50 random questions tag! / 50 random pitanja


After a longer break here comes another post and since I want you guys to actually meet me it´s a tag (and I love writing them too).
So just thank you first to Sana from Sana´s ramblings that tagged me. Let´s hop into it!
1. Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy?
Well I guess being more smart won´t make me that much happy so definitely twice as happy 
2. What's your worst habit?
This is not exactly habit but I get angry so easly and say things that shouldn´t especially when I care about someone
3. Are you dating?
4. Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? 
Well... yeah but I keep them as souvenirs
5. What is the one thing you'll never do again?
Go to high school, it wasn˙t the best experience
6. Do you collect anything?
I try to collect memories rather than things, so not really
7. Worst injury you ever had?
Broken arm
8. What is your favourite pet/ animal?
I like butterflies and fun fact I have never had a pet
9. What's your dream vacation?
Well for real vacation let´s say Bali, but I am dying to see London
10. Honestly, are things going the way you planned? 
No never, so I try not to make too many plans.
11. Do you have any tattoos?
Not at the moment but how knows what can happen in couple months ;)
12. What's your secret to lure in the opposite sex? 
I am not very sensible girl but I would say eyes
13. Any phobias?
No I love adrenalin and have strong stomach
14.  Do you bite your nails?
15. Do you ever count your steps when you walk? 
I think I walk a lot so I would probably go crazy 
16. Heels or flats?
Heels I wish it was appropriate for me to wear them everyday
17.Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
Why would I do that?
18. Do you always smile for pictures?
Kind of even though I am not that photogenic
19. Do you ever dance even if there's no music playing? 
Well I cought myself a couple times
20.  Do you miss anyone right now?
We all do
21. What's your favourite colour?
I love glitter so even tough silver is not actual colour I would say silver
22. Do you want kids?
After I travel half of the world, sure
23. Are you patient?
No, even waiting for a bus drives me crazy
24. Can you swim?
25. Tea or coffee
Iced tea
26. What do you wear to bed?
Some shorts and old t-shirt I know I should be wearing pyama but...
27. Ever used a gun? 
28. Do you sing in the shower?
More talk than sing, it is a great therapy
29. Are you stubborn?
More than I would like to be
30. Are you lazy?
Well if there weren´t computers or smart phones I wouldn´t be that much
31. Can you change the oil in a car
What car? I don´t drive
32. W hen was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? 
That be couple years ago
33. Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
34.What is your favourite food?
Pizza is my way to go
35. Do you still watch cartoons?
Weirdly or not I don´t remember last time I watched one
6. What movie(s) can you watch over and over again and not get bored? 
Hunger games and Couples retrait
37. What superpower would you have for one day?
In every other quiz I say mind reading and I dont change opinions that often
38. Whats been your favourite age so far?
I would say 16 but hopefully the best is yet to come
39. How old are you?
You don´t ask ladies for age
40. If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?
Things and people come and go don´t stress that much about it
41. If you knew you would die in one week, what would you do? 
Eat as much pizza and cake I want and not feel guilty about it
42. What celebrity would you trade lives with?
Well Taylor Swift seems to be doing quite well
43. Do people ever take you seriously?
Even more than I would like
44. What happened the last time you cried?
Honestly I cry a lot, but last time it was about problems with friends
45. Who knows you best?
Mum and friends
46.  Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed, if you would want to get some of my clothes it would be a little harder
47. What is your song of the week?
How deep is your love  Calvin Harris
48. Last person you kissed?
49. Best thing to eat for breakfast?
I could eat granola with yogurt and raspberries everyday
50. Does anyone know the password to your email?
Hopefully not, but I don˙t use mail that much
Well I hope you enjoyed and if any of you liked this idea feel free to do this tag (and definitely let me know if you do!). Until next post

E pa drage moje znam da je bilo dugo od kako vam nisam pisala tako da me je ova nominacija za tag odusevila, tako da hvala Sana sa bloga Sana´s ramblings  za nominaciju. Nadam se da se vam se dopasti da me malo bolje upoznate kroz ovih 50 pitanja i da pocnemo;

1. Da li bi radije da budes duplo pametnija ili srecnija?
Ja sam neko kome je u zivotu prioritet da bude srecan tako da smatram da me ta dupla pamet ne bi mnogo usrecila tako da naravno biram srecu.
2. Koja je tvoja najgora navika?
Pa sad, ne bih ovo bas nazvala navikom ali dosta brzo planem i ponekada kazem stvari koje ne mislim pogotovo kada su u pitanju dragi ljudi
3. Da li se zabavljas sa nekim?
4. Da li uzimas sampone i balzame iz hotela?
Nemam toliko cesto prilike da odsedam u hotelima, tako da ih  ponekada ponesem kao suvenire
5. Koja je jedna stvar koju neces vise uraditi/ ne bi zelela da ponovis?
Srednja skola, nemam bas najlepse uspomene
6. Da li sakupljas nesto?
Volim da kazem da sakupljam uspomene radje nego predmete
7. Najgora povreda?
Polomila sam levu ruku
8. Koja to je omiljena zivotinja / ljubimac?
Leptiri su mi preslatki, i cisto da kazem da nikada nisam imala ljubimca
9. Odmor iz  snova?
Ako je bas odmor iz snova u pitanju rekla bih Bali, mada sam uvek zelela da posetim London
10. Iskreno, da li stvari idu onako kako si planirala?
Ne, moji planovi se nikada ne ostvaruju tako da se trudim da planiram sto manje
11. Da li imas neke tetovaze?
Ne trenutno, ali pitajte me za nekoliko meseci
12. Cime privlacis suprotan pol?
Nisam zavodnica tako da bih rekla oci
13. Da li imas neke fobije?
Obozavam adrenalin a imam i prilicno jak zeludac tako da ne bas
14. Da li grickas nokte?
15. Da li brojis korake kada hodas?
Ne mislim da bih poludela s obzirom na koliko setam
16. Ravna obuca ili stikle?
Stikle definitivno, jedino mi je zao sto nije primereno da ih nosim svakoga dana
17. Da li si ikada ukrala znak sa ulice?
Iskreno ne znam gde bih ga stavila ni sta bih radila s njim
18. Da li si uvek nasmejana na slikama?
Trudim se s obzirom da nisam fotogenicna
19. Da li ikada igras iako nema muzike?
 Uhvatila sam sebe nekoliko puta mada uglavnom ne
20. Da li ti neko nedostaje?
Svima nam neko nedostaje
21. Koja je omiljena boja?
Kao sto se da primetiti obozavam sljokice tako da iako tehnicki nije boja reci cu srebrna
22. Da li zelis da imas dece?
 Da definitvno posto obidjem pola sveta
23. Da li si strpljiva?
Ne, cak me i cekanje autobusa izludjuje
24. Da li umes da plivas?
25. Caj ili kafa?
Ledeni caj
26. Sta oblacis za spavanje?
Iskreno sorc i neku stariju majcu iako imam podosta pidzama
27. Da li si koristila pistolj
28. Da li pevas pod tusem?
Pevam ne ali ponekada pricam, savrsena terapija
29. Da li si trdoglava?
I vise nego sto zelim da priznam
30. Da li si lenja?
Pa verovatno ne bih bila ovoliko da nije kompjutera i mobilnog
31. Da li mozes da promenis ulje na kolima?
Kojim kolima?
32. Kada si poslednji put napisala i poslala pravo pismo?
Nisam vec duze vreme
33.  Da li bi pozirala bez odece?
34. Omiljena hrana?
Pica, ne pravim pitanje koja
35. Da li gledas crtane?
Cudno ili ne, ne gledam
36. Koji film/filmove gledas iznova i iznova?
Igre gladi i Couples retrait
37. Koje super moci bi volela da imas?
Uvek na ovo pitanje odgovaram citanje misli tako da se i ovaj put drzim toga
38. Omiljene godine/period?
16. mada mislim da najbolje tek dolazi
39. Koliko godina imas?
Dame se ne pitaju za godine :)
40. Da mozes da vratis vreme koji savet bi dala sebi?
Da su stvari i ljudi vecinom prolazni i da se ne nerviram previse oko toga
41. Da znas da ces umreti sledece nedelje sta bi uradila?
Jela picu i torte koliko god zelim bez grize savesti
42. Sa kojom poznatom licnoscu bi se menjala?
Mislim da Taylor Swift ide tako da sa njom.
43. Da li te ljudi uzimaju za ozbiljno?
I vise nego sto bih zelela
44. Sta se desilo poslednji put kada si plakala?
Iskreno dosta sam cmizdrava, tako da svadja sa drugaricama
45. Ko te najbolje poznaje?
Mama i drugarice
46. Da li su ti kada spavas vrata od ormana otvorena ili zatvorena?
Zatvorena definitivno, ako zelite da uzmete nesto od odece necu to olaksati
47. Pesma nedelje:
How deep is your love Calvin Harris
48. Poslednja osoba koju si poljubila?
49. Najbolja stvar za dorucak?
Mogla bih da zivim na grckom jogurtu sa granolom i malinama tako da je to moj savrsen dorucak
50. Da li neko zna tvoju sifru za e mail?
Nadam se da ne, ali ga ne koristim cesto.
Pa to bi bilo sve i ukoliko vam se svideo ovaj tag i zelite same da ga uradite obavezno mi javite. Do sledeceg posta...

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2 коментара

  1. Love this kind of post! I would love to go to Bali and I definitely get angry too easy haha not good xx

  2. Pizzas one of my favorite foods as well. You can't go wrong. :]

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