So hello everyone. Can we just slow down for a second because I honestly can't believe that november is over and we have just one month till New years?! I kind of started getting into Christmas spirit but in my mind Christmas is so far away and it is still fall and there is no need to hurry up with Christmas decorations. But calendar doesn't say so.
Anyways lets just jump into my favourites cause I have a lot to tell you.
Make - up favourites:I don't know what happend with me this month but I suddenly decided that I want to change my entire skin care, make up routine, hairstyle. I guess everything just bored me and there were some amazing deals going on so I tought why not.
I know that I already talked about this but I just can't t start my favourites without it cause I used this palette realigiously every single day. It is Too faced everything nice palette and here is my full review:

Next are the mascaras. At some point I realzied that all drugstore mascaras that I have weren't making miracles with my lashes as they used to so I wanted to try something new. I played safe because I know that everyone seem to love Benefit They are real mascara and I gave it a try. Honestly it took some time to get used to it but I love it now and I used it a lot for the first half of the month. And for the second half I got Too faced Better than sex and I loved it for the first time I have tried it. These two are very different but I love them both and this month I forgot about drugstore mascaras.

And for my face I discovered primers. Before I bought primer I used hydrating cream under foundation but now I see that it is such a difference when you are using primer. I use Too faced Primed&Poreless. I haven't heard a lot of people talking about it but I love it and it makes my skin so smooth and beautiful and I think it is similar to Benefit Porefessional.
And even changed foundation which is a big deal for me because of my acne. I reach for this foundation as much as I reach for Rimmel Stay matte and not a lot of foundation I used this much. It is Vichy Normaderm teint and it is light weight foundation with decent coverage and sheer finish and I use it when I want more natural look.

And finally for lips I have been using Maybelline Colordrama lip pencil in 140 Minimalist. It is not drying my lips as much as other pencils so I used all over my lips and although it doesn't last long I liked it
Hair products: I found this conditioner accidently when my mum left it in bathroom and when I smelled it I had to try it on. It is Loreal Casting Creme Gloss and it is a miracle in a bottle. But there is a catch. You can't buy it in regular size on its own and you can only get it in Loreal casting creme gloss hair dyes.I was really sad when I found out because this thing made my hair like a silk and it is better than any hair conditions I have tried.

Random favourites:I usally don't talk about stuff other than make up and fashion but this month I loved so many thing I have to share it with you. My favourite drink this month was hot chocolate with cream. And I don't mean hot cocoa I mean real home made hot cholate. I admit it is my guilty pleasure and I feel like I am slightly getting addicted. Next I have two movies that I liked. Mockingjay is third part of my favourite book/movie series and I couldn't wait to see it. And it wasn't dissapointment. And another movie that is really old but so good Richie Rich. And last but not least is my music favourites. I have been repetitivly listening Taylor Swift new album. And she did it again, she made perfect album. I don't know how she does it but she just transvers emotions that many girls feel and make such an amazing song. My favourite ones are Bland space and Bad blood.
I hope this wasnt too long and that you like it. Leave me in comments below what you have liked.
PS: My christmas series is coming soon :)
Cao svima. Da li mozemo samo da zastanemo za sekundu posto stvarno ne mogu da poverujem da je i ovaj mesec prosao i da nas samo decembar deli od nove godine. Polako sam pocela da osecam bozicni duh ali za mene Bozic je mesecima daleko jos traje jesen i nema potrebe da zurim sa kicenjem jelke i dekoracijama. Ali se kalendar ne slaze. U svakom slucaju da pocnemo posto imam mnogo sto sta da kazem.
Sminka - sto se tice sminke ovog meseca sam iznenada odlucila da promenim i sminku, i frizuru i negu koze. Ne znam zasto se ovo desilo ali je bilo i dosta popusta tako da sam pomislila zasto da ne? Znam da sam vec pricala o ovome u prethodnom postu ali nisam mogla da pocnem favorite a da ne pomenem ovu paletu koju sam pobozno koristila svaki dan. Radi se o Too faced everything nice paleti i ovde je recenzija:

Prelazim na maskare. U jednom trenutku sam shvatila da moje drogerijske maskare nisu pravile cuda kao ranije i da zelim da probam nesto novo. Odlucila sam da idem na sigurno i kupila sam Benefit They are real maskaru koju svi obozavaju. Trebalo mi je malo vremena da se naviknem na nju ali je obozavam i korisitila sam je celu prvu polovinu meseca. I onda sam kupila Too faced Better than sex maskaru koju sam zavolela od prvog puta kada sam se stavila. Ovo su skroz drugacije maskare ali ih obe podjedanako volim Benefitova super odvaja trepavice dok Too faced daje taj dramaticni izgled. Ove dve maskare su u novembru potpuno stavile moje drogerijske maskare u drugi plan.

Sledeci je prajmer koji sam tek sada pocela da koristim. Inace sam koristila hidrantne kreme pre pudera ali prajmer je totalno druga prica. Koristila sam Too faced Primed&Poreless prajmer koji je veoma slican Benefit Porefessional - u. Ova stvar cini moju kozu sa nepravilnostima svilenkastom i glatkom na dodir.
Cak sam i puder promenila sto je velika stvar zato sto imam bubuljice i nisam sklona menjanju onoga sto mi odgovara. Shvatila sam da sam za Vichy Normaderm puderom posezala koliko i za Rimmel stay matte puderom i nisam mnogo pudera toliko koristila. Ovaj puder je veoma lagan i tecan i ima sasvim solidno pokrivanje i prirodan finis.
Anyways lets just jump into my favourites cause I have a lot to tell you.
Make - up favourites:I don't know what happend with me this month but I suddenly decided that I want to change my entire skin care, make up routine, hairstyle. I guess everything just bored me and there were some amazing deals going on so I tought why not.
I know that I already talked about this but I just can't t start my favourites without it cause I used this palette realigiously every single day. It is Too faced everything nice palette and here is my full review:

Next are the mascaras. At some point I realzied that all drugstore mascaras that I have weren't making miracles with my lashes as they used to so I wanted to try something new. I played safe because I know that everyone seem to love Benefit They are real mascara and I gave it a try. Honestly it took some time to get used to it but I love it now and I used it a lot for the first half of the month. And for the second half I got Too faced Better than sex and I loved it for the first time I have tried it. These two are very different but I love them both and this month I forgot about drugstore mascaras.

And for my face I discovered primers. Before I bought primer I used hydrating cream under foundation but now I see that it is such a difference when you are using primer. I use Too faced Primed&Poreless. I haven't heard a lot of people talking about it but I love it and it makes my skin so smooth and beautiful and I think it is similar to Benefit Porefessional.
And even changed foundation which is a big deal for me because of my acne. I reach for this foundation as much as I reach for Rimmel Stay matte and not a lot of foundation I used this much. It is Vichy Normaderm teint and it is light weight foundation with decent coverage and sheer finish and I use it when I want more natural look.

And finally for lips I have been using Maybelline Colordrama lip pencil in 140 Minimalist. It is not drying my lips as much as other pencils so I used all over my lips and although it doesn't last long I liked it
Hair products: I found this conditioner accidently when my mum left it in bathroom and when I smelled it I had to try it on. It is Loreal Casting Creme Gloss and it is a miracle in a bottle. But there is a catch. You can't buy it in regular size on its own and you can only get it in Loreal casting creme gloss hair dyes.I was really sad when I found out because this thing made my hair like a silk and it is better than any hair conditions I have tried.

Random favourites:I usally don't talk about stuff other than make up and fashion but this month I loved so many thing I have to share it with you. My favourite drink this month was hot chocolate with cream. And I don't mean hot cocoa I mean real home made hot cholate. I admit it is my guilty pleasure and I feel like I am slightly getting addicted. Next I have two movies that I liked. Mockingjay is third part of my favourite book/movie series and I couldn't wait to see it. And it wasn't dissapointment. And another movie that is really old but so good Richie Rich. And last but not least is my music favourites. I have been repetitivly listening Taylor Swift new album. And she did it again, she made perfect album. I don't know how she does it but she just transvers emotions that many girls feel and make such an amazing song. My favourite ones are Bland space and Bad blood.
PS: My christmas series is coming soon :)
Cao svima. Da li mozemo samo da zastanemo za sekundu posto stvarno ne mogu da poverujem da je i ovaj mesec prosao i da nas samo decembar deli od nove godine. Polako sam pocela da osecam bozicni duh ali za mene Bozic je mesecima daleko jos traje jesen i nema potrebe da zurim sa kicenjem jelke i dekoracijama. Ali se kalendar ne slaze. U svakom slucaju da pocnemo posto imam mnogo sto sta da kazem.
Sminka - sto se tice sminke ovog meseca sam iznenada odlucila da promenim i sminku, i frizuru i negu koze. Ne znam zasto se ovo desilo ali je bilo i dosta popusta tako da sam pomislila zasto da ne? Znam da sam vec pricala o ovome u prethodnom postu ali nisam mogla da pocnem favorite a da ne pomenem ovu paletu koju sam pobozno koristila svaki dan. Radi se o Too faced everything nice paleti i ovde je recenzija:

Prelazim na maskare. U jednom trenutku sam shvatila da moje drogerijske maskare nisu pravile cuda kao ranije i da zelim da probam nesto novo. Odlucila sam da idem na sigurno i kupila sam Benefit They are real maskaru koju svi obozavaju. Trebalo mi je malo vremena da se naviknem na nju ali je obozavam i korisitila sam je celu prvu polovinu meseca. I onda sam kupila Too faced Better than sex maskaru koju sam zavolela od prvog puta kada sam se stavila. Ovo su skroz drugacije maskare ali ih obe podjedanako volim Benefitova super odvaja trepavice dok Too faced daje taj dramaticni izgled. Ove dve maskare su u novembru potpuno stavile moje drogerijske maskare u drugi plan.

Sledeci je prajmer koji sam tek sada pocela da koristim. Inace sam koristila hidrantne kreme pre pudera ali prajmer je totalno druga prica. Koristila sam Too faced Primed&Poreless prajmer koji je veoma slican Benefit Porefessional - u. Ova stvar cini moju kozu sa nepravilnostima svilenkastom i glatkom na dodir.
Cak sam i puder promenila sto je velika stvar zato sto imam bubuljice i nisam sklona menjanju onoga sto mi odgovara. Shvatila sam da sam za Vichy Normaderm puderom posezala koliko i za Rimmel stay matte puderom i nisam mnogo pudera toliko koristila. Ovaj puder je veoma lagan i tecan i ima sasvim solidno pokrivanje i prirodan finis.
I za kraj ovog dela je proizvod za usne. Koristila sam Maybelline Colordrama olovku za usta u nijansi 140 Minimalist. Ova olovka ne isusuje usne i koristim je na celim usnama i daje mi svez i prirodan izgled.
Proizvodi za kosu:
Ovde zelim da spomenem samo jedan balzam koji me je ocarao. Otkrila sam ga slucajno kada ga je moja mama ostavila u kupatilu i ja zbog mirisa nisam mogla da odolim. To je Loreal casting creme gloss balzam ali postoji problem posto ne moze da se nabavi u regularnoj velicini vec se dobija samo u pakovanjima sa Loral creme gloss farbama za kosu. Bilo mi je mnogo zao kada sam ovo saznala zato sto je ovaj balzam cinio moju kosu da izgleda kao svila.
Random favoriti:
Uglavnom ne pisem ovu kategoriju ali za ovaj mesec sam imala toliko stvari koje sam volela da sam morala da ih podelim. Moje omiljeno pice za novembar je topla cokolada. I ne topli kakao vec prava topla cokolada koju sama pravim ili iz Jerry - a sa slagom. Priznajem ovo je moje guilty pleasure i mislim da postajem malo zavisna. Slede filmovi. Prvi je Sjaj slobode koji je nedavno izasao i treci je deo Igara gladi sto je moja omiljena serija filmova i knjiga tako da mislim da ne moram mnogo da pricam o njemu. I drugi stari film koji obozavam i koji me vrati u detinjstvo Richie Rich. I poslednje moji muzicki favoriti. Slusala sam album Taylor Swift i moram da kazem da ga obozavam. Ne znam kako uspeva ali ona pesmom iskaze ono sto vecina devojaka oseca i moja omiljena pesme su Blank space i Bad blood.
Nadam se da ovaj post nije bio predugacak i recite mi u komentarima koji su vasi favoriti.
PS: Uskoro pocinje moja bozicna serija :)
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