Christmas decorations! / Božićne dekoracije


So I am back with something different. Today I wanted to show you how I decorated my room because this is my favourite time of the year. Basically everything is in red and gold because these colors are just screaming Christmas and they make me so happy. And this is just a part of what I did so if you want more posts like this and pictures, Christmas tree or maybe diys tell me in comments below.

Cao danas sam zelela da malo izdjem iz moje komfort zone i pokazem jedan drugaciji post. Božić je moj omiljeni praznik i uzivam da ukrasavam kucu, jelku i sve sto ide sa tim. Moje teme za ovu godinu su crveno i zlatno zato sto smatram da su u pravom duhu Božića i veselja. Ovo je samo deo od onoga sto sam uradila i recite mi u komentarima ukoliko zelite jos ovakvih postova, slika, i mozda i neki uradi sam/a (Novogodisnja jelika dolazi kasnije).
Ok this was not my decoration I saw it in front of a mall and I love it
Ovo nije moja dekoracija videla sam je ispred Usca i obozavam je
Treats+ most comon decoration
Slatikisi i vec svuda vidjene dekoracije  

Glass pieces
Staklene dekora
Golden area witt little bear on a book
Zlatni deo sa omiljenim svecnjakom
Holiday squad
Praznicna druzina
My personal fairytale and favourite thing in world that makes me feel like a fiveyearold,
Moja oaza mira i bajka, pogled na ovu idilu me vraca u detinjstvo

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9 коментара

  1. How I wish I have these decors at home.. They're lovely!! :D Great post dearie! :D
    BTW, I love your blog. Mind if we follow each other through Bloglovin and/ or email? Lemme know! ;)

    Dearest yours,

  2. yes yes yes, i am just looking for a post about decorate on Christmas things. thanks a lot, besides shopping garments decorating for Christmas really a quite fun

    new post on my blog

  3. Stvarno se mi sviđaju tvoje dekoracije. I ja volim crvenu i zlatu boju. Odlićan post.


  4. Beautiful!
    LOVE the decorations :)

    x vonyll

  5. love it :) enter my giveaway! :)

  6. My favorite part of Christmas has got to be all the lovely decorations!

    Rae of love from berlin
