March favorites / Favoriti za mart

Well I don't know about you guys but for me March is such a long month. There are no any celebrations or holidays so it gets a bit boring. Anyways Easter is around corner so get excited about that!

Now lets talk make up. Surprisingly I don't have a lot of new products this time. I was kind of sticking to basics and haven't experimemted a lot.

1. Too faced Chocolate Soleil bronzer - As a beginner in conturing I say that this bronzer can't be messed up. It is nice and blendable for conturing but also can be used to warm up face for that sun kissed look. And it is complitely matte and smells so yummy and delicious.
2. Nyx lipstick in 546 - I am such a drugstore girl when it comes to lip products and I am in love with Nyx lipsticks. They are so creamy and have perfect finish. This shade is perfect pinky nude and gives that my lips but better look
3. Essence 3D eyeshadow in 04 Irresistable caramel- to be honest I mostly used this champagne color. It is so subtile and delicate but still adds a bit of color. It lasts so long what was a real surprise.
4. Essence Eyebrow designer - And I have just figured out that I haven't been mentioning a lot of brow products. I like natural brow look but sometimes I need a bit help with that so I use this pencil. It is easy to work with and lasts all day although there are not a lot of shades

Fashion favorite - I am so obsessing over these black ripped jeans. I know that spring means colors and pastels but I am so... I really wanted pair of these and I couldn't find them anywhere so I ripped skinny jeans from Bershka on knees (don't judge)

Tv show  - PLL. I was all about this show since the beginning but this season was just the best and last episode was so nerve racking. I was so excited for last episode and to finally see who is A but I don't know is it just me but I am completly sure yet (I expected big reveal not one more puzzle).
 Let me know who do you think A is cause I can't wait for next season

Nails - Ok this is the only part where you can actually see that spring is here. I was so in love with my pastels this month  and I just feel like these are my all time favorites.

gold nail polish Max factor 55 Angel nails
Pink and glitter what more can I ask for?

App  - Quiz up. I love this app cause it allows you to play quizes about stuff you choose with random people. It is so fun and you can choose anything you like from TV shows, books, history, science and sport. There is something for everyone

Human  - Kathleen Lights - new Youtuber I have discovered. I love her make up videos especially lip swatches.

And that would be it for this not so inspiring month but I hope you like this post and tell me what do you think about last episode of 5th season of Pretty little liars and A.
PS:  Did we noticed that something is different (maybe blog designe)? Tell me how you like this new theme cause I am not 100% sure

Ja ne znam za vas ali meni je mart uzasno dug mesec. Mozda zato sto nema nikakvih praznika i proslava pa zna da bude malo dosadno. U svakom slucaju uskoro ce Uskrs tako da cemo moci da uzmemo mali predah.

Da pocnemo sa sminkom. Ovog meseca nisam bas imala inspiraciju tako da sam se uglavnom drzala onoga sto sam ranije koristila i nisam preterano eksperimentisala.

1. Too faced Chocolate Soleil bronzer - Kada je u pitanju konturisanje slobodno mogu sebe da svrstam u pocetnike ali i da kazem da ovaj bronzer ne moze da ispadne  lose. Nije narandzast i dobro se stapa sa puderom tako da moze da se koristi za konturisanje ali moze i da se koristi za preplanuli izgled. Potpuno je mat i mirise na cokoladu, pravu cokoladu.
2. Nyx ruz u nijansi 546 - Kada su u pitanju proizvodi za usta uglavnom koristim proizvode iz drogerija i obozavam Nyx ruzeve. Ovaj ruz je iz originalne linije i veoma je kremast i ima sjajan finis. Ova nijansa je savsrena pink nude nijansa i daje taj moje usne ali bolje izgled. 
3. Essence 3D senka u nijansi 04 Irresistable caramel- da budem iskrena vise sam koristila ovu boju sampanjca. Dosta je diskretna ali je i dobro pigmentovana. Dosta dugo traje sto me je iznenadilo
4. Essence olovka za obrve - I upravo sam shvatila da nisam spominjala dosta proizvoda  za obrve. Ja volim prirodne obrve (ne super tanke ili dosta crtane) i nekada mi je za taj izgled potrebna pomoc tako da koristim ovu olovku. Lako se popunjavaju obrve i traje dosta dugo ali nema mnogo nijansi

Odevni predmet meseca -  Prvo da kazem da znam da je prolece ali moram da priznam da sam opsednuta crni iscepanim pantalonama. Dugo sam trazila ovakav par ali nisam mogla da ih nadjem pa sam odlucila da sama iscepam crne pantalone iz Bershke (ne osudjujte :-))

Serija meseca - Slatke male lazljivice. Pratim ovu seriju od samog pocetka ali ova sezona je definitivno bila najbolja i najuzbudljivija. Jedva sam cekala poslednju epizodu da konacno vidim ko je A ali nisam sigurna da li je do mene ali jos uvek nisam sigurna ko je A (cula sam neke teorije ali sam ocekivala veliko otkrice  a ne jos jednu slagalicu). Recite mi sta vi mislite o ovome zato sto ja ne mogu da docekam sledecu sezonu.

Nokti - Iskreno ovo je jedini deo u kome se zaista moze primetiti prolece. Obozavam pastelne boje i mislim da nisu ovi lakovi nisu favoriti samo za ovaj mesec vec uopste
roze lak Golden rose 08
srebrni lak Maxfactor 55 Angel nails
Roze i sljokice sta vise mogu da trazim
roze lak Golden rose 539

Aplikacija - Quiz up. Pomocu ove aplikacije mozete da igrate kvizove sa bilo kim o cemu god hocete od tv serija, knjiga, sportova do istorije, nauke i hrane na engleskom. Mislim da postoji tema za svakoga

Osoba meseca - Kathleen Lights - Youtuber-ka koju sam nedavno otkrila. Dopadaju mi se njeni videi pogovoto swatchevi ruzeva

Znam da nije mnogo ali ovo su bili moji favoriti za mart (treci put gresim i pisem za febuar) ali nadam se da su vam se dopali i recite mi sta mislite o poslednjoj epizodi 5 sezone Slatkih malih lazljivica i ko je A.
PS:  Da li ste primetili nesto novo (mozda novi dizajn)? Recite mi kako vam se dopada ova nova tema posto ja nisam 100 % sigurna

The Versatile blog award!

Hello everyone you know I love doing tags and award posts cause you get to know me a little bit more, so here comes one more.
And first to say big thank you to Maya for nominating me.

The Rules For The Award:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you-maybe with a link to their blog!
2. Tell 7 facts about yourself.
3. Nominate 15 other blogs that you have recently discovered. 

7 Facts About Me:

1. I am always strugling with my weight and I am huge food lover. I have been on numerous diets but not all of them worked. Let me know if you want to see post about my diet.
2. I am addicted to criminalistic tv shows. Csi, Criminal minds, Castle, Bones, Law and order name it I have watched it

3. I love cooking and trying out international specialties (especially deserts)
4. My biggest dreams are to visit every continent (except Antarctica) and to jump from airplane (love adrenalin)
5. I am super shy and I love to keep things for my self. This is one of the reasons why I started this blog
6. I am always 10-15 minutes late
7. My phone is one thing other than make up and books I couldn't live without.

Nominated bloggers: 
Laura -
Alice -
Eyeshadow couture -
Alice -
Lacie Alice -
Hannah -
Charlotte -
Hannah -
Emilia -
Pam -

I hope you like this post and feel free to nominate me for any other tag or award.

Cao svima. Znate da volim ovakve tag postove i nagrade zato sto je to prilika da me malo upoznate, tako da sam vam pripremila jos jedan.

Pravila nagrade: 
1. Zahvali se blogeru koji te nominovao i stavi link bloga
2. Reci 7 cinjenica o sebi
3. Nominuj 15 blogera koje si nedavno otkrio

1. Od svoje 13 sam stalno na nekim dijetama zato sto obozavam da klopam (smrsam pa se ugojim mislim da vise nema kraja)
2. Obozavam kriminalisticke serije Mest zlocina, zlocinacki umovi, Castle, Bones, Red i zakon sve sto vam padne na pamet gledala sam

3. Obozavam da kuvam i probam razlicite kuhinje sveta
4. Moji snovi su da posetim sve kontinente (izuzev Antarktika) i da skacem iz aviona (obozavam adrenalin)
5. Mnogo sam stidljiva i to je jedan od razloga zasto sam zapocela blog
6. Uvek 10-15 minuta kasnim
7. Mobilni telefon je nesto bez cega ne bih mogla da zivim

Nadam se da vam se svideo ovaj post i slobodno me nominujte za bilo koji tag ili nagradu.

Drugstore foundation breakdown! / Puderi iz drogerija recenzija

As a self proclaimed foundation junkie I think that I have waited more than enough to do this post. For me foundation is base for everything and one product I can't live without (yes this is part where I try to justify myself and I am not finding a good reason for trying out all of these foundations) and since I have problematic and oily skin, foundations I will mention are used on my skin type so I can't say that they will do same job for everyone. Here won't be any particular order cause I switch them quite often so I can't tell you which one I love the most.

Bourjois 123 perfect cover
Newest addition to my collection. This one suppose to even skin tone and according to manufacture it contains yellow, mauve and green pigments for different problems. I have liked it so far but I have a bit of problem with shade cause I am using the lightest one - 52 Vanilla, and this one looks a bit too yellowy for me probably because of those pigments.
type of skin: skin with imperfections
coverage:4,5 out of 5
lasting power:4-6
finish: natural

Bourjois Healthy mix
One more foundation from same brand. I think these two are quite simmilar but at the moment I prefer this one a bit more cause it really feels light weight. One more plus for this foundation is that it contains vitamines that keep skin hydrated (I don't know is it just me but using stuff like this make me feel so much better even if it is just commercial) and has anti-aging effect which I can't confirm.
type of skin: all skin types
coverage: 4 out of 5
lasting power: 4-6
finish:semi matte

Rimmel Stay matte:
Getting a bit emotinal right here cause my first post ever was about this foundation (yes I used to love it that much) so you can see all details here:
type of skin: oily skin
coverage: 4,5 out of 5
lasting power: 6+
finish: super matte

Maybelline Fit me:
This one was a bit downer for me since I love a lot of Maybelline products especially concelear from this line. It has average coverage and satin finish.
type of skin: normal
coverage: 2 out of 5
lasting power: 3-4
finish: satiny

Max factor Lasting performance:
If you are ready to pay the price of wearing this bit heavy foundation it will give you amazing long lasting coverage. And be careful cause it is a bit liquidy.
type of skin: oily skin with imperfections
coverage: 4 out of 5
lasting power: 6+
finish: semi matte

Vichy Dermablend: 
I think the fact that this one was in my last favorites tells you enough but if you want more information check it out here:
type of skin: skin with imperfections
coverage: 5 out of 5
lasting power: 3-4
finish: semi matte

And I am sorry that I don't have picture of these ones cause I have already used them but still remember what were they like.

Rimmel Lasting finish: 
This was my perfect summer foundation. This one make that my skin but better look with healthy glow. Again you have to be careful when applying cause it is super liqiudy.
type of skin: normal
coverage: 3 out of 5
lasting power: 6+
finish: natural

Revlon Color stay:
And last foundation from my I-want-to-cover-up-my-skin-no-matter-what days. Nice finish and coverage but be careful when applying it so it doesn't look cakey.
type of skin:combination and oily
coverage: 4 out of 5
lasting power: 4-6
finish: alomost matte

I hope you like this type of posts and tell me if you have any suggestions which foundation I should try next. And do you prefer drugstore or high end foundations?

Kao prizati obozavalac tecnih pudera mislim da sam cekala i vise nego dovoljno da napisem ovaj post. Za mene je puder kamen temeljac za bilo kakve dalje radove i sminkanje i jedan od najkoriscenijijh proizvoda (da ponovo pokusavam da se opravdam ali ne nalazim bas dobre razloge zasto sam morala da probam sve ove pudere). Ja imam masnu i problematicnu kozu sa bubuljicama tako da su ovi puderi isprobani na mojoj kozi i ne mogu da garantujem da ce raditi isto druge tipove koze. I da, ovde ne idem po nekom redu zato sto ih cesto menjam i ne mogu da se odlucim koji mi je omiljeni. Pa da pocnemo

Bourjois 123 Perfect
Ovo je moje najnovije otkrice. Ovaj puder izjednacava ton koze i po proizvodjacu sadrzi zute, ljubicaste i zelene pigmente za razlicite nesavrsenosti. Do sada mi se svideo ali jedini problem koji imam sa ovim puderom je nijansa, zato sto koristim najsvetliju 52 Vanilla koja ima izrazito zut podton.
tip koze: koza sa nesavrsenostima
pokrivnost: 4,5 od 5
trajanje: 4+ sati
finis: prirodan

Bourjois Healthy mix
Ovo je slican puder od istog brenda. Iako ima malo manju pokrivnu moc ja ga ipak radje koristim od 123 Perfect pudera zato sto je bas lagan na kozi. Jos jedan plus je sto sadrzi vitamine koji pomazu da koza odrzi sjaj (ja ne znam da li samo ja padam na ovakve stvari ali se bolje osecam kada znam da nije obican tezak puder vec da ima i nesto korisno u sebi) i po proizvodjacu ima anti age efekat sto ja ne mogu da procenim.
tip koze: svi tipovi koze
pokrivnost: 4 od 5
trajanje: 4-6 sati
finis: delimicno mat

Rimmel Stay matte
Ovde se vec javljaju emocije posto prvi post koji sam napisala je bio na temu ovog pudera i vise o njemu mozete saznati ovde:
tip koze: masna
pokrivnost: 4,5 od 5
trajanje: 6+
finis; potpuno mat

Maybelline Fit me
Ovaj puder je bio malo razocarenje zato sto volim dosta Maybelline proizvoda pogotovo korektor iz ove kolekcije. Prosecna prekrivnost sa malo sjaja.
tip koze: normalna
pokrivnost: 2 od 5
trajanje: 4+
finish: satin finis

Max factor Lasting Performance
Ako ste spremni da preko dana nosite tezi puder ovaj je super izbor zato sto dugo traje i ima odlicnu prekrivnu moc.
tip koze; masna sa nesavrsenostima
pokrivnost: 4 od 5
trajanje: 6+
finis: delimicno mat

Vichy Dermablend
Mislim da cinjenica da je ovaj puder bio u mojim poslednjim favoritima govori dovoljno ali ko zeli jos nesto da sazna moze ovde:
tip koze: koza sa nesavrsenostima
pokrivnost: 5 od 5
trajanje: 3-4
finis: delimicno mat

I samo da se izvinim posto nemam slike ovih pudera zato sto sam ih nedavno potrosila ali u svakom slucaju zelim da ih pomenem

Rimmel Lasting finish
Moj omiljeni puder za leto. Pomocu ovog pudera se postize izled, moja koza ali bolja i dosta je lagan i izgleda prirodno. Zahteva malo paznje kada se nanosi posto je dosta tecan.
tip koze: normalna
pokrivnost; 3 od 5
trajanje: 6+
finis: zdravi sjaj

Revlon Color stay
Jos jedan  i poslednji puder iz moje faze hocu-da-prekrijem-sve. Dosta tezak puder sa dobrim pokrivanjem jedino se vodi racuna prilikom nanosenja da se ne nanese previse pudera.
tip koze; masna
pokrivnost: 4,5 od 5
trajanje: 4-6
finis: skoro mat

Nadam se da vam se svidja ovaj tip postova i recite mi ako imate neke predloge koje sledece pudere da probam. I da li vise volite drogerijske ili high end pudere?

When I look in a mirror

So really different from what we are used to but I want this blog to be place where I share everything I love not just make up and fashion and to express myself. But for you that are not into reading personal posts like this I am preparing something exciting for next post.

Lately I was looking in a mirror and I saw something that I haven't expected. I saw a  normal girl. I haven't seen pretty or ugly, fat or skinny thighs or flat stomach cause I choose to see beyond usual. I saw a cheerful girl that is smiling. I didn't expected that. Not after everything I’ve been through. I can still see the light at the end of a tunel even though it seems like the darknes is boundless, still can hope for best. I continue to walk straight and move forward and I try not to look behind.

I've been through much. Changed my entire body and soul. I don't even know who I am, I just know that I became strong. Been through rejections and  judgements but I managed to keep my head up because I wanted become a happier person and do awsome things in my life and make changes. It took a lot of time to understand that the only thing that can control our happines is ourselfs. The moment when you realize that you shouldn't think about others, about their rumors and opinions you make a huge step towards your happines. Then you feel free because the only person you should think about is yourself. No more fear of judging and the feeling that you aren't good enough. You are better than you know, you just have to find person thats going to see pearl in the old oyster but until then you are about to be misunderstood and mistreated but you have to think positive and stay strong. Which is not easy, but find little stuff to look forward to and motivate yourself to do great things.

 And just remember: 

This place is my escape and I want to feel free to show you stuff that matter to me.
I am sorry if this was a bit cofusing and random but there is so much I want to say and show you and I am not sure if I was able to put everything in words but hope you like it. 

Favorites time;February / Favoriti za februar

I hoped you missed it cause after a long time favorites post is finally here. February was great and inspiring month for me but makeup vise I kept it pretty simple but here are some new stuff i have been loving;

1.Vichy Dermablend foundation -I loved this one from the first time I have tried it and I have been reaching for this almost everyday. I use it as a concelear to cover any discoloration (read imperfection) and it was making it's magic for this month
2. Bourjios lip pencil -I was surprised how much actually I have used this thing cause I usually go for lipsticks. I used it all over the lips because I am in love with this color -perfect spring transition shade, but pencil did dried out my lips a bit
3.Too faced Better than sex mascara - my absolute favorite not just for this month but for the last couple months, it is best one I have treid so black and dramatic and it gives such an amazing volume
4. Purple eyeliner - I was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone and moving some boundaries so in that spirit I used purple eyeliner in waterline to make my eyes pop and I think that it looks amazing with brown eyes
5.And I took my eyeliner game to next level and found one more way to replace black eyeliner. I used Too faced eyeshadows from Everything nice palette on wet eyeliner brush to create that soft smokey eyeliner effect
Sorry it is dirty I am definitely getting new one

6 Ebeline sponge -after trying this I am dying to try original beauty blender. Yes, I would love this one to be a little softer and not to take that much of product, but still it is so much better than using fingers and you get so much more coverage.
7. Max factor glossfinity nail polish in 55 Angel nails - not going too crazy with nails just giving them some sparkle and I don't know is it just me or nail polishes with glitter last so much longer?!
Human of the month; Marissa Lace This month I discovered new beauty vlogger and I really enjoyed watching her videos
Movie of the month; I know what you expect and it is not 50 Shades of grey. Little late on this (as always) but I watched movie Boyhood and it is one of the best movies I watched. It is so dramatic and different from everything else I watched. I was fascinated with fact that this was filmed for 12 years and it includes all parts of Masons life and dramas that are going on all around him and I think that is the reason why we can all realte to him.
And not to go too far with this movie and in this mood I will wrap it up here. I hope you like this post and tell me what have you been loving this month?

I konacno posle dugo vremena ponovo na blogu post favorita (nadam se da vam je nedostajao). Februar je bio za mene sjajan i inspirativan mesec ali sto se sminke tice vise sam se drzala neke rutine tako da nema preterano mnogo favorita;

1. Vichy Dermablend korektivan puder - Ovaj puder mi se dopao cim sam ga probala i od tada skoro svaki dan posezem za njim. Koristim ga kao korektor za prekrivanje bilo kakvih nesavrsenosti zato sto je prilicno jak i cak sam cula da se koristi za scensku sminku ali ovaj mesec cesto sam ga koristila i bio je moj spasilac
2. Bourjois olovka za usta - Iznenadila sam se koliko sam ustvari koristila olovku zato sto inace preferiram ruzeve. Nanosila sam je preko celih usta (bicu iskrena malo ih je isusila) zato sto mi se veoma dopala nijansa - savrsena za ovo kisno vreme.
3. Too faced Better than sex maskara - Moj apsolutni favorit ne samo za ovaj vec za nekoliko proteklih meseci. Ova maskara je najbolja koju sam do sada probala. Obozavam volumen i dramatican izgled koji postizem sa njom i definitivno nije od onih koje naglase trepavice a pritom izgledaju prirodno.
4. Aura ljubicasta olovka - U poslednje vreme sam iskoracila iz komfort zone i u tom duhu sam koristila ovu ljubicastu olovku u vodenoj liniji. Nije preterano pigmentovana pa se malo teze nanosi ali mislim da je vredno posto izgleda super sa braon ocima
5. I pomerila sam ajlajner na visi nivo i cula sam jos jedan nacin da zamenim klasican crni ajlajner. Koristim tamne senke sa mokrom cetkicom za ajlajner i nanosim ih kao ajlajner za dnevnu varijantu posto mi je tecni ajlajner prejak
Izvinjavam se sto je prljav defitivno cu kupiti novi

6. Ebeline sundjer za puder - Sada kada sam probala ovo toliko zelim da probam i originalni Beauty blender. Da volela bih da je malo meksi i da ne upija toliko pudera ali svejedno mnogo mi je lakse da njim nanosim puder nego prstima i dobijam bolju pokrivnost.
7. Maxfactor glossfinity lak 55 Angel nails - nista spektakularno sto se tice noktiju samo malo sljokica i nedavno sam primetila da lakovi sa sljokicama duze traju bez krzanja od ostalih.
Osoba meseca ; Marissa Lace Beauty vlogerka koju sam otkrila ovog meseca i stvarno sam uzivala u njenim videima

Film meseca; Znam da svi ocekujete 50 Nijansi siva ali nije on u pitanju. Nedavno sam odgledala film Odrastanje ili u originalu Boyhood i moram da priznam da je ovo jedan od najboljih filmova koje sam odgledala. Film je veoma dramatican i drugaciji od svega ostalog sto inace gledam. Fascinirana sam cinjenicom da je ovaj film sniman 12 godina i da ukljucuje sve delove zivota ovog decaka i drame koje se desavaju svuda oko njega, pa zato i mislim da svi na neki nacin mozemo da se pronadjemo u njemu.
I da ne preteram o ovom filmu (iako bih mogla satima da pisem) i ne nastavljam u ovom raspolozenju ovde cu zavrsiti post. Nadam se da vam se dopao i zanima me sta se vama svidelo ovog meseca?