/7. Moram da kazem osim pisanja bloga nema mnogo stvari koje uzivam kada radim sama, i zato mozete da budete sigurni da kada imam priliku da pisem da cu se iskljuciti za druge stvari koliko god je moguce. Nema vremena ni mesta za ometanje.
2."Pojacaj tu muziku!" - muzika je nesto sto mene licno motivise i pomaze da ostanem fokusirana tako da su slusalice obavezne.
3. Sredjena soba=sredjene misli- ne mogu da radim negde gde je nered tako da neretko moja blogging rutina pocinje sredjivanjem sobe. 
4. Igramo se fotografa u pravo vreme- pa posto sam kriva za pisanje postova u sred noci, dani su mi uglavnom slobodni za fotografisanje. Jedini savet koga se pridrzavam sto se fotofrafisanja tice je da proizvodi najbolje izgledaju na dnevnoj svetlosti i da i oblacno vreme moze da se iskoristi.
5. Fake it till you make it - editovanjem do savrsenstva-kada sam pocinjala mislila sam da je editovanje jedan nebitan korak ali vremenom sam nacila da se igram sa senkama, bojama i efektima tako da sada u tome uzivam. Tako da ukoliko vam se senka ne dopada, imate flekicu na pozadini ili ne tako dobru sliku sa kojom pocinjete znajte da se sve moze promeniti sa nekoliko pravih klikova.
5. Naslov- ovo je nesto sto ili volite ili mrzite (u mom slucaju zavisno od raspolozenja) i sto moze da proslavi ili ostavi post neprimecenim. Pokusavati svaki put da smislis nesto catchy i kreativno zna da bude zamorno.
Mislili ste da je gotovo kada obajvite post? Interesantan deo tek sledi.
1. Vreme za spamovanje-dobro ne bas bukvalno ali lagala bih kad bih rekla da uzivam u promovisanju svog sadrzaja. Mada kada za nesto dosta naporno radim ne zelim ni da prodje neprimeceno. Drustvene mreze su vasi najbolji prijatelji a ja pored Bloglovina cesto aktivna u Google+ zajednicama gde nalazim zanimljive postove.
2. Sirite ljubav, ostavite komentar- iskreno, osecaj koji imam kada citam vase komentare je nezamenljiv (iako ne odgovorim na svaki ali cu se truditi da to ispravim). Uvek mi je drago da cujem vase misljenje, mozda neku konstruktivnu kritiku ili sta biste zelele da citate sledece.

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14 коментара

  1. Nothing can stop the creative process! I'm also not really good with certain schedules but when it comes to my blog I do the same as you. It was a nice read! If you don't mind reading my blog too and let me know what you think I'd appreciate that!


    1. Thanks and sure I will check it out, it is always nice to find some new blogs:)

  2. Great tips and such a lovely read as a new blogger I've picked up some great tips here. Your blog is very beautiful too
    Lisa xx

    1. Thanks I am glad that you can relate and you find it helpful :)

  3. I do follow a lot of the things that you mentioned in the post. Blogging is so much more than just writing and it takes only a blogger to understand the struggles we go through and help them :)

    1. Exactly people would say that it is so easy and that anyone can do it but we know how much work we put in every post and how hard it is to put yourself out there

  4. I love the things you wrote-music is important to me too and a clear space also. Great post.


  5. We do a lot similar things. I like to stay creative as much as I can, it's obvious that sometimes people have difficult days, but just have to carry on and everything will be ok :)
    I really like your blog. :) Have a good day !
    From: http://korneliasdiary.blogspot.co.uk/

    1. Well bad days come and go. Thanks and I hope you will have nice weekend

  6. Amazing post,this is an amazing inspiration for me writting simillar post!:)

  7. AAAA Great post! I always have trouble sleeping but never have I thought to take advantage of the time, thanks you so much for sharing. Do you want to support each other's blog by following each other?:) Please let me know if you do so I can follow you right back x



  8. jako mi se sviđa post
