Spring make up look! / Sminka inspirisana prolecem!
Or maybe I should call this Pink post cause I went a little bit crazy with that color?
Well get ready guys spring is coming soon. Don't you just love the feeling of seeing that day is longer and sunnier and that everything wakes up so soft and fragile but still so simple and pretty? Yes this is one of the reasons why spring inspires me so much and maybe you can connect make up with seasons but I always do that. Waking up on sunny day (and this comes from someone who is not a morning person) and starting day fresh and positive is enough for me. And just keeping make up in that mood, simple as that.
I described my foundation routine in previous post and for those who didn't read it (insert sad face here) here is the link: http://sparklygoddess.blogspot.com/2015/02/five-product-face-5-proizvoda-na-licu.html. And right now I am just adding some concelear to highlight a bit and my favorite Too faced Chocolate soleil bronzer to add some warmth to my naturaly pale face.

Eye make up time; I couldn't wait to use Maybelline 24h color tattoo in Pink gold (and I don't know why is it called like that cause if I imagine spring in one color this is what I see). Just add some dimension to my eyes I use bronzer on crease but any matte brown shade will work (have we noticed that balance between eye and face I think I get some extra poins for that?). And to top this soft look I use Benefit They´re real mascara and white Essence eyeliner. As always finishing everything with lip products. I feel like this is right time to bring my Rimmel Apocalips lip lacquer in Celestial back.
So I think that's it. Maybe this post reminded you guys on some kind of tutorial but I just wanted to share this look with you guys cause I will definitely be rocking it this spring 2015. Hope you like this post and tell me how you feel with spring coming and do you change your make up looks when seasons change.
Mozda sam ipak trebala da nazovem ovaj post roze post zato sto mislim da sam samo malo preterala sa ovom bojom.
U svakom slucaju spremite se zato sto uskoro dolazi prolece. Obozavam to sto dani napokon postaju duzi i topliji i sto se sve bude tako nezno i ranjivo,a opet jednostavno i lepo. Da,ovo je jedan od razloga zasto obozavam prolece i zasto me ono inspirise, nego da se ne udaljavamo zato sto ovo pocinje da lici na one pismene zadatke "Prolece u mom kraju". Znam da neki ne povezuju sminku sa godisnjim dobima ali ja to uvek radim. Tamne boje za zimu i jesen a nezne u prolece. Toliko je jednostavno.
Opisala sam sta koristim za lice u proslom postu i za one koji ga nisu procitali (ovde ubacite tuzno lice) evo ga link: http://sparklygoddess.blogspot.com/2015/02/five-product-face-5-proizvoda-na-licu.html. Sada cu samo dodati malo Aura korektora da posvetlim odredjene delove na licu i moj omiljeni Too faced chocolate soleil bronzer da dodam malo boje i topline mom prirodno belom licu.

Vreme je za sminku za oci i nisam mogla da docekam da pocnem da koristim Maybelline 24h Color tattoo u nijansi Pink gold (i ne znam zasto su ovako nazvali ovu nijansu zato sto kada bih ja trebala da zamislim prolece u jednoj boji to bi definitivno bila ova). I da kreiram malo dimenzije na oku koristim malo bronzera u pregibu (da li smo primetili taj balans izmedju ociju i lica; mislim da za to zasluzujem neke poene).Da jos malo naglasim oci korsitim Benefit They're real maskaru i beli Essence kreon (krejon?). I kao i uvek zavrsavamo sa proizvodima za usta; a ja mislim da je pravo vreme da ponovo pocnem da korisitim moj Rimmel Apocalips u nijansi Celestial.
Pa to bi bilo to. Mozda ovaj post malo podseca na razne tutoriale ali samo sam zelela da podelim ovaj izgled sa vama zato sto je to ono sto cu ja nositi za ovo prolece 2015. Nadam se da vam se svideo ovaj post i recite mi kako se osecate povodom dolaska proleca i da li vi menjate sminku sa promenom godisnjih doba.
Well get ready guys spring is coming soon. Don't you just love the feeling of seeing that day is longer and sunnier and that everything wakes up so soft and fragile but still so simple and pretty? Yes this is one of the reasons why spring inspires me so much and maybe you can connect make up with seasons but I always do that. Waking up on sunny day (and this comes from someone who is not a morning person) and starting day fresh and positive is enough for me. And just keeping make up in that mood, simple as that.
I described my foundation routine in previous post and for those who didn't read it (insert sad face here) here is the link: http://sparklygoddess.blogspot.com/2015/02/five-product-face-5-proizvoda-na-licu.html. And right now I am just adding some concelear to highlight a bit and my favorite Too faced Chocolate soleil bronzer to add some warmth to my naturaly pale face.

Eye make up time; I couldn't wait to use Maybelline 24h color tattoo in Pink gold (and I don't know why is it called like that cause if I imagine spring in one color this is what I see). Just add some dimension to my eyes I use bronzer on crease but any matte brown shade will work (have we noticed that balance between eye and face I think I get some extra poins for that?). And to top this soft look I use Benefit They´re real mascara and white Essence eyeliner. As always finishing everything with lip products. I feel like this is right time to bring my Rimmel Apocalips lip lacquer in Celestial back.
So I think that's it. Maybe this post reminded you guys on some kind of tutorial but I just wanted to share this look with you guys cause I will definitely be rocking it this spring 2015. Hope you like this post and tell me how you feel with spring coming and do you change your make up looks when seasons change.
Mozda sam ipak trebala da nazovem ovaj post roze post zato sto mislim da sam samo malo preterala sa ovom bojom.
U svakom slucaju spremite se zato sto uskoro dolazi prolece. Obozavam to sto dani napokon postaju duzi i topliji i sto se sve bude tako nezno i ranjivo,a opet jednostavno i lepo. Da,ovo je jedan od razloga zasto obozavam prolece i zasto me ono inspirise, nego da se ne udaljavamo zato sto ovo pocinje da lici na one pismene zadatke "Prolece u mom kraju". Znam da neki ne povezuju sminku sa godisnjim dobima ali ja to uvek radim. Tamne boje za zimu i jesen a nezne u prolece. Toliko je jednostavno.
Opisala sam sta koristim za lice u proslom postu i za one koji ga nisu procitali (ovde ubacite tuzno lice) evo ga link: http://sparklygoddess.blogspot.com/2015/02/five-product-face-5-proizvoda-na-licu.html. Sada cu samo dodati malo Aura korektora da posvetlim odredjene delove na licu i moj omiljeni Too faced chocolate soleil bronzer da dodam malo boje i topline mom prirodno belom licu.

Vreme je za sminku za oci i nisam mogla da docekam da pocnem da koristim Maybelline 24h Color tattoo u nijansi Pink gold (i ne znam zasto su ovako nazvali ovu nijansu zato sto kada bih ja trebala da zamislim prolece u jednoj boji to bi definitivno bila ova). I da kreiram malo dimenzije na oku koristim malo bronzera u pregibu (da li smo primetili taj balans izmedju ociju i lica; mislim da za to zasluzujem neke poene).Da jos malo naglasim oci korsitim Benefit They're real maskaru i beli Essence kreon (krejon?). I kao i uvek zavrsavamo sa proizvodima za usta; a ja mislim da je pravo vreme da ponovo pocnem da korisitim moj Rimmel Apocalips u nijansi Celestial.
Pa to bi bilo to. Mozda ovaj post malo podseca na razne tutoriale ali samo sam zelela da podelim ovaj izgled sa vama zato sto je to ono sto cu ja nositi za ovo prolece 2015. Nadam se da vam se svideo ovaj post i recite mi kako se osecate povodom dolaska proleca i da li vi menjate sminku sa promenom godisnjih doba.
10 коментара
Great post! :) Love all the products!
ReplyDeleteNikoleta, xoxo.
Love these products!!
Need to try the too faced bronzer!!x
Oooh I've been dieing to try Maybelline Colour Tattoo! That one looks like a gorgeous colour for spring!
ReplyDeleteElesaurus | elesaurusrawr.blogspot.com
Youtube - Eleanor Rose
I love the Rimmel stay Matte powder's they are great to stop oily t-zones but don't cake up!
Maybelline Pink Gold is a lovely shade!
ReplyDeleteAndrea x
I'm dying to try the color tattoo in Pink Gold but I can never seem to find in my local drugstore.
ReplyDeleteLooks gorgeous!
Maria // Fox and Arrow
I love the Too Faced bronzer! Just bought it a week ago and I have worn it everyday ! :)
ReplyDeleteI really like your blog so I have become a follower on google :)
Cylia <3
Yep eyp, spring time definitely is the most inspiring of them all! Lovely make up! :)
Nista bolje od Benefit maskare na ovom svijetu nema... nekad se stvarno zapitam da li su stravrne ove trepavice poslije ove maskare i kazem sebi... jesu they are real! :D