svima, buduci da je pocela sezona polazaka u skolu zelim da Vam predstavim neke
stvari bez kojih ne bih mogla da zamislim polazak u skolu bilo da se radi o srednjoj
ili osnovnoj skoli.
bih morala da izaberem jednu stvar bez koje ne napustam kucu to bi bila maskra.
Moj must have za pocetnike zato sto ce istaci oci i napraviti trepavice duze i
gusce. Veoma je laka za nanosenje a osvezice vas izgled. Moj favorit iz
drogerija je L'oreal miss manga.Pakovanje je privlacno crno ljubicasto i ima
cetkicu koja se suzava na kraju i tako omogucava da se naglase i unutrasnje
trepavice. Inace imam kratke trepavice i
ova maskara je spas za mene. Daje dosta volumena i lepo razdvaja i izduzuje trepavice.
zelite da izjednacite ton koze u tome ce vam pomoci bb krema. BB krema je mnogo
,,laksa“ od pudera i necete je osecati tokom dana a i laksa je za nanosenje od
pudera zato sto se prilagodjava vasoj kozi.Moja preporuka je Garnier pure active
anti – imperfections. Ova bb krema je namenjena masnoj kozi sa nesavrsenostima
ali postoje i verzije samo za masnu i suvu/normalnu kozu.
sto se relativno skoro pojavilo na nasem trzistu ali je odmah sa razlogom postalo
hit. Ukoliko zelite nesto sto ce zastiti i hidrirati vase usne a u isto vreme
dati malo boje onda je pink punch idealan izbor. Ostavlja lepu pink nijansu na
usnama i moze se koristiti zasebno a i kao podloga za neki karmin ili sjaj.
sto u potpunosti moze zaciniti izgled jeste svetliji ruz za usne. Moj favorit
je rimmel apocalips lip lacquer u nijansi 101 Celestial . Ovo je tecni ruz koji
veoma lako nanosi i ostavlja divnu boju koja traje oko 5 sati. Ja nisam tip
koji voli da ima bilo sta na ustima i ponekada me iritira ali ovaj ruz uopste
ne osecam sto je jedan od razloga zasto ga ovoliko volim i koristim.
Celestial 1 levo
Celestial 1 on the left
everyone, I know I am little bit late for back to school season but my school
starts tommorow and now I am thinking about what I am going to wear and about
my makeup so I thought I could share it with you guys. This look and the products
i mentioned are appropriate for everyone and you can wear them everyday even if
you are younger and now started to use make up.
If I had to chose just one thing that I would wear it would definitely be mascara.
It is my must have beacuse it will make eyes pop and make your lashes long and
defined. My drugstore favourite is l'oreal miss manga. It has pretty attractive
packedging with interesting brush thats going to help you to use mascara on
your inner lashes. I have very short lashes so this stuff is my holy grail. It
gives them pretty nice lenght and a lots of volume.
you want to use something for your skin and even skin tone bb cream is your
stuff. It is a lot lighter than foundation and you won’t feel it through the
day and its a lot easier to apply because it bleends nicely with your skin
tone. One of my favourites Garnier pure active anti – imperfections. This bb
cream is meant for oily skin with imperfections, nice way to describe acne,scars
and large pores, so definitely my thing. There are also versions for oily and
normal/dry skin.
you are girl that goes for natural look and stuff thats going to protect and
help your skin and lips baby lips great choice.My favourite is pink punch (I
know clasic right?) beacuse it will provide nice color and mouisturize lips at
the same time. It could be used on its own or as a base as i use it.
but not least something thats going to really change your look is bright lip
product. My favourite rimmel apocalips lip laquer in color 101 celestial. This
is one of the nices pink colors i used and its great color for fall. It is easy
to apply and it last for 5 hours. This is something that is going to make you
look different and you won’t even feel it on your lips and thats why is one of
my favourites.
- 05:01