Mini haul!
We havent been hauling a lot this year right guys? I have just realized that my last haul was in November, wait what?! Here is a little comeback.
To switch it up starting with hair stuff. I have been waiting forever to try out Batiste dry shampoo and to see what all fuss is about. I haven't tried it out yet but this scent-Floral&flirty blush- is just the best.
And my hair was getting all damaged from curling it, and I am not sure that I will give up my curls so I picked up Balea heat protective spray.
Now let's talk make up. L'oreal is on point in this haul. I have read really nice reviews about their Gel inteza eyeliner that I just couldn't resist trying it out.

Next is their False lash wings mascara with fabulous metalic packaging and super wierd brush so I will tell you how I handled it.
And since I am all about sparkles I bought their Glam shine lipgloss in shade Clear crystal 101.I can already tell that this shade is super glittery so it will be love it or hate it product.
I haven't found good black longwearing eyeliner that I can use in waterline so I picked up one from Rimmel.
To switch it up starting with hair stuff. I have been waiting forever to try out Batiste dry shampoo and to see what all fuss is about. I haven't tried it out yet but this scent-Floral&flirty blush- is just the best.
And my hair was getting all damaged from curling it, and I am not sure that I will give up my curls so I picked up Balea heat protective spray.
Now let's talk make up. L'oreal is on point in this haul. I have read really nice reviews about their Gel inteza eyeliner that I just couldn't resist trying it out.

Next is their False lash wings mascara with fabulous metalic packaging and super wierd brush so I will tell you how I handled it.
And since I am all about sparkles I bought their Glam shine lipgloss in shade Clear crystal 101.I can already tell that this shade is super glittery so it will be love it or hate it product.
I haven't found good black longwearing eyeliner that I can use in waterline so I picked up one from Rimmel.
And lastly for makeup I picked up this Aura blush and it is a great springy coraly shade.
Finishing it up with cleansing wipes. I choose ones from Bioten and they smell like peaches, so delicous.
Hope you liked this mini haul and I am back on track so expect some more.
Mislim da se ove godine nisam bas pokazala sto se tice new in postova i upravo sam shvatila da je moj poslednji new in post bio u novembru. Da pokusam da nadoknadim sad. Evo vracam se da jednim malim Dm new in-om.
Da malo promenimo redosled, pocinjemo sa proizvodima za kosu. Dugo sam cekala da probam Batiste sampone za suvo pranje koji su toliko nahvaljeni u svetu blogera i vidim po cemu su toliko posebni. Jos uvek nemam prve utiske ali me je ovaj sladak i cvetni miris (kao sto ime kaze Floral&flirty blush) ocarao i tako da ako me izneveri kao sampon za suvo pranje koristicu ga kao osvezvac za prostorije.
I posto sam malo mucila kosu proteklih nedelja a nisam bas sigurna da cu odustati od koriscenja pegle i figara kupila sam Balea sprej za zastitu od toplote sto je cini mi se nesto relativno novo kod nas.

Cula sam da je dosta blogerki pricalo o Gel intenza ajlajneru i htela sam da probam gel ajlajner vec duze vreme.
Sledeca je False lash wings maskara u prelepom metalik pakovanju i jednom od najcudnijih cetkica koju sam videla, u svakom slucaju javljam kako sam se snasla sa njom.
I posto obozavam sljokice kupila sam Glam shine sjaj u nijansi Clear crystal 101. Vec mogu da kazem da ova nijansa ima mnogo sitnih sljokica tako da mislim da cete je ili voleti ili mrzeti.
Sledeca je False lash wings maskara u prelepom metalik pakovanju i jednom od najcudnijih cetkica koju sam videla, u svakom slucaju javljam kako sam se snasla sa njom.
I posto obozavam sljokice kupila sam Glam shine sjaj u nijansi Clear crystal 101. Vec mogu da kazem da ova nijansa ima mnogo sitnih sljokica tako da mislim da cete je ili voleti ili mrzeti.
Do sada nisam naltela na dobar crni ajlajner koji mogu da koristim u vodenoj liniji tako da cu da isprobam Rimmel-ov.
I da zavrsimo sa sminkom kupila sam Aura rumenilo u nijansi Cotton candy. Nijansa je prelepa, izmedju roze i koralne ali jos nisam sigurna koliko sam zadovoljna pigmentacijom.
Za kraj Bioten vlazne maramice koje cu verovatno koristiti za skidanje sminke sa mirisom breskve.
Nadam se da vam se dopao ovaj mini new in i ocekujte ih jos.
11 коментара
Meni se isto svidja Batiste floral & flirty, miriše prelepo! Ovu zaštitu za kose od Balea sam već videla ali nikad ne znam koliko te stvari zapravo rade- da li si ti zadovoljna s proizvodom? :) xx Maja
Trenutno ga isprobavam i nisam videla da ima nekih slicnih proizvoda kod nas. Ima zastitu toplote do 200 stepeni tako da nisam sigurna da je dovoljno ako imas jacu peglu ili figaro. Ako ne zelis da kupujes odvojeno dosta pena za kosu i Nivea sprej za ispravljanje takodje imaju zastitu od toplote :)
DeleteI really want to try the batiste dry shampoo too! :D
I love that butterfly mascara, it used to my absolute fave!
Hello! I'm always looking for new beauty and lifestyle blogs and I'm so glad I've stumbled onto yours! Also that mascara looks great, I'd love to try it.
ReplyDeleteGreat Post! I love that dry shampoo!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see you over on my blog :)
em xx
The blush looks so pretty! (:
ReplyDeleteThe dry shampoo is great! Just remember to give it a good shake each time otherwise it may not come out evenly x
ReplyDeletePhoebe’s Diaries
Great picks! Love Batiste :)
ReplyDeleteErin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty
E super i ja sam kupila loreal gel eyeliner
ReplyDeleteBatiste is my GO TO. Love it - especially the tropical one.