Day 7; Favorite lip product of 2015 / Dan 7; Omiljeni proizvod za usta u 2015.

Labello hydro care

I need to say that I'm sorry for being inconsistent. And now, some of you could be surprised that a lip balm is my favorite lip product of the year but this product was saving my life in last couple months. And I am not lip person. I don't use lipstick or gloss on daily bases so it wouldn't feel right if I would mention them over this balm. 
I usually don't have problem with dry lips but we all know what lip pencil and matte lipsticks that were huge trend in 2015, do to lips. I'm a simple girl so I went for hydro care one. There is no scent or color to it which can annoy me so much sometimes. This product is made to hydrate and recover lips and it is doing that amazing in my case.

Who is excited for last day of 2015?

Labello hydro care

Postovanje rokova je meni uvek bilo problem i zato necu davati izgovore vec samo preci na ovaj favorit. Znam da je nekima mozda neobicno što sam se pored svih proizvoda odlučila bas za labelo ali je ova stvar spasavala moj život u poslednjih nekoliko meseci. A i ruzevi i sjajevi za usta i onako nisu deo moje svakodnevne rutine za razliku od ovog proizvoda tako da im ne dajem prednost i u ovom postu. 
Inace nemam veliki problem sa suvim usnama ali sve znamo sta hladnije vreme,  olovke i mat ruzevi (veliki trend 2015, a ko sam ja da se suprotstavljam?) cine usnama. Po pitanju nege sam kao sto se da primetiti veoma jednostavna. Hydro care ima veoma blag miris i bezbojan je. Ja od ovog proizvoda ocekujem da samo da hidrida i oporavlja usne, a u tim stvarima je odlican.

Day 6; favorite bronzer / Dan 6; omiljeni bronzer

Too faced Chocolate soleil

I know you heard me raving about this product many times before but I really don't feel need to try any other bronzer now, because I love this one. Or maybe I would like to get Milk chocolate since it is winter, and that means I'm pale. I have this mini version that I got in gift set but this lasted me for so long because you don't need a lot of actual product.
It is nicely pigmented and blends with rest of the make up so it won't look like there is brown/orange line on face. And I also like is that in this shade there is no hint of orange. I sometimes have to use foundation that is a bit warmer tone than I would like to, so I always stay away from warm bronzers. There is also no hint of shimmers, it is complitely matte. And Too faced really know what are they doing when it comes to that chocolate smell.

Too faced Chocolate soleil

Iako ste me vec mozda cule da hvalim ovaj bronzer na sva usta, nisam zelela da ga izostavim iz ovogodisnjih favorita. Pogotovo sto od kako sam ga probala, iskreno nemam zelju da isprobavam neke druge i eksperimentisem (sto je veoma retko za mene da se vezem za 1 proizvod). U stvari mozda bih volela da probam Milk chocolate verziju, buduci da je zima a ja i po prirodi bela.
Ja imam mini verziju, i iskreno ne znam koliko bi mi normalna trajala s obzirom da i ovu vec dugo trosim. Posto je dobro pigmentovan potrebna je mala kolicina proizvoda. Dobro se stapa sa ostatkom sminke na licu tako da nema narandzasta crta na licu efekta. A nema ni narandzastih tonova kad smo vec kod toga. Meni se desi da ponekada moram da koristim puder koji je malo topliji nego sto bih zelela tako da tople bronzere i one koji vuku na narandzasto izbegavam u sirokom krugu. Takodje nema ni traga sljokica. I na sve ovo kao tresnja na tortu, Too faced se dosta potrudio oko mirisa. Da imam povez na ocima mozda bih i pomislila da se radi o pravoj cokoladi

Day 4; Favorite eyeshadow / Dan 4; Omiljena senka

Kiko infinity eyeshadow in 217

I am not sure if I like more this eyeshadow itself or the color. I am so sorry that I haven't got a chance to try out other makeup products from Kiko because quality of this eyeshadow is amazing for price. It is solid pigmented not too much that you can't blend it with other shades but enough that you don't have to pack tone of product. 

This shade is complitely matte but so buttery and smooth in the same time. There is also not a lot of fall out. And the shade. It is a cool one, I would say brown but there are a little bit of burgundy tones in it. I haven't found anything simmilar and it is perfect for smokey eyes. Even though I don't have Z palette (I usually don't buy lot of singles) I don't mind packaging.

Kiko infinity eyeshadow 217

Ne znam da li mi se kod ove senke vise dopada proizvod sam ili nijansa. Cak mi ni pakovanje nije problem iako nemam paletu za ove pojedinacne senke vec je koristim direktno iz pakovanja.
Mnogo mi je zao sto trenutno nemam prilike da kupim jos nijansi iz ove linije zato sto je kvalitet odlican a cene su dosta povoljne. Solidno je pigmenovana, ne previse da ne moze da se sjedini sa drugima ali ni mora ni da se nanosi dugo.

Day 3; Concelear favorite of 2015 / Dan 3; Omiljeni korektor 2015.

Mac Pro longwear

 Although I've tried many others this year this was the one I would always come back to (I am even using it rather than Maybelline Instant age rewind one). What I do is that because it is a bit lighter than my foundation, I use it before foundation to cover spots and then on top of foundation to highlight under eye area. It works great both ways beacuse it has nice coverage. What makes is so much different from drugstore ones is that it is really long wearing.

It is totally worth the price and I need to reourchase it cause I'm getting a bit low with the one I have.

Mac Pro longwear

Iako sam ove godine dosta paznje posvecivala korektorima, ovo je jedan kome se uvek vracam (cak ga koristim radije od Maybelline Instant age rewind-a). Koristim nijansu Nc15 koja je malo svetlija od mog tecnog pudera, tako da korektor nanosim pre pudera samo na nesavrsenosti i posle na predeo oko ociju. Za obe svrhe funkcionise odlicno, posto ima veoma dobru moc prekrivanja. I ono sto ga cini drugacijim od ostalih iz drogerija koje sam probala, je dugotrajnost.

Kosta oko 2500 u Mac-u i definitivno je vredan svakog dinara.

Day 2: Favorite mascara of 2015 / Dan 2.: Omiljena maskara 2015.

Maybelline Lash sensational

This comes as a no surprise.
The mascara that made such a boom but with reason. I remember first time using it, I was wondering what was the big deal? But as it dried up a bit I saw amazing volume and lift that it gives to lashes. 

I love plastic bristels because they always separate so good and doesn't make lashes look clumpy. Plus this one has a curve so you can get the lift without lash curler This is an amazing value for money and I will definitely be using it in 2016. too.

I hope you like this type of post and I'll write tomorrow :)

Dan 2: omiljena maskara

Maybelline Lash sensational
Ovo nije veliko iznenadjenje s obzirom na pompu koju je ova maskara napravila kada je izasla. Iako nisam bila od onih koja je jedva cekala da je isproba, ova maskara me je veoma brzo osvojila u potpunosti.

Plasticna cetkica je dosta neobicna posto nije ravna vec prati oblik oka sto zaista zavidno podigne trepavice. Sa jedne strane je cesljic tako da ga ja iskoristim da razdvojim trepavice kada zavrsim sa nanosenjem maskare. I naravno, zadovoljna sam volumenom koji daje, sto mi je inace najvaznija stvar kod maskare.
Pakovanje je preslatko i nadam se da ce Maybelline ostati dosledan svom kvalitetu kada su u pitanju maskare u 2016.
Nadam se da vam se dopadaju ovakvi postovi i vidimo se sutra sa novim proizvodom :)

New year countdown;favorites / Novogodisnje odbrojavanje; favoriti

New years count down

Hi guys, so in this final week of 2015 I want to present you my yearly favorites in different style. I decided to do countdown where every day till 2016 I will talk about favorite from different category.

Starting with foundation. Even though I have used this foundation in second half of the year,it has been an absolute discovery and I've loved it ever since. I am talking about L'oreal Infallible foundation. I even wrote separate post on it (here) and not a lot of changed. So not to make this post that long, I will say that coverage of this foundation is amazing and that it lasts on my face around 6 hours which is more than most of others. Definitely best drugstore foundation that I've tried.

That's it for now, but come back tomorrow to see more favorites

Novogodisnje odbrojavanje

E pa drage moje za ovu poslednju nedelju 2015 sam spremila malo drugacije favorite. Odlucila sam da cu vam svakoga dana do 1. januara predstavljati po jedan proizvod iz razlicitih kategorija.

Danas sam zelela da pocnem sa tecnim puderom. Iako sam ovaj puder isprobala u drugoj polovini godine on je definitivno nadmasio sve ostale. Cak sam napisala i ceo post o njemu (ovde) tako da sada necu mnogo da duzim. Ono sto me je toliko odusevilo je prekrivna moc koja je odlicna i trajanje od oko 6 sati sto je za mene bolje od ostalih. I do kraja decembra Lilly ima snizenje od 20% na L'oreal proizvode i jos 15% ili 20% na kasi za odredjeni puder ili maskaru. A u Dm drogerijama do 3.1. imaju 40% na kompletnu L'oreal sminku.

To bi bilo to za danas, posetite me i sutra da vidite jos neki favorit :)

Confidence with acne / Samopouzdanje sa bubuljicama

When it comes to us, teens, confidence is the thing that we struggle with on daily bases. Having acne is just additional thing to stress about. 
It is something you wear on the outside and it's not easy to hide. Foundation does help, but at the end of the day it won't make acne disappear.

Dupes gone wrong? / Da li sam samo ocekivala previse?

Or I just had bad luck with these products? There was a week when I bought most of these products and you can imagine my reaction when try them out one after another. It was kind of a sad I admit. And I know that people were saying amazing things about some of these product (I mean I wouldn't buy them in first place if they weren't) but this is just my opinion and I want to share it with you. I am here for the good, bad and ugly.